• word of the day


    tantalize - Dictionary definition and meaning for word tantalize

    (verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
    Synonyms : bait , cod , rag , rally , razz , ride , tantalise , taunt , tease , twit
    Example Sentence
    • The children teased the new teacher
    • Don't ride me so hard over my failure
    • His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantalize

Tanta-> Taunt Tont Taunting someone... It means harassing... easy to remem.Tantalize=taunt+entice

tanta rhymes with Santa, imagine a rich kid tantalizing a poor kid, Santa gave me a car, Santa gave me new clothes, what did he give you?

u tease somebody like tan-tane-tan-ten.....tantalize

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TAUNTalize...to harass persistently by taunting

Tantalize or Entice - You entice or tempt somebody with something.

tent + lie = a girl calls you in a tent, but she was lying. so u c she tantalized you

tantrik keeps the good results in view and keeps extracting money -he's harassing- tantalizing

tease, tease.. tease !!! tantalize . harassment teasing ..tanta in telgu.. Teasing is tantalizing .. so please dont harass those gals

TENANT+PENALIZE=Teasing a Tenant continuously in 2 ways 1.by penalizing him 2.decreasing and increasing the rent(offering and taking away)

Tantalize(chanchale or chakchake in nepali)and be harrassed we have to face criticism for being chanchale

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