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(adj) offering little or no hope
Synonyms : black dim
Example Sentence
  • the future looked black
  • prospects were bleak
  • Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult
  • took a dim view of things
(adj) providing no shelter or sustenance
Synonyms : bare barren desolate stark
Example Sentence
  • bare rocky hills
  • barren lands
  • the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
  • the desolate surface of the moon
  • a stark landscape
(adj) unpleasantly cold and damp
Synonyms : cutting raw
Example Sentence
  • bleak winds of the North Atlantic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bleak

Bleak sounds like leak, when someone leak urine in his pants he feels cold and cheerless

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when exitement leaks we get bleak, means cheerless or cold

When your secret LEAKs you feel BLEAK..

bleak sounds like weak.... a cold and cheeerless person

bleak....rhymes like .. leak ...thae chances of leaking theexam paper are weak,no hope ..so.....bleak...:)

~Bleak Black Freak> black people are regarded as unfavourable depressing and usually having cold and cheerless heart

BLACK(bleak)clouds are cause of cold and cheerless weather.

if the fortune BLINK at u, u get lucky and cheerful;on the other hand, if u r BLEAK, u r cheerless and feeling blue

bleak sounds like black -- black color is the symbol of hopelessness and depression.

The fuel started to leak from the rocket while the launch and hence the scientists remained cheerless,that is bleak

From german origin..(Bleach)..means with dull or weak skin..which is having less hope.. Or Bleak sounds like weak, & person who is so weak & abt to die is hopeless..

(B)bilious + leak


(adj) noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline
Example Sentence
  • a boisterous crowd
  • a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand
  • a robustious group of teenagers
  • beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings
  • an unruly class
(adj) full of rough and exuberant animal spirits
Synonyms : knockabout
Example Sentence
  • boisterous practical jokes
  • knockabout comedy
(adj) violently agitated and turbulent
Synonyms : fierce rough
Example Sentence
  • boisterous winds and waves
  • the fierce thunders roar me their music
  • rough weather
  • rough seas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boisterous


SPLIT IT LIKE. BOI (BOY)+ STER(STIR)+ US- So if a boy is stirring then it is Violently agitated and turbulent

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boy+is+a terror i.e he is xo violent

Think like a BOY who was given STEROIDS and became unruled

boys+street...wen few boys meet in a street,it creates a noisy environment

boisterous sounds like noisterious i.e noise like.


(noun) a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows
Synonyms : long pillow
(verb) support and strengthen
Synonyms : bolster up
Example Sentence
  • bolster morale
(verb) prop up with a pillow or bolster Definition
(verb) add padding to
Synonyms : pad
Example Sentence
  • pad the seat of the chair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bolster


read bolster as booster which mean giving extra energy and hence to support and strengthen someone or something.

usually when thr is a divan in the hall of a house...we place cushions and BOLSTERS (longer cushions)to sit comfortably and for back support

Make Something BOLDer

Bolster actually means , Raise physical or mental Strength

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sounds like foster

Bolster = bol (talk) + ster(star);

Bolster = Fit the bolt for star i.e to support.


(noun) vain and empty boasting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for braggadocio

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the word "brag" means boasting.. so from that it can be easily remembered

ragg + a + doc >> in medical college ragging, while raging a junior doc, seniors make them do some things and boast about the way they did that during their ragging..

GUyz if u have seen the Movie 2 Fast & Furious In tht a villian called Braga he used to Boast a lot....!!

braggadocio = brag(drag) + agg (aggresive)+ doc(docile)...a person who drags every topic of discussion aggressively is actually boasting at the backyard(docile)


(adj) marked by rude or peremptory shortness
Synonyms : brusk curt short
Example Sentence
  • try to cultivate a less brusque manner
  • a curt reply
  • the salesgirl was very short with him
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brusque

brush kyun??? I dont want to brush and kiss you directly!!!

