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    gibe - Dictionary definition and meaning for word gibe

    (noun) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect
    Synonyms : barb , dig , jibe , shaft , shot , slam
    Example Sentence
    • his parting shot was `drop dead'
    • she threw shafts of sarcasm
    • she takes a dig at me every chance she gets
    (verb) be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics
    Synonyms : agree , check , correspond , fit , jibe , match , tally
    Example Sentence
    • The two stories don't agree in many details
    • The handwriting checks with the signature on the check
    • The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun
    (verb) laugh at with contempt and derision
    Synonyms : barrack , flout , jeer , scoff
    Example Sentence
    • The crowd jeered at the speaker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gibe

GIBE = "GIBES" Remember !! when Hersheell Gibes missed the catch of steve wagh in world cup , everyone mocked him

geeb (jeeb) chidhana

gibe - sounds like tribe... people used to mock tribal

gibe..very similar to hindi word GAYAB...SO socho DULHAN(bride)..agar GAYAB ..ho jaye mandap se..people will make jeering REMARKS about their family.

imagine GIBBS being teased by friends bcoz of his bald head

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GIBE is similar to BRIBE when u BRIBE people mock (make aggresive remarks )at u...

gibe~~give..wen u give bribe nd it is revealed ..u r treated with contempt...

Sounds like Jab. Jab a punch. Mohammad Ali Jabbed with short and fast blows.

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