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(noun) a member of the working class (not necessarily employed)
Synonyms : prole worker
Example Sentence
  • workers of the world--unite!
(adj) belonging to or characteristic of the proletariat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proletarian

proletarian=petrolian the person who fills petrol wears blue color n is working class

sorry for the last wrong post. here is the correct one : pro+letarian means literacy se pahle. means working class who wears blue dress generally. remember workers at petrol pumps.

pro+letarian means literacy se pahle. means working class who wears blue dress generally. remember workers at petrol pumps.

proletarian--- here we have letarian(literature), so the people who doesn't have any literature r likely to be the working class people in an industry.

Pro+vegetarian- People of working class cannot be pro-vegetarian as their jobs are energy intensive.

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pro leterarian has a letter in it. a letter man worjking in post office) is is a proletararian


(verb) grow rapidly
Example Sentence
  • Pizza parlors proliferate in this area
(verb) cause to grow or increase rapidly
Example Sentence
  • We must not proliferate nuclear arms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proliferate

life rate=its always increasing

PRO+LIFE+RATE--> promote life rate

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pro + life + rate : increase in rate of production (pro) of life (living organisms) causes population to increase rapidly

(PROLI)petrol (RATE)rate increase rapidly and quickly these days!!

pro + life + rate : in our professional (pro) life, we should work at faster rate to grow rapidly.

rapidly+lift+rate i.e,flourish


(adj) intellectually productive
Synonyms : fecund fertile
Example Sentence
  • a prolific writer
  • a fecund imagination
(adj) bearing in abundance especially offspring
Synonyms : fertile
Example Sentence
  • flying foxes are extremely prolific
  • a prolific pear tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prolific

"Production Lifted"--> They produced large amounts of the product = Their production was lifted up in amount = They were PROLIFIC.

PROLIFIC is PROFITic. (profitable, because of high yield)

prolific ~ pro (production) + life; now try to relate meaning of prolific with 'production of life'.

prolific- pro lifts, professional bodybuilders lift great quantities.

Pro(good) + lific(life) >>> a person lives Pro life when he/she is highly intellectual and productive in every sense...


(noun) boring verbosity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prolixity

COMPLEXITY - complex words, work are always difficult and boring to understand.

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"lexikon" means workbook..."lexicographer" is dictionary writer...writer of words n words n..more words....

Shixit logon ki Prolixity ek pareshaani hoti hai...

PROLIXITY ~ pro (professor) + li (literature) + X (exam); My literature professor have advised me to avoid prolixity while giving any exam.

Pro+ lexicon = in favor of more words,so much that he goes over and over again to more words! so verbose .

lex means speech/word.. pro(PROfound)+lix+ity means profound/many words.. who shows off many words or who airs many words


(noun) a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
Synonyms : foreland head headland
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for promontory

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Prominent mount (that stands out projecting on a body of water)

PROMOntory comes from PROMOtion in job.

when Hritik promotes Mumbai indians,he gives promontory signals of his support to the crowd in the stadium

Potruding Mount

p(romon)tory roman had ruled on heasland


(verb) state or announce
Synonyms : exclaim proclaim
Example Sentence
  • `I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed
  • The King will proclaim an amnesty
(verb) put a law into effect by formal declaration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for promulgate

Prom (promote)+ul+gate. So promoting something out of the gate, i.e. to make known by opening the gate (or opening declaration) to everyone out there.

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prom+ul+gate -> prom night will happen tomorrow was announced at school's gate

by the law........ gates have been closed on the prom

Amul-gate : A scandal regarding AMUL .. It has to be known to public through official publication so that the public do not use their products

if u r suffering from gas problems,before(pro) u answer nature's call through ur mul(excreta in hindi),u publcly declare it by spreading gases and polluting the atmosphere

pro-mulga-te. Mulga paida hua, so announce it to the world.

promulgate = pro + mul + gate; In the main gate something is written over in the board by order stick no bill, thus put into law.

in ur Prom night, U'll walk through the Gate of honor to spread the notion of the beauty among the jealous crowd

During earlier times, if a family had a male child(called as MULGA in marathi) then they would be happy and PUBLISH in newspapers.. :P so proMULGAte..


(noun) an inclination to do something
Synonyms : leaning tendency
Example Sentence
  • he felt leanings toward frivolity
(noun) a natural inclination
Synonyms : leaning proclivity
Example Sentence
  • he has a proclivity for exaggeration
(noun) a disposition to behave in a certain way
Synonyms : aptness
Example Sentence
  • the aptness of iron to rust
  • the propensity of disease to spread
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for propensity

now a days people are inclined towards "CITY" dats y thery r migrating from villages....

