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This wordlist is generally used by students preparing for GRE.

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Short Definition : put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm; inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from being published or made public; Ex. suppress a smile; Ex. suppress the magazine/truth

(verb) to put down by force or authority
Example Sentence
  • suppress a nascent uprising
  • stamp down on littering
  • conquer one's desires
(verb) come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority
Synonyms : crush oppress
Example Sentence
  • The government oppresses political activists
(verb) control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior
Synonyms : bottle up inhibit
(verb) put out of one's consciousness
Synonyms : repress
(verb) reduce the incidence or severity of or stop
Example Sentence
  • suppress a yawn
  • this drug can suppress the hemorrhage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suppress

The celebrity said "sup press" when the press came and ruined his activity.

to reduce by PRESSing down...


Short Definition : satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to excess in anything; N: surfeiting; excessive amount; Ex. surfeit of food

(noun) the state of being more than full
Synonyms : excess overabundance
(noun) the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall
Synonyms : glut oversupply
(noun) eating until excessively full
Synonyms : repletion
(verb) supply or feed to surfeit
Synonyms : cloy
(verb) indulge (one's appetite) to satiety
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surfeit

break SURFEIT as SIRF(sirf in HINDI means only to) EAT.Bas khate hi rehta hai..so an excess of..

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surfeit = SIR is FAT..as he eats a lot than required until he is full.

surfeit= sur+ feit(feet).. sur is head in hindi,so learn it as water is above 1 feet ur head it means its in excess.

splir surfeit into " sur" and "feit". now think that u have been filled from "sur , which means head in hindi" till your feet.

Think "surplus" to fit, or overfull

Hawaians are a FAT bunch.. all they do is Surf and EAT,EAT,EAT.. a surfeited lifestyle.

He was SURE that his pants had FIT prior to eating to SURFEIT!

surf+eit surf must be excess to clean clothes... eit sounds like eat...we shouldnot eat exess....

the feit is, even if u are bald no. of hair on ure sur is surfeit

surfeit X forfeit (to quit, give up)

Surfeit = Sirf (hindi meaning of 'only') + eat... to eat in excess amount.

Surf IT ---Create EXCESS foam

he SURE FIT that whole steak down his throat!

sound like sur-eat SUR.+EAT = surplus eating


Short Definition : powerful movement of or like a wave; V.

(noun) a sudden forceful flow
Synonyms : rush spate upsurge
(noun) a sudden or abrupt strong increase
Synonyms : upsurge
Example Sentence
  • stimulated a surge of speculation
  • an upsurge of emotion
  • an upsurge in violent crime
(noun) a large sea wave
Synonyms : billow
(verb) rise and move, as in waves or billows
Synonyms : billow heave
Example Sentence
  • The army surged forward
(verb) rise rapidly
Example Sentence
  • the dollar soared against the yen
(verb) rise or move forward
Synonyms : tide
Example Sentence
  • surging waves
(verb) rise or heave upward under the influence of a natural force such as a wave
Synonyms : scend
Example Sentence
  • the boats surged
(verb) see one's performance improve
Example Sentence
  • He levelled the score and then surged ahead
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surge

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S-sudden URGE to increase spectacularly..

IIT kanpur program Summer Undergraduate Research Grant for Excellence (SURGE) program WHICH can be surge to your career


Short Definition : bad-tempered; rude; cross

(adj) inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace
Synonyms : ugly
Example Sentence
  • a surly waiter
  • an ugly frame of mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surly

sur+ly......focus on sur....SOUNDS LIKE SIR......so THINK OF our school SIR...who was very BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE..who use to beat us whenever we hadn't completed our home work on time................

surly..sirly very much like are sirs who are rude and irritating

Liz Hurley is beautiful model but her sister ( ((/* not true ! *\)) Liz surley is a ugly woman.

SURLY sounds like cURLY. cURLY and Moe are SURLY when they bop each other on the head and hit each other.

surly->sirly implies like a sir.Think of a sir who was rude to you

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SoUR attitude

surly=sir +li bad tempered unfriendly sir ne le li achche se...

SIR ne humari bohot LEE, we became surly towards him.

Surly - girl who is "Surla" type very apprehensive and aggressive

Boston Legals Has a BadTempered Person named "Sherly"


Short Definition : guess; N.

