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    inhibit - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inhibit

    (verb) to put down by force or authority
    Synonyms : conquer , curb , stamp down , subdue , suppress
    Example Sentence
    • suppress a nascent uprising
    • stamp down on littering
    • conquer one's desires
    (verb) limit the range or extent of
    Example Sentence
    • Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs
    (verb) limit, block, or decrease the action or function of
    Example Sentence
    • inhibit the action of the enzyme
    • inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction
    (verb) control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior
    Synonyms : bottle up , suppress
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inhibit

'Prohibit' means forbade someone to do anything. 'Inhibit' means to make obstacle in doing something

In(not)+hibit(habit) == don't make smoking as your habit , try to "restrain" or "prevent" yourself from it ,

Smoking is PROHIBITED here.... Inspite of that u smoke, police will come and INHIBIT you from smoking.

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if u have fever and doctor comes to give injection & u dont like taking it u try to inhibit taking injection

Try to inhibit from habits such as smoking.

Imagine a cave, when you go in, he will bit(e) you.. so in-hi-bit prevents you from getting in

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