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(adj) not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor) Definition
(adj) pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
Synonyms : benignant
Example Sentence
  • a benign smile
  • the benign sky
  • the benign influence of pure air
(adj) kindness of disposition or manner
Example Sentence
  • the benign ruler of millions
  • benign intentions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benign

benign- bene(good) + sign

opposite of malign

Cloud number nine (BY Bryan adams) . so nign or nine is good. Benign is to be pleasant, good etc.

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Benign sounds like B9 ~ BNice .. Therefore kind

read it as BEGIN: u begin something when its favorable/good..or when a tumor is in the beginning stage, its not dangerous

rhymes after Quinine--the panacea for Malaria-->+ve in all sense

to BE on cloud NINE, we have to be gentle and kind with everyone

benign sounds like begin; this kind of beginning is favorable and beneficial for our all future projects.

benign * malign

its always better if beginning should be favorable to us

lets break it this way be+nice which is kind


(verb) censure severely or angrily
Example Sentence
  • The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
  • The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
  • The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for berate

his friends berated(criticized) him for showing them b-rated movie..

brate - b + rate : So if you will watch B RATing movie you will be scolded

be+rate ~ he was RATEd BElow expectations and hence forth scolded.

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berate- berry + ate He scolded me strongly as i ate his berry


lets break Be+Rate. when we go to something as we see different rates in different shops..and we scold them as aBEy RATE kya re......

DErate(not to rete someone is also a kind of scolding)....when you berate someone, you derate him.....

The servant failed to get the Basmati rice at the desired RATE, therefore the owner scolded him severely.

when girl came to know she was be..rated by others she scolded them strongly(berated )


(noun) one of the ancient Norse warriors legendary for working themselves into a frenzy before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane fury
Synonyms : berserker
(adj) frenzied as if possessed by a demon
Example Sentence
  • the soldier was completely amuck
  • berserk with grief
  • a berserk worker smashing windows
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for berserk

ye to BER ber hi kiye ja raha hai. lagta hai dimag SARAK gaya hai iska

divide it like --ber+serk-->serak..if someone gets madly EXCITED about something..we say..SARAK GAYA YE TO....

erk- this word,in he word berserk resembles the meaning erked,that means somthing mad about or violent.

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ber + serk(shark) ....shark is angry and out of control

Berserk resembles the hindi word Besabar.. someone who's madly excited about something..

Berserk resembles the hindi word Besabar.. someone who's madly excited about something..

berserk == ber (bar) + serk (shirk) when the manager saw the bartender is shirk, he became angry(berserk).

Berserk : Ransack!

be+risk if someone is more angry he is at risk

when we are mad or voilent anger....and somebody not giving the way for us then we shall say" abey sarak "

beer peke insan ka dimag kharab hojata hai aur woh wild hojata hai

beer se dimag sarka hain

remember the movie shrek...where the main charecter always gets in to anger..

BELKUL(Hindi) + SARAK(Mad - Hindi)

 Bark + shirk : when a person is mad in anger, he barks like a dog and bitse like a shark

beher sarkho we will say this when we are very angery on someone


(verb) surround so as to force to give up
Example Sentence
  • The Turks besieged Vienna
(verb) cause to feel distressed or worried
Example Sentence
  • She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged
(verb) harass, as with questions or requests
Example Sentence
  • The press photographers besieged the movie star
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for besiege

divide it like-->be+siege(seize)-- Indian army has seized the line of control, and now the whole area is surrounded by armed forces.

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be + seize = u are seized by armed forces / by some1 who is continiously annoying u ..!!


(verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
Example Sentence
  • The journalists have defamed me!
  • The article in the paper sullied my reputation
(verb) smear so as to make dirty or stained
Synonyms : smirch
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for besmirch

Besmirch= kisi ki achi reputation ko mirche lga ke bigadna

Besmirch = Bees + Mirch (In Hindi language Bees means twenty and Mirch means pepper) So,if you will add twenty pepper, you will definitely spoil the food.

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besMIRCH-ifu chk the word mirch,it calls to our mind chilli's .chillis grown on soil,so is to meaning.

mirch -> mirchi fm. hearing mirchi fm before exam will spoil the exam

BE (meaning throughout) + MIRE (to sully, dirty, muddy)= to fully ruin a reputation

bees bees mirchi dalega to khana to spoil hona hi hain

kisike base pe mirch lagana matlam usko maign kar dena

smirch sounds like smirk. His SMIRK left a STAIN in my mind


(adj) relating to or containing bile
Synonyms : biliary
(adj) suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress
Synonyms : liverish livery
(adj) irritable as if suffering from indigestion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bilious

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bili-ili-ill..so it resembles ill in bile,ie stomach.

Note that many of the words with roots from body organs mean irritable. Examples: splenetic, spleen, bilious, atrabilious, dyspeptic, livery, and liverish.

remeber it from biles which is disease of liver; so a person having biles will always be irritated.

bilious can be compared with bile which is produced by liver.

BILE juice is used for digestion...

LIOUS and be compared to LIVER.means leaver problem,indigestion.


(noun) temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers
Example Sentence
  • wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling
(noun) a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent Definition
(verb) live in or as if in a tent
Synonyms : camp camp out encamp tent
Example Sentence
  • Can we go camping again this summer?
  • The circus tented near the town
  • The houseguests had to camp in the living room
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bivouac

when u vomit (sound we make while vomiting - VOUAC) suddenly amidst a journey we look for some temporary halting place

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wen der was no bused..i used to go "BYWALK" to college.. ofocz dats temporary

While I was in Bivouac, I used to vomit a lot.

BIVOUAC- A Building WACKy used to make a temporary shelter. THis is not a good mnemonic. But i couldnt find any better

temporary orrented house.Ifwe livein temporary or rented house(bai=kam-wali bhi bhowk(bark) ke jaati hai

bi+vouac--vouac sounds like Walk-->you are walking towards an temporary camps or tents.

by walking building= temperory encampment

Be in a vua(not worthy) camp.

biwi ne ghar evacuate karaya so had to live in bivouac

Be walking in this Bivouac of life


(verb) turn pale, as if in fear
Synonyms : blench pale
(verb) cook (vegetables) briefly
Synonyms : parboil
Example Sentence
  • Parboil the beans before freezing them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blanch

blanch resembles blank..which is generally refered as a white space..so blanch means to leave it white..so whiten

blanch sounds like bleach--woman go for bleaching to whiten their skin or to make their skin more white.

blanche in french means white

blANCH-anch-anchal, is a pretty gal.im smitten by her white innocent face..lol..!!

bLANch -> lan -> lane; so to WHITEN the lane we use BLEACHing powder

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Sounds like Blond. Blond girls have blanched hair.

doctor said to girl if she takes syrup"BEFORE LUNCH "(blanch) her skin will be whitened


(adj) very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world
Synonyms : worldly
Example Sentence
  • the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'
  • the benefits of his worldly wisdom
(adj) uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence
Synonyms : bored
Example Sentence
  • his blase indifference
  • a petulant blase air
  • the bored gaze of the successful film star
(adj) nonchalantly unconcerned
Example Sentence
  • a blase attitude about housecleaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blase

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blase sounds similar baasa... which inhindi means purana ... like basa food means food that is not fresh so basa food no body eats....like old food ...so its like purana ,old,something we r bored of..

BLASE-(B)obby LAYS all day. so he is unconcerned and a boring personality.

blase -- close to words blast - whenever someone feels bored or uninterested we say go out and have a blast.

whenever i see a BLack ASE(ass) i feel bored and uninterested

BLASE: B(become) + LASE(less) interested that is we are bored

You can compare it with "PASSE"

remember your BOSS, assigned some work to you, and you are bored to do it.

blase sounds like baass (enough, stop now)!! so when u had enough u get bored and say baass!!

blase - if something keeps blazing at you again and again, then you become blased about it.

BE it LAYS or kurkure, we are bored from all these


(adj) without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
Synonyms : blazing conspicuous
Example Sentence
  • blatant disregard of the law
  • a blatant appeal to vanity
  • a blazing indiscretion
(adj) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
Example Sentence
  • blatant radios
  • a clamorous uproar
  • strident demands
  • a vociferous mob
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blatant

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BLATANT- BLOW an enemy TANK will rise uproar among the soldiers. Try to remember words by making such sentences. this will help you remember it easily. dont just break words into other words(hindi)u will tend to forget them

Bla( Blah Blah Blah) + Tent..... so extreme noise in a tent.....

It is just the opposite of to b-latent

BLATANT: BLA BLA BLA..when some one goes on speaking hes generally being offensive...so a BLATANT SPEECH

bla (blast) + tant (tent) --> when the offense of doing a blast in tent was done -- there was loud noise everywhere.

A boy who is bad and talent (Blatant) can do any noisy ,rude and offensive job.

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