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prop + city = people get propelled towards city only because of strong inclination towards city life

(PRO+PEN)a PRO has a natural tendancy to hold the PEN in the way he can do caligarphy(art of good writing)

"popins"(candy) deke log bachchon ko behla-fusla ke le jate hain....coz they know dat kids hav "natural inclination" 4 it....

pro+pen+sity . can a pen stand straight. to make it stand ,it is always inclined to some support

PROPANE+CITY; violation is more inclined,susceptible to happen in cities , than Villages !

root form is propend (now obsolete).. pend rhymes with bend.. meaning inclined

prop out of city (prop= coming out) . people are attracted towards luxury so they are moving to city. so prop out of city = propensity means tendency to go towrds,

Propelled(drive or push forward)+city=so u are driven to city that is inclined to city life

Remember a pen that you like. ex parker. pen is keyword in propensity and penchant

because of various kinds of pollution, people are moving out(PROP)from city(ENSITY) to villages and calm places in search of tranquility.


To get (PRO)per PEN villagers have to go to CITY.


(noun) remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
Example Sentence
  • the doctor recommended several preventatives
(noun) contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse
Synonyms : condom rubber safe safety
(adj) capable of preventing conception or impregnation
Example Sentence
  • contraceptive devices and medications
(adj) warding off
Synonyms : cautionary
Example Sentence
  • the swastika...a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples
(adj) preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease
Example Sentence
  • preventive medicine
  • vaccines are prophylactic
  • a prophylactic drug
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prophylactic

pro+phy+lactic -> professionals use lactic acid(in milk) to prevent diseases.

professional physicians use lactic acid to cure diseases.

professionals recommend lactation(lactic) for small babies to prevent diseases

PRO+PHY+LACTIC = PROfessional PHYsician prescribing LACTIC acid to prevent diseases

PROfessional porn actors always use CONDOM when getting PHYsical..its to prevent from disease to spread.


(noun) the property of being close together
Synonyms : proximity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for propinquity

Propinquity has PIN in it. If you pin two things together they are close together

since the alphabets P & Q are in close proximity to each other, they are in propinquity ....

relate it to propin(proper..means one's own...)+quity.......(quite)..so people who are proper son of someone..are quite SIMILAR IN BEHAVIOUR TO THEIR PARENTS...THERE BEHAVIOUR EXHIBIT THE proximity between a son and father...

Propinquity = Propin + quity (Equity).

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PROPINQUITY sounds like and means the same as PROXIMITY which is close together.

Property In Q So properties are very close to each other

basically this is taken from propinquus which means near...near in relation......SO KINSHIP

Pingu the penguin : It signifies friendship and nearness ..

sounds like proximity..meaning nearness

relate with PROPENSITY...inclination ... you have inclination for ur near ones.. in ur kinship...

Propensity means being inclined to something. Like propensity for a ice cream. In that sense propinquity can mean the propensity to be close to something.

Property in Quite place i.e. NEAR to quite place

property in quity(cutie which is babe). If a babe has property, everybody will try to keep kinship(nearness) with her

PINK CITY(jaipur)- jaipur is very near to agra.

Proximity and akin.. propin..

propinquity= prop(owner) + in(not) + quit; owners not quit means altogether.

property -in - equity. they are very close


(verb) make peace with
Synonyms : appease
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for propitiate

PROf+PITI- if you want professor's pity then you would have to appease him/her.

propiti + ate .. propiti sounds very close to property.. + ate .. so just imagine if you elder brother ate (here it means encroach) all your property ....you will quarrel with him... your father will try to appease or pacify you.

"prop"(prophet) + "itiate"(initiate) initiate the work of a prophet/priest..i.e maiking peace.

pro "PEACE" iate ... some what sounds like this .. so it means "make peace with"

PROPITIATE -> PROPER+INITIATION. In college, PROPER INITIATION ceremonies are carried out for freshmen to win favor with (PROPITIATE) the upper classmen.

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maintain the peace at home.but basically it is taken from latin propetere..which when splited means pro means for + petere means to seek ..so you seeking for PEACE... Preetisoni--source of complex mnemonic

PROPITIATE; PRO-PITI-ate; Look at the first two; they sound like Pro(for), piti (Pity). That is FOR PITY. Thus if you are for pity, you are certainly willing to make peace & allow pardon to be granted. You are Pro Peace/for peace.

I ATE UPPIT to PLEASE/appease my mom.. cuz I hate that stuff/muck.

Propity + Ate : If you are Anupam kher, you will try to appease gods to get back the property that has been taken by the land mafia (Boman Irani)

You want to regain the PROFESSOR'S PITTY.

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