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Short Definition : lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-respect

(verb) cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
Example Sentence
  • He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abase

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abase-abe(a slang used to degrade acvv person)+shhh(se)usually an attempt to degrade a person's opinion..ovral goes to humiliate a person....

Abase > to bring someone down back to A BASE level.

a= no, negative, less & base = base, position, grade.. combinedly lessen the position/grade


Short Definition : embarrass

(verb) cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-conscious
Synonyms : embarrass
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abash


Ab for abraham (john abraham)and ash for aishwarya roy .when they come close,abhishek get abashed

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What happens when u get a bash? (bashing)....u get embarrassed.


Short Definition : To reduce in amount;Put an end to; subside or moderate

(verb) make less active or intense
Synonyms : slack slake
(verb) become less in amount or intensity
Example Sentence
  • The storm abated
  • The rain let up after a few hours
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abate

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rebate means discount... i.e reducing the price.. abate and rebate are rhyming words

(Tag : ) abate which is rhyming with debate.Debate means raising(actually in discussion imagine that in every thing) just opposite to debate consider abate that is reduction in nature

ab ate mat karo abate your weight


Short Definition : shorten

(verb) reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
Example Sentence
  • The manuscript must be shortened
(verb) shorten
Example Sentence
  • Abbreviate `New York' and write `NY'
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abbreviate

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abbreviate consists of brevity(means brief)..so the meaning would be 'to make brief'

Abbreviate & Elaborate are pronounced similarly but meant inversely... Understood?

Abbreviation = short form of anything so abbreviate means to shorten


Short Definition : renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility)

(verb) give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
Synonyms : renounce
Example Sentence
  • The King abdicated when he married a divorcee
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abdicate

ab+dicate dicate sounds like dictator. Dictator is an authoritarian ruler who has lot of power. To remember better,ab normal is opposite to normal.So,abdicate is opposite to dictator (ie)losing power.

ab(अब ) di (दी ) CAT which means in Hindi "now given up the cat", imagine you have a powerful cat and you given her to some one.

ab (root ab means away as in abandon) + dic (dictatorship) + ate (to eat and hence reduce) : means to give away (or reduce) dictatorship and hence to give-up power.


Short Definition : abnormal or deviant

(noun) one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group Definition
(adj) markedly different from an accepted norm
Synonyms : deviant deviate
Example Sentence
  • aberrant behavior
  • deviant ideas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aberrant

(Tag: Global) ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT. Ants normally move together in a queue. imagine all these ants moving randomly like a group of honey bees. That would be abnormal behaviour.

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(beer+ant)...ant drank beer and walking abnormal..

ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT, usually an ant follows a path ... so moving away from (root ab means away from) that path means, error in regular path and hence deviating from normal path...or behaviour


Short Definition : deviation from the normal; mental disorder

(noun) a state or condition markedly different from the norm Definition
(noun) a disorder in one's mental state Definition
(noun) an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aberration

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sounds like abortion which is not normal delivery

A person who drinks beer acts differently from normal guy.. which is deviating for normal.

ab+err+ation.. in this if we concentrate on err.. which relates to error.. which is deviation from normal..


Short Definition : assist usually in doing something wrong; encourage

(verb) assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abet

"a"+"bet" Normally in teenage,college students "bet" to their friends that i will make a girl to fall in luv with me n even his fnds supports n encourages him.

to differentiate abet from abate=subside/moderate, we can pronounce it as abeat...so, my mom beat me when I assisted my brother in stealing chocolates...this can give an idea that abbeat=abet is related to something doing wrong.

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'a bet' relate it to the betting in cricket. Betting encourages the players to invove in match fixing. Md. azharruddin was assisted by a bet-ter.


Short Definition : suspended action

(noun) temporary cessation or suspension
Synonyms : suspension
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abeyance

a+beyance .. here concentrate on beyance.. it sounds like buoyancy which which suspends objects above the ground level..

remember "abey" in hindi... abey mat karo... do it later!

Interpret it as opposite of obey+ance -- not obeying the given orders and suspend the work (action)


Short Definition : detest; hate

(verb) find repugnant
Example Sentence
  • I loathe that man
  • She abhors cats
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abhor

abhor sounds like "a whore" and we generally hate a whore....so to hate someone is abhoring that person

ab + hor (horror) -- that means we should always hate the horror.

Abhor - The last part sounds like HORror ppl hate horror films, they detest them. i.e they dont test them.

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