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    minatory - Dictionary definition and meaning for word minatory

    (adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
    Example Sentence
    • a baleful look
    • forbidding thunderclouds
    • his tone became menacing
    • ominous rumblings of discontent
    • sinister storm clouds
    • a sinister smile
    • his threatening behavior
    • ugly black clouds
    • the situation became ugly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for minatory

Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.

minator + y first part sounds like minotaur-the mythical beast you could associate menacing and threatening with and thus minatory = menacing

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minatory ~ min (men) + atory (eater) = A maneater is considered as dangerous or threatening to human beings.

Minority Parties always threaten for QUOTA

MINEatory.....mines are always threatening because lot's of people can die because of suffocation or poisonous gases present in mines....

Meena is not teri she is meri, he gave a minatory statement

Sounds like 'Minotaur'[half bull half man creature in greek myth] so minator|y means like a 'minotaur'[evil!]

Even a MINor TeraORY breach can be threatening

Min + ate + ory sounds like hate in between, hate is an expression shown by one who is threatening or forbidding .....

Minatory = mina + at + worry; i.e mina feeling fear.

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