BRUSQUE=BRU+QUE...after long hours of waiting in the QUE,the crowd was jus given a cup of BRU coffee.the crowd got pissed off and turned VIOLENT

brusque...sounds like brisk...and if you solve someone's doubt briskly..you are trying to be abrupt.....

BRUSH KYU karna hai?... b'coz ur teeth hav become blunt

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BRUSh+QUEstion,when his brushing habits were questioned he turned violent

(tab) He was in a hurry to get to the meeting and refused to talk to you. He BRUSHED past you in the hallway, bumping your shoulder as he passed.

sounds like barso purana chaaku (knife) think of a old blunt chaaku

bruce wayne.. batman doest want to waste time...

brusque sounds like Brusly, the actor of Chinese action movies, so imagine why Brusly plays these movies, because of his brusque character.


(noun) a country person
Synonyms : peasant provincial
(noun) a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
Synonyms : eclogue idyl idyll
(adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic
Synonyms : arcadian pastoral
Example Sentence
  • a country life of arcadian contentment
  • a pleasant bucolic scene
  • charming in its pastoral setting
  • rustic tranquility
(adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle
Synonyms : pastoral
Example Sentence
  • pastoral seminomadic people
  • pastoral land
  • a pastoral economy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bucolic

bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side"...

BUlls and COLI (collie, a sheep dog) Country -- rustic and pastoral places, people, and songs.

olic is the one to see. oleic acid is used to remove rust. or even if you can check oli, jumble it as oil,used as an antirust agent,which in the past was used as an oral agent.

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You commonly find a block of salt in a cow pasture. This block of salt is a COWLICK. Picture a BULL licking the COWLICK

bullock+kick:it is usually seen in the countryside

Bu (B.) +COLIc (coli): B coli infection is common in RUSTIC area because of the unhygienic condition.

bhookho likho = in some gaons u dont get much to eat and u have to study(likho) even when ure ravenous(bhookho)

BUCK+LICK....people who can lick anything for bucks are BUCOLIC and mostly found in COUNTRYSIDE.....

The villager (rural ans pastural) person who is BOOK-HOLICK (like alcoholic/workholic)can be easily inspired to good poetry.

bucolic like alcoholic for urban people and bucolic for RURAL people

You're more likely to get the Bubolic Plague if you live a bucolic lifestyle in the country.

Buccolic: coli (fishermen) at west side beaches, they are country person of india

bucolic = b for bank + uco + lic; uco bank was established in 1943 in kolkata, therefore it is oldest bank.

bucolic: bu:bull + co: cock + lic : lick - A bull licks a cock; it must be a farm. Hence the meaning is related to countryside.

bucolic = but+an alcoholic, so it is a peaceful environment like a pastoral setting where alcohols are banned


(noun) an imaginary monster used to frighten children Definition
(noun) a source of concern
Example Sentence
  • the old bugaboo of inflation still bothers them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bugaboo

boo!! u use it when u wonna scare funnily..so relates to a ghost..ghosts are bugbears n they the baseless terror since they dont stand on floor

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It might help marathi readers...bugaboo sounds like bagulboowa..childhood ghost

Bug+ booth = if your kid starts bugging you you ll tell them a booth(Bugaboo) story.

bugaboo = mugamboo Remember the main villain of movie mr India( amrish puri )= mogamboo khush hua >> he did so much terror in movie

Imagine dark night and monster shouting BUUUU GAAAAAAAAA BOOOOO HAA HAA HAA.

maga bootha--in kannada means - dude devil. wen u c an object,thats baseless, people term it as a devil,as devils dont have legs.so bootas (devils) are known as baseless terror...lol..!!!

The kala bandar(Delhi 6 movie) is a bugaboo.

BUG+A+BOO Boota means Devil in kannada. So we can remember it a bugging bootha

For bagla bagh(tiger) asbooo

adivasi logonka boogaboo

I will bugaboo at the time of bill, if you donot pay necessary amount.


