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    prosperous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word prosperous

    (adj) in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
    Example Sentence
    • they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards
    • easy living
    • a prosperous family
    • his family is well-situated financially
    • well-to-do members of the community
    (adj) very lively and profitable
    Example Sentence
    • flourishing businesses
    • a palmy time for stockbrokers
    • a prosperous new business
    • doing a roaring trade
    • a thriving tourist center
    • did a thriving business in orchids
    (adj) marked by peace and prosperity
    Synonyms : golden , halcyon
    Example Sentence
    • a golden era
    • the halcyon days of the clipper trade
    (adj) presaging or likely to bring good luck
    Synonyms : favorable , favourable , golden , lucky
    Example Sentence
    • a favorable time to ask for a raise
    • lucky stars
    • a prosperous moment to make a decision
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