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    halcyon - Dictionary definition and meaning for word halcyon

    (noun) (Greek mythology) a woman who was turned into a kingfisher
    Synonyms : alcyone
    (noun) a large kingfisher widely distributed in warmer parts of the Old World
    Synonyms : genus halcyon
    (noun) a mythical bird said to breed at the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea and to have the power of calming the winds and waves Definition
    (adj) idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity
    Example Sentence
    • a halcyon atmosphere
    (adj) marked by peace and prosperity
    Synonyms : golden , prosperous
    Example Sentence
    • a golden era
    • the halcyon days of the clipper trade
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for halcyon

halycon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a cyclone...you will understand what I mean

halcyon sounds like "halka"...in hindi this word is used 4 "soothing or peaceful"...like in song "halka-halka sa ye nasha"...

HAL(solution)+CYON(kyon or why)...WHY we cannot find SOLUTION to kashmir issue in a CALM/PEACEFUL way

HALcyOn = HAL can represent a HALO, which is symbolic of peace and harmony

he was very tensed.I suggested him HALKA ho ke aa (go to the toilet),,He asked KYON??I replied u wud be CALM then.

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hal+cyon = hell kyun meaning hell kyun jaana hai when u r succesful and happy

halcyon - It was calm and peaceful before the hall ac on

halcyon: It comes close to sound like "alsi"+ian...alsi people are peaceful

Remember 'hale' in 'hale and hearty'. Hale means strong and healthy. When you are hale it is calm and peaceful. Remember ,'hale' and you can remember the meaning of halcyon.

(reading) HALL cyon means reading hall jaisa calm,peaceful....

halcyon sounds like HULk.In that movie the hero trys to bring Peace for da world

halcyon..sounds like ceylon,once peaceful peaceful lanka is now devoid of it due to terrorism

imagine as ,a wild bird taking u to in its beek to make u see hell.

war ka hal kyon chahiey?? for peace

It was peaceful on Caprica before some genius from hell created the Cylons. Before the Cylons Caprica was halcyon.

hal:word similar to hell, cyon: prounounced seon: so like seal,so if we seal the hell,peaceful,serenity,calmness is found

like Falcon which reminds of the bird who is peaceful

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