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Short Definition : evil; malignant in intent or effect; deadly; having a malign influence; portending evil; ominous; threatening; Ex. baleful look

(adj) deadly or sinister
Synonyms : baneful
Example Sentence
  • the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look
(adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Example Sentence
  • a baleful look
  • forbidding thunderclouds
  • his tone became menacing
  • ominous rumblings of discontent
  • sinister storm clouds
  • a sinister smile
  • his threatening behavior
  • ugly black clouds
  • the situation became ugly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baleful

when we pronounce this word this word sounds simillar to word painful........and anything painful is always a result of an evil act

BALEFUL.....remind yourself of christian bale.....in The Dark Knight.....the movie immediately reminds you of Joker....the BALEFUL joker!!

Baleful ~ bail+ful; when any dangerous convict gets out of jail taking bail, he could be threatening

Baleful = Bal + ful. Bal means hair ful means lots of it. Assume a person with unruly long hair.... he naturally seems threatening and intimidating to others... hence BALEFUL.

In the cricket ground, throwing bale is baleful for batsman.

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When the "jail" is "full", it is threatening. So baleful means threatening

we put alarming bells indicating fire..

Tottenham Hotspurs' Gareth BALE is always 'BALEFUL' to the opposition with his deadly pace and clinical finishing.

if you know the game diablo its easy to remember. Bale is another big EVIL who is diablo's brother.

Think of cartoons, when a cartoon character is FRIGHTENED or THREATENED it become pale...white in color

u can think of a person who is requesting a bale( in court).......obviously who is asking bale will be sinister and threatning....and every inch of him shows evil.....

In the Bible, the harmful and sinister God BAAL and his prophets, are defeated by Elijah the Prophet.

we can remember this word as balaful= filled with bala(problem)

bale in telugu means lizard if there are ful bales then its symbol of evil

lets BAIL after a FULTOO job

think of "bale":cotton bale when you use up BALEFUL of cotton it indicates that something EVIL,MALIGNANT has happened

It can be taken as Bail-E-ful in which the central big "E" stands for Evil and looks with evil eyes towards us


Short Definition : stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue; foil; stop or get in the way of; frustrate

(noun) the area on a billiard table behind the balkline
Synonyms : baulk
Example Sentence
  • a player with ball in hand must play from the balk
(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress Definition
(noun) one of several parallel sloping beams that support a roof
Synonyms : baulk rafter
(noun) an illegal pitching motion while runners are on base Definition
(verb) refuse to comply
Synonyms : baulk jib resist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for balk

sound close to bulk...when u see a bulky thing on ur way u refuse to go ahead

When a dog barks, you balk.

balk sounds like a dog's bark; if you see a dog barking, you refuse to go ahead. hence, dog acts as obstacle (hindrance) in your walk.

Balk sounds like Block. ie is stops from doing something

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consider...WALK-that means when u go ahead;now remove W it bcums BALK-which means not walking

Balk similar to bulk and also walk Now bulk is a hindrance/an obstacle in walking

balk=>sounds like 'bulk'- so when we are with a bulky partner, we are unwilling to approach to flatter her.

Balk > Walk > Work > Balk > Bulk > Bark. :> when you walk towards some work you balk because a bulky dog (which resembles your work) in it barks at you and so haults (balks?) you

When a geek finds a bom-chick swirling around in the balcony,then he gets tentaive or rather hesitates to move around:-p


Short Definition : heavy substance used to add stability or weight; V. supply with ballast

(noun) any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship Definition
(noun) coarse gravel laid to form a bed for streets and railroads Definition
(noun) an attribute that tends to give stability in character and morals; something that steadies the mind or feelings Definition
(noun) a resistor inserted into a circuit to compensate for changes (as those arising from temperature fluctuations) Definition
(noun) an electrical device for starting and regulating fluorescent and discharge lamps
Synonyms : light ballast
(verb) make steady with a ballast
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ballast

ballast -- balance -- you are adding something to balance it or make it stable ( just as in weighing balance)

Divide it like--Bal(Balance)+Last(last long), adding weight to bring balance to something(as in weighing balance) or to make it stable that last long.

ballast = ball(imagine a heavy iron ball) + st(ability)

blast... to stop something from blasting away, put heavy substance on it..

Bal(Balance) + st(stability)>>> Adding something to balance or stabilize or support something..


Short Definition : something that relieves pain; oily liquid with a pleasant smell from trees

(noun) any of various aromatic resinous substances used for healing and soothing Definition
(noun) semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for balm

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Just think of medicine Zandu (balm),which relieves pain

Balmy-balm- I don't like the fragrance of Iodex balm.


Short Definition : soft and mild (of air); fragrant

(adj) informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
Example Sentence
  • it used to drive my husband balmy
(adj) mild and pleasant
Synonyms : mild soft
Example Sentence
  • balmy days and nights
  • the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth
  • a soft breeze
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for balmy

BALMs are used to make us feel good, mild when we are having headache or tension. hence balmy means mild, pleasant

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I don't like the fragrant of Iodex balm

Balmy sounds like Bama who is krishna’s wife and she is very pleasant.


Short Definition : hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality; clich'ed

(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Example Sentence
  • bromidic sermons
  • his remarks were trite and commonplace
  • hackneyed phrases
  • a stock answer
  • repeating threadbare jokes
  • parroting some timeworn axiom
  • the trite metaphor `hard as nails'
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for banal

abey nal to roz hi kholte hain...


'ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors whose movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines are repeated ; (another meaning) dull and unoriginal(dubbed))

Divide it like -- ban + al(ban all people); you ban all those people from your group, if they are repeating the same activity again and again.

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When u r in severe depression u will lock urself in ur room BANNING ALL people for a while as u need some privacy

Banal = I would like to BAN-ALL banal words because they are dull and overused.

banal sounds like GUNAL(a tamil movie actor).So his death has been shown on TV for many days(repeated too often).

banal => bakwaas(hindi) not always, means being a waste as it's overrepeated.

banal: beh nal. behta hua nal is a vey munadane affair

ca be taken as a short from for Boring And Not originAL....


Short Definition : discuss lightly or glibly; discuss in a frivolous manner; exchange (words) heatedly; quarrel; Ex. bandy words with

(verb) toss or strike a ball back and forth Definition
(verb) exchange blows Definition
(verb) discuss lightly
Synonyms : kick around
Example Sentence
  • We bandied around these difficult questions
(adj) have legs that curve outward at the knees
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bandy

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bandy sounds like brandy--When people drink brandy, they exchange heated words in a light and glib way.

in hindi u call ur GF ur BANDI, so u share, discuss, have light arguments with ur bandi...

Bandy--sounds like "Band" which means close . so close the room and talk else somebody will listen

bandy sounds like BANDIT. In all movies with bandits, there are a lot of careless dialogues and actions by the bandits and as a result, fights and quarrels. (Imagine Sholay, featuring the world's most famous bandit, Gabbar Singh)

we you drink BRANDY you speak in a bandy way!..

bandi= in jail Bandi(hindi) discuss lightly for their escape plan

bandy=band+y=BAND+I=BANDI. Men only exchange blows for a bandi and beat each other.

He bandied words with a bandi.


Short Definition : posion; cause of ruin; ADJ. baneful: harmful; poisonous

(noun) something causing misery or death
Synonyms : curse nemesis scourge
Example Sentence
  • the bane of my life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bane

Modern technology is BOON OR BANE. Boon is useful and BANE is Something causing misery or death

ban+e -- Things which are harmful or poisonous (can make your life misery) are always banned by government.

sounds like CANE which CAUSES MISERY

bane...in rhyme with ... pain...so it pain when u r cursed...so:curse,somethin that makes u unhappy,that troubles u.. :)

there is a stoy of batman and bane where bane is a vilan(cause od ruin/curse)

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bane-ane. ane(u) in kannada means tick. wish i s poisonous and harmful to our head and hair.

Bane is a Pain in the Ass

the sage BANED the king of disloyal to his people

Bane should be BANNED, because it is harmful and poisonous.

Don't you know MR BANE...........ruinous person.

remember "Bane" from Dark knight rises? who tried to cause "Bane" to the people in gotham city

drugs r banned(bane)by law bcoz it causes suffering and death.

Like the DARK NIGHT RISES VILLAIN "Bane" who was harmful and poisonous to batman


Short Definition : heap; piled-up mass; embankment; lateral tilting (as of an aircraft in turning); V: pile up; protect with a bank; tilt in turning

(noun) sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water)
Example Sentence
  • they pulled the canoe up on the bank
  • he sat on the bank of the river and watched the currents
(noun) a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities
Example Sentence
  • he cashed a check at the bank
  • that bank holds the mortgage on my home
(noun) a long ridge or pile
Example Sentence
  • a huge bank of earth
(noun) an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers
Example Sentence
  • he operated a bank of switches
(noun) a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies) Definition
(noun) the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games
Example Sentence
  • he tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo
(noun) a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force
Synonyms : camber cant
(noun) a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home
Example Sentence
  • the coin bank was empty
(noun) a building in which the business of banking transacted
Synonyms : bank building
Example Sentence
  • the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon
(noun) a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning)
Example Sentence
  • the plane went into a steep bank
(verb) tip laterally
Example Sentence
  • the pilot had to bank the aircraft
(verb) enclose with a bank
Example Sentence
  • bank roads
(verb) do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank
Example Sentence
  • Where do you bank in this town?
(verb) act as the banker in a game or in gambling Definition
(verb) be in the banking business Definition
(verb) put into a bank account
Synonyms : deposit
Example Sentence
  • She deposits her paycheck every month
(verb) cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning
Example Sentence
  • bank a fire
(verb) have confidence or faith in
Synonyms : rely swear trust
Example Sentence
  • We can trust in God
  • Rely on your friends
  • bank on your good education
  • I swear by my grandmother's recipes


Short Definition : joking talk; good-naturedly ridiculing; N.V. banter

(adj) cleverly amusing in tone
Example Sentence
  • a bantering tone
  • facetious remarks
  • tongue-in-cheek advice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bantering

Bantering -- bante + ring; bante - remember Banta Singh -- we read so many silly jokes on him. we can figure out Banta Singh as a funny person or a person who always does joking talks.

bantering=ban+tearing i.e ban tears and to ban tears we crack jokes and do joyful talks.

you can percieve it like banta(e)-(r)sing...which is good natured ridiculing..!!


Remember this as santa-banta jokes i.e., we crack jokes on them and hence the meaning.

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remember chntu bantu talks in movie style

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