A kid asked me if he could FLY his paper plane in the room, I replied bluntly-FLY OUT.
Can be associated with word "Clout" which means "great influence" as "Person who has clout tends to flout" == A person who has great influence tends to show contempt for and break the rules. eg. Salman Khan
flout sounds like foul;;;
foul smells make angry irritating..
FLOUT is to treat with contempt. If you have CLOUT you are treated with respect.
flOUT(OUTDATED)...SO something which is outdated is always rejected by people.
one who makes Fun and Laugh at others are FLout
"flout" sounds fly out, so someone flying high in supremacy treats others badly by joking, rejecting and exhibiting disregard
flow out..that is something rejected needs to flow out
if u make Fun of me and Laugh then u can get OUT of my house
when u see any flaw(imperfections) in government.u ask it to step out
Definition (noun) a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
Definition (noun) the weaker part of a sword's blade from the forte to the tip
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for foible
Fail to be able.. so you have a weakness or slight fault at something
consider the letters F+O+I+B+L+E..they stand for Fault+Oddity+Idiosyncrasy+Blemish+Limitation+Eccentricity..all of the same meaning
similar to feeble thus enfeeeble and weakness
FOe in Bible would have a weak character
Definition (verb) to force onto another
Example Sentence
He foisted his work on me
Definition (verb) insert surreptitiously or without warrant
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for foist
when you hoist the flag improperly, it is called foist.
fist-o......try to imagine like...u r trying to insert a pen into a tightly closed fist...but u could not...
'o' is the expression that u wer not happy with that...
so the meanin is...INSERT IMPROPERLY...(you are trying to insert by force)
foist sounds like hoist (meaning : raised, common usage : flag hoisting) - he gave his career a "hoist" by "foist-ing" his work on a hardworking colleague
fop-ish = pop (fop) - ish ; those boys who are in pop music are over dressed … they have a very bad sense of dressing but they think that they are looking cool !!!!
Foppish- First year mein follow(fo) Pant(p), tie(pi) and Shirt(sh) - says seniors
Definition (noun) good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
i can bear to wait for you (bear for you) ... so i am patient
4 bears (animal) are under the tree on which u are hiding,, u need a lot of patience, to wait for them to leave
Bear means::Put up with something or somebody unpleasant. I cannot bear this GRE vocab anymore. My head is going to implode...So Forbearance = 4 * bear. That's lot of patience.
Foreboding = replace the "o" in boding with "a" Fore(forward/future) + Bading ,i.e.,
Foreboding = Fore bading ,i.e is future is bad .. hence bad omen..
foreboding - Fore(before)+ boding.. solving questions of boding plot in an exam is difficult(an evil ques) so predictin it for comin exam means 'premonition of evil'. :D
consider the BOD in foreBODing.and try to relate it with boad exam.students r in state of worried when reults r gona come.
Foreboding sounds like.. FORE (Before) a bad thing i.e premonition of a bad thing
Definition (verb) keep from happening or arising; make impossible
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