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Short Definition : salty

(noun) an isotonic solution of sodium chloride and distilled water
Synonyms : saline solution
(adj) containing salt
Example Sentence
  • a saline substance
  • salty tears
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at hospital when the famous saline is given, it is actually for compensating for minerals(salts)

saline is something like solime in which lime means salty

SALINE (salty) and BRINE (salt water or sea water) have the same sound and meaning i.e something salty.


Short Definition : (of the skin) yellowish and unhealthy-looking; sickly in color; Ex. sallow complexion due to jaundice

(noun) any of several Old World shrubby broad-leaved willows having large catkins; some are important sources for tanbark and charcoal Definition
(verb) cause to become sallow
Example Sentence
  • The illness has sallowed her face
(adj) unhealthy looking
Synonyms : sickly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sallow

Sounds like yellow, and after replacing sa with ye, sallow becomes yellow..

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SALLOW rhymes with YELLOW....and in juandice we become UNHEALTHY and our face becomes yellow or pale..

SALLOW = SAL+LOW someone whose salary is lowered becomes sallow

SALLOW and WILLOW are rhyming words, both of which refer to something yellow. Sallow is a yellowish jaundiced look just as the Willow tree which has yellow coloured leaves.

are SALLOW,mujhe jaundice kya hogaya,thoda DULL/PALE kya hogaya ,tum log mujhe pehchante hi nahi !!!

sounds like callow means immature.....

sounds like swallow which looks pale yellow in color..


Short Definition : healthful; conducive to health or well-being; socially desirable; Ex. salubrious area; CF. health

(adj) promoting health; healthful
Synonyms : good for you healthy
Example Sentence
  • a healthy diet
  • clean healthy air
  • plenty of healthy sleep
  • healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy
  • the salubrious mountain air and water
  • carrots are good for you
(adj) favorable to health of mind or body
Example Sentence
  • not the most salubrious campsite
  • one of the less salubrious suburbs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salubrious

(related to bollywood)remember salman khan........all health and all.......

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SALUBRIOUS and NUTRITIOUS are rhyming words which describe something that is healthy or health-giving.

SALory+U+BRIng+US then happy&healthful

SALLU and BRIOUS(brothers)....sallu and his brothers are healthy....

SALUbrious You would SALUte someone you admire; a role model who has good health.

Salubrious sound like salud, so: Los médicos en el televisor dicen que salud es buen por nos. The doctors on the TV said that health is good for us.


Two things: Think "salad" or "salivate"

spanish uses "SALUD" for health, therefore something "saludibrious" (corrupt the spelling) is healthy.

salubrious.....made from the word cellulose which is the basic element of human body cells so it means healthy .....

SALad and gym cLUB are for the seRIOUS health nuts.


Short Definition : tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; Ex. The punishment had a salutary effect on the boy; CF. health

(adj) tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health
Synonyms : good
Example Sentence
  • beneficial effects of a balanced diet
  • a good night's sleep
  • the salutary influence of pure air
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salutary

relate to SALUTE..so you salute a person who even after many failures never gives up and always has THAT TENDENCY TO IMPROVE.

SALUTARY and SANITARY having a similar sound and meaning, refer to something that is used for the complete health or well-being of the people.

statuary warnings on cigarretes is for ur health.

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SALUTEary...salutary means benificial.....when people salute me, it's BENEFICIAL for me because I feel extremely proud of myself.....

salutary and salubrious are synonyms and they sound similar too.

Salutary-->(Saali loot Rahi) can be used for Phoolan Devi who stood up against vicious landlords for the BENEFIT of poor people. So, something beneficial is Salutary

remember salutary has slightly a different or a second meaning from that of salute. Just think of when do u salute a person? When he does some benefecial or improve the wellbeing of others or improve the health conditions

if you salute your seniors you will allways stay healthy ie its beneficial for ur health

when a woman is depressed she will cheer herself by going to a SALE or TERRY at a SALE

salutary=(sal+utary ~ ut~uthna.. my salary(sal)is going up this means my performance is IMPROVING and getting GOOD,ofcourse this will be BENEFICIAL to me and my company. benificial,tending to improve.

we salute your remedial improvements


Short Definition : rescue (goods or property) from loss; N: saving; property saved

(noun) property or goods saved from damage or destruction Definition
(noun) the act of saving goods or property that were in danger of damage or destruction Definition
(noun) the act of rescuing a ship or its crew or its cargo from a shipwreck or a fire Definition
(verb) save from ruin, destruction, or harm
Synonyms : relieve salve save
(verb) collect discarded or refused material
Synonyms : scavenge
Example Sentence
  • She scavenged the garbage cans for food
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for salvage

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SAlVAGE -- SAVAGE -- savage is to destroy and salvage is completely opposite to that.

this involves SAL = SALARY which evrybody saves or manage to save...so remember salvage salary save....

SALVAGE is to save from DAMAGE. To recover something from destrution.

har SAAL apni WAGE bachane ko kehte hain SAALWAGE or SALVAGE

SALVAGE -> SAVE from Loss

salvage from salary and wage this salary...

eating veg and saving shyal (nep.) shyal = wolf (eng)

salvage:sal+vage~vague.escaped from my company to another as this company is giving vague salary becauses of its losses. i dont want to be in dangr after working for long hours so escaped from there. escaping from danger,save.

to savage is to destroy salvage is complete opposite.. also salvage and save sound bit similar


Short Definition : displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; N. sanctimony: hypocritical piety

(adj) excessively or hypocritically pious
Example Sentence
  • a sickening sanctimonious smile
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanctimonious

saints and munis are sanctimonious... DHONGI SAADHU

saint+money...acting like a saint for money..they're false, displaying false piety

A foreigner wants to be labelled as a muni .. "I am a Sancti Muni, Baby" .. How will he do so, by displaying ostentatious devoