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Short Definition : chatter idly or foolishly; make continuous sounds like water running gently over rounded stone; N.

(noun) gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby
Synonyms : babbling lallation
(verb) utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
Example Sentence
  • The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention
(verb) to talk foolishly
Example Sentence
  • The two women babbled and crooned at the baby
(verb) flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise
Example Sentence
  • babbling brooks
(verb) divulge confidential information or secrets
Example Sentence
  • Be careful--his secretary talks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for babble

babble = bab - ble bla bla bla ( ble) which means to chatter foolishly

babble sounds like blabber(Speak (about unimportant matters)).so bla bla bla

imagine a babby in bathtub playing with bubbles and saying Bla Bla Blabble....

babble ~ ba bb bl; just imagine a baby saying Ba ba ba ba .. (making meaningless sounds)


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babble = babe always do bla bla mean womens are talking continuously

Sounds like mother asking his boy baba bol(talk) then the little boy spelling the words which are confusing to understand.


Short Definition : noisy party with a lot of drinking

(noun) someone who engages in drinking bouts Definition
(noun) a drunken reveller; a devotee of Bacchus
Synonyms : bacchant
(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Definition
(adj) used of riotously drunken merrymaking
Example Sentence
  • a night of bacchanalian revelry
  • carousing bands of drunken soldiers
  • orgiastic festivity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanal

Bachchan acted well in movie SHARABI -hope it helps

bachelors + all. if many bachelors (college hostel) join they will have a party with drinks. so warden shouting at them for creating noise. bacchanal = bachelors party= drinking and making noise

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Baccha(Child)+nal(noise). in punjabi, baccha nal noise karnde hai drinking party which.

it seems like bachhalan (charater less fellow) and we can imagine as he is an drunken fellow....

bac-chanal- this reminds us of a pub cald back(ward) channel.Pub is a place ,where music and lots of noise is made.

Bacchaus is Roman God, is happy with dance and drink and forbidden sex in the back. Bacch+anal

bacha pi k nali me gir gaya..

Imagine: a BACHelor party in Amsterdam. It was quite a BASH. The groom got drunk and fell into a CANAL.


Short Definition : the ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus

(noun) an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus)
Synonyms : dionysia
(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanalia

Bachalan(characterless) log hamesha daaru pee ke party karte hain-toshitrules

bacchan the bewada alia mean.. party karayega hi daru ki


Short Definition : drunken

(adj) used of riotously drunken merrymaking
Example Sentence
  • a night of bacchanalian revelry
  • carousing bands of drunken soldiers
  • orgiastic festivity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanalian

(in hindi langauge) Baccha nali mein pada hai kyon ki vo drunken hai.

bacchanalian contains Bachchan (hence Amitabh Bachchan) who is famous for his drunken persons role in bollywood movie Shraabi. (Amitabh bachchan is a famous bollywood actor.)

Bacchus is the Roman god of wine and revelry.

Everyone drank vodca at Amitabh Bacchan's party

if you remember in Amithab bacchan movie "satte pe satha"(spelling is not exact), after drinking, his dialogue "dharu peeney mein liver karab ho jaatha hai"

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bacchanalian = Baccha(Bakasura) + nalian (Nalige/Nalai) sounds like tongue of Bakasura

bacchalan kalmuhi...sharaab pi kar ghar aati hai!!!!

Bacchanla ladki pi karr aayi hai.. DRUNKEN..


Short Definition : revert (to bad habits); N. reverter

(verb) drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
Synonyms : lapse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for backslide

back(means...to turn to your original place or habit) + slide(means to come down)............and anyone who comes back to his bad habits again after having given up is said to be in a backslideing situation.

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the situation is said to be backsliding.


Short Definition : and forwards; Ex. reciprocate his invitation by inviting him; N. reciprocity: reciprocal relationship; mutual interchange of advantages between two groups; Ex. reciprocity in trading rights

(adv) at or to or toward the back or rear
Example Sentence
  • he moved back
  • tripped when he stepped backward
  • she looked rearward out the window of the car
(adv) in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal
Synonyms : backward
Example Sentence
  • it's easy to get the `i' and the `e' backward in words like `seize' and `siege'
  • the child put her jersey on backward
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for backwards

somebody who takes care of you (not your father/mother, but someone like a WARDen) and accepts responsibility for you, accepts you as his/her WARD. You reciprocate this after a few years with money, gifts or love in return.


Short Definition : pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade by asking again and again; Ex. The children badgered me into taking them into the cinema; N: a kind of mountain animal

(noun) a native or resident of Wisconsin
Synonyms : wisconsinite
(noun) sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere Definition
(verb) annoy persistently
Synonyms : beleaguer bug pester tease
Example Sentence
  • The children teased the boy because of his stammer
(verb) persuade through constant efforts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for badger

BAD GIRL.....bad girls always annoy people

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bad+ger(gen) gen means people. badgers are always annoying.

badger ~ beggar; Imagine some annoying beggar woman !!

Think of "badger" as a vain military officer with a lot of badges pinned on to his uniform...he keeps pestering everyone to make note of his achievements...so badger = "pester, annoy or harass"!

army wear badge, so they are badger. they annoy people persistently.

BAD+GERms==always bother us. so badger means bother

the multi- 'bagger'(sounds like badger) stock ideas advert on this website is very irritating annoying and pestering

badgers are like stalker who never cease to pester, irritate and annoy

badger = bazar .. annoys us

Divide it like bad+ ger (gen, generation): gen means people. Today's bad generation can really annoy their parents.

It sounds like anger...badger...anger so u can rembe rit

Sound the buzzer frequently to badger people.

remember your class topper in scholl who embosses a BADGEar all the students of the class ANOY AND PESTER him by asking doubts AGAIN AND AGAIN

begger on signal asking again and again


Short Definition : teasing conversation; banter; joking talk

(noun) frivolous banter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for badinage

"tease ur friend in a friendly and humorous way" that he looks "bad + in + age"(older) due to his bald head

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Bad-in-age. Youth is the age we may get involved in doing bad things. One of those bad things is teasing someone (frivolous banter) during conversation or pulling someone’s leg.

sounds like BADI(big in hindi)and NAAK (nose)..so teasing some one bout their big nose

split it like this badi+age..so badi(old) age ki ladies often do teasing conversations.

badinage - - bad+image people with bad image are known for teasing someone

sounds like bandage........in order to tease my friends i had applied bandage to my leg.....when they asked me what had happened i removed it and started laughing

badinage=bad+in+age. If you are bad in age. i.e if you are too old or too young, you lack seriousness and indulge mostly in careless chatter

bad i nage...= in hindi bad + naach...but shes ur friend so ..... tell her the naach was good in humorous way ,,to tease in a light hearted way...:)

Humorous people donot have a very serious image i.e they have bad image. So BADINAGE corresponds to bad image i.e humorous, ridicule etc

Think of badinage the way it's pronounced..badinage = "BADDIE" + "NAASH"...sab bad logon ka naash ho gaya..all baddies destroyed..so everybody is having a light hearted, playful conversation..badinage = light hearted conversation!

badinage sounds like bad+image i.e bad image comes because of teasing others.

bad image of the bad man(gulshan grover) cos of his badinage.


Short Definition : frustrate; perplex

(noun) a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
Synonyms : baffle board
(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to
Example Sentence
  • This beats me!
  • Got me--I don't know the answer!
  • a vexing problem
  • This question really stuck me
(verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Example Sentence
  • What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
  • foil your opponent
(verb) check the emission of (sound)
Synonyms : regulate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baffle

baffal=bad+fal(hindi)fruit...a bad fruit frustates u

baffle sounds like buffalo and a wild buffalo can really frustrate you with his crazy actions.

baffle sounds like be + fool. Everybody knows that a fool is always confused and frusturated while trying to understand / do something new.

Baffle = frustrate = bewilder. Now u can imagine about a Buffalo getting wild...

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when you eat baffla(e) ,you overeat & get frustrated on the cook afterwards, who made you eat so much.

Buffalo on the road baffled me.

baffle sounds like battle so we get frusteted during battle time.....

similar to BEFUDDLE

BAFFLE sounds like ba ba fool i.e father confused.

baffle- just assume that zyada baafle(dal-bafle) khane se frustration hota hai :P


Short Definition : harass; tease; torment; Ex. badger baiting; N: food or other lure used to catch fish or trap animals

(noun) anything that serves as an enticement
Synonyms : come-on hook lure sweetener
(noun) something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
Synonyms : decoy lure
(verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
Example Sentence
  • The children teased the new teacher
  • Don't ride me so hard over my failure
  • His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
(verb) lure, entice, or entrap with bait Definition
(verb) attack with dogs or set dogs upon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bait

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sounds like WAIT- a boy ALLUREs or give a "temptation" to his girlfriend by saying that he wud wait for her forever.

This word sounds like bite, so Biting someone steadily means teasing someone or to harass someone.

college students bets friends to tease/harass girls

bait(bate in hindi)its the food used to trap/tease for hunting

In Kannada, Bete mean hunt. Try to lure, before you hunt something.

Wait after putting bait on hook.

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