Definition (noun) exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight
Example Sentence
the least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preponderance
ponderous means weighty, preponderance may be remembered as something having heavy weight, quantity or power
prePONDeRANCe...In monetary value, the POUND is superior to the FRANC.
pre- pond- e - rance.
Consider only pond and d(r)ance .. Earlier times witnessed lot of kings enjoying dance with decorations around ponds and lakes !!
So this means superiority of power, quality.
pre(b4)+ponder(think)= such a heavy or large in no. dat u have to ponder about it before..
present + mint: when evil comes in(present) the movies the temperature falls and every thing gets
Take example of dementors in harry potter, Blackheart in Ghostrider
Focus on "Presum" (Presume)--> To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.
Consider the word in bracket only :
pre(sum )ptuous
We can relate sum with Money or hafta vasooli. The ppl doing hafta vasooli are ARROGANT and taking LIBERTY of our silence
one who pre-assume things is a forward, bold and arrogant person
Pre+assuming something means you are overly forward and thinking this way
pre + sumptuous = thinking u r sumptuous from before is a conceit act
presumptuous like assuming means haughty
pre(prior)+sumptuous(i.e. temptuous)..thus the one who is temptuous prior to coming here..i.e.haughty, arrogant
Pre assuming thu(throw) us,he is preassuming that he can throw us,shows his ignorance n overconfidence
Definition (adj) surpassing the ordinary or normal
Take it as PRIVACY..
what do YOU need for privacy, a room, house, but if you dont even have that then? its a life of hardship i.e.,
a lack of the basic things that people need for living
In Private companies, u r Deprived of ur Rights and have to do Hard work...
Add DE to PRIVATION and it becomes DEPRIVATION which is a synonym of PRIVATION, meaning the state of being deprived.
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