(noun) a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence Definition
(verb) infer from incomplete evidence Definition
(verb) imagine to be the case or true or probable
Synonyms : suspect
Example Sentence
  • I suspect he is a fugitive
  • I surmised that the butler did it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surmise

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Mice can guess where the cheese is kept even though they do not know where exactly it is kept.

PREmise -> based on a fact. SURmise -> based on an intuition

SURMAYI- wo surmayi is taraha se ki jaise wo mujhe pyaar karti hai

I GUESS it’s a surprise(SURMISE) gift

sounds like "summarize" which means to list down the conclusions

suemise: u will sure miss the train this is the guess..


Short Definition : overcome

(verb) get on top of; deal with successfully
Example Sentence
  • He overcame his shyness
(verb) be on top of
Example Sentence
  • The scarf surmounted the gown
(verb) reach the highest point of
Synonyms : scale
Example Sentence
  • We scaled the Mont Blanc
(verb) be or do something to a greater degree
Example Sentence
  • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
  • She outdoes all other athletes
  • This exceeds all my expectations
  • This car outperforms all others in its class
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surmount

sur+MOUNT - To cross a mountain u need to overcome the difficulties.

to SURpass a MOUNTain u hav to overcome lot of difficulties

SUR(sur means head in hindi)+MOUNT....when you want to reach the top of the mountain,you have to OVERCOME lots of difficulties....


Short Definition : exceed

(verb) distinguish oneself
Synonyms : excel stand out
Example Sentence
  • She excelled in math
(verb) be or do something to a greater degree
Example Sentence
  • her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
  • She outdoes all other athletes
  • This exceeds all my expectations
  • This car outperforms all others in its class
(verb) move past
Example Sentence
  • A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window
  • He passed his professor in the hall
  • One line of soldiers surpassed the other
(verb) be greater in scope or size than some standard
Synonyms : exceed transcend
Example Sentence
  • Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surpass

surprise pass ~ be better than

in a quiz if a question is asked that EXCEEDS our knowledge we will pass it.


Short Definition : done secretly; secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden

(adj) marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed
Example Sentence
  • a furtive manner
  • a sneak attack
  • stealthy footsteps
  • a surreptitious glance at his watch
(adj) conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
Example Sentence
  • clandestine intelligence operations
  • cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines
  • hole-and-corner intrigue
  • secret missions
  • a secret agent
  • secret sales of arms
  • surreptitious mobilization of troops
  • an undercover investigation
  • underground resistance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surreptitious

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Surreptitious sounds like suspicious.....you suspect someone if they are hiding secrets

surreptitious sounds like sir repeated it to us. - only to us and not to everyone as it was a secret method to solve the problem.

surreptitious = surrept(corrupt) + titous ; one who is corrupt has a secret,hidden way to earn other than the usual salary !

if you eat syrup wen on a diet u have 2 b stealthy about it (sounds like)

Sir+Rapt===Listen to sir in rapt attention as he is saying something SECRET

rhymes with Serpent >> A serpent or snake has characteristics of secretly attacking, quiet movement towards enemy, can crawl underground, etc.

Root word is Rapt/Rept means to seize or capture Sur for Sub, means hidden..


Short Definition : substitute; person or thing used in place of another; Ex. surrogate mother; ADJ.

(noun) someone who takes the place of another person
Synonyms : alternate replacement
(noun) a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others
Synonyms : deputy
(adj) providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties
Synonyms : foster
Example Sentence
  • foster parent
  • foster child
  • foster home
  • surrogate father
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surrogate

Sir+ro+gate: Sir rokar gate se bahar chale gaye and so we need to call someone lese for teaching

u wud ve heard abt surrogate mothers..substitute..

surrogate - sub + rogate (rogare-latin); rogare is to ask.. As in interrogate.. surrogate is to ask someone to SUBstitute...

The unhappy knight chosen to substitute for the king & fight the thousand armed monster was SIR SORROW, who was famed for tearing a gate off an enemy's castle and carrying it away, so he was given the name SIR SORROW GATE.


Short Definition : close observation of a person (esp. one under suspicion); watching; guarding

(noun) close observation of a person or group (usually by the police)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surveillance

Remember it as [survey + reliance]. During a survey in Reliance company, we "closely observed the way people/group of people" the way they work together.

SURVE-serve ILL by closely observing or gaurding them

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