• word of the day


    waive - Dictionary definition and meaning for word waive

    (verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to
    Example Sentence
    • We are dispensing with formalities
    • relinquish the old ideas
    (verb) lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime
    Example Sentence
    • you've forfeited your right to name your successor
    • forfeited property
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waive

sounds like wave - when do u wave a white flag? when you Give up temporarily.

it sounds like wave...wave in ocean .Now if the waves are high then you postpone you decision or delay your decision to go inside ocean for swimming.

Waive ~ Waiver. Many students waive (give up) their attempts to GRE because of waiver(aid).

waive--sounds like viva vorse,imagine there is a strict sir in ur coll conducting u a viva u r so tensed that u will give up at that time

peolpe having wavy nature give up easily......

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waIve to lose something...If I am in water then i will be lost in wave. waIve

Waive is somewhat similar to slave, wherein waive means to lose the right to something, while a slave is a person who has lost his right to freedom

you will lose your wife if you do something wrong

A person who GIVES UP TeMPORARILY or YIELDS, waves(waive) his hand to others saying help me help me.

waive is the past tense of wife, now you lost the right about your wife.

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