• word of the day


    conspicuous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word conspicuous

    (adj) obvious to the eye or mind
    Example Sentence
    • a tower conspicuous at a great distance
    • wore conspicuous neckties
    • made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening
    (adj) without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
    Synonyms : blatant , blazing
    Example Sentence
    • blatant disregard of the law
    • a blatant appeal to vanity
    • a blazing indiscretion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conspicuous

Con(can)+ s(see) + the + pic(picture) --> can see the clear picture of the situation. So conspicuous means which can be easily seen.

the constable's belly is noticable to the eye

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can (con) speak(spicuous) or something which clearly speaks, i.e., which is obvious

con speakuous : sb, sth that every body speaks about

if a person COME-SPIT at U, then he will stand out because of his unethical behavior.

conspic+uous—when involved in a CONSPIracy gets ATTRACTING ATTENTION

con+spicuous con means together. every body is saying he is suspicious person

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