(verb) grow and flourish
Example Sentence
  • The burgeoning administration
  • The burgeoning population
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burgeon

Burge+on sounds like Bulge which means growing big


burgeon ~ burger; If you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow)

If you eat a lot of BURGers you will BrinG ON the weight!

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Can be pronounced as -- > bur – grow – on, grow on meaning grow forth, ahead

bad jaana (bur+geon) in hindi .to increase in number

burgeon..urge+on..if u hav dat urge(a strong impulse, inner drive) set to on..den defntely u vl grow and florish

A good plastic surgeon will make you thinner. A <B>bad surgeon</B> will do the opposite and make you grow bigger.

a BIRD takes flight

sounds like BURGER...when you eat only burgers, your size will INCREASE RAPIDLY........

burgeon- reminds us of the word bargari in kannada...u can somewhat relate it to it..

relate with BURGER..if v eat BURGER we will grow big..

Ice burg-on surface of ocean looks small but really big inside tghe ocean.

the sURGEON helps population GROW by reducing the amount of ppl die thru surgery.

burgeon , ge + on .. its like go on .. so it means flourish or grow rapidly

BURGE similar to BULGE meaning to expand rapidly

sounds like bulgeon... which is becoming bulge... i.e. growing in size..

The kitten grows so rapidly as if she was Be-URGEd-ON to flourish.

The doctor was so clever, he quickly burgeoned as surgeon

eat lots of (burge)rs and grow fatter, it's (on) your hand.

burgeon sounds like Gurgaon.... this is one of the fastest developing cities of India..

I burgeon when i drink BURGUNDY!

BURGEr+piGEON = if you eat too many burgers you grow like a pigeon!


(noun) a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of comic skits and short turns (and sometimes striptease) Definition
(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way Definition
(verb) make a parody of
Synonyms : parody spoof
Example Sentence
  • The students spoofed the teachers
(adj) relating to or characteristic of a burlesque
Example Sentence
  • burlesque theater
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burlesque

if you want to ridicule Barclays premier league than you can write Burlesque premier league.

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burlesque..can be pronounced as bure log in hindi..wha do bad ppl do?? ridicule others..

burlesque~(burles)girls+(que)queue = when lots of beautiful girls go to college everyday , some handsome, dashing boys make a queue near the gate of the college to burlesque the girls.

If somebody jumps the QUEue, people hurl(~BURL) abusES on that person...Mockery and imitation are common forms of abuses....

BURLESQUE.... a burly person will always mock at others.

Burl~girl: The girl at circus imitated the joker for fun..

BURLESQUE = BURY + RESQUE. I want either to bury or rescue myself before they insult me in this CARICATURE/PARODY

ur-your,,that means ,mentioning to the same person ,who has said,,that means imitate.and ,how to imitate, imitate with a que(used in billiards)..

Burle (charle) + rescue= imagine charle is mocking a rescuer.


(noun) a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building
Synonyms : buttressing
(verb) reinforce with a buttress
Example Sentence
  • Buttress the church
(verb) make stronger or defensible
Example Sentence
  • buttress your thesis
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buttress

remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a padding when ypu sit, giving support.. :)

If you have big but (hope you know what ‘but’ is), you will have extra support

buttress=butt rest...butt gives u support so u tk rest on ur butt generally while sleeping or sitting

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butts rests on support

buttress…..sounds simillar to mistress………….when i failed my exams due to my ill health ,it was my biology mistress who understood my problem and supported me in my tough time.

buttress ends with "tress" can be read as truss, truss are usually created in order to strengthen the stucture (Mech)

sometimes u need to put u need to put butter on your stories to support it

butt(container to store liquid)+ress(sounds like rest.) ..plz get only one butt ,as we need it as a support to our existing water supply,rest we have got big tankers for this purpose.

buttress sounds like butter which is used to cover the bread for taste......so its gives support to the bread ...then it taste's well

Buttress = but (put) + tress (stress); give stress for support at back by a pile.

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