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    fierce - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fierce

    (adj) marked by extreme and violent energy
    Synonyms : ferocious , furious , savage
    Example Sentence
    • a ferocious beating
    • fierce fighting
    • a furious battle
    (adj) marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
    Example Sentence
    • fierce loyalty
    • in a tearing rage
    • vehement dislike
    • violent passions
    (adj) ruthless in competition
    Synonyms : bowelless , cutthroat
    Example Sentence
    • cutthroat competition
    • bowelless readiness to take advantage
    (adj) violently agitated and turbulent
    Synonyms : boisterous , rough
    Example Sentence
    • boisterous winds and waves
    • the fierce thunders roar me their music
    • rough weather
    • rough seas
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Fierce is Like Fire which is a symbol of angry, furious

fierce means violently agitated like fier.

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text: fierce but
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