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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprimand

Rep+rimand(Remand) when police take remand of someone,,they Scold them harshly (Strong rebuke)

mand refers to an order. <br> mandatory => maintained by an order <br> reprimand => reprove by order <br> command => Ask by order <br>

Rape + Remand that means Official rebuke by police

If you keep commanding, bossing on your peers you will be reprimanded someday by them !

Prem->Rape->Remand that means Official remand

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After consuming the meal we ate, Amelia rated Its overall quality, saying it might be ameliorated If dusted with imported Parmesan, freshly grated And by having the entrée more attractively plated. JBG 12/27/10

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text: reprimand me about Edith please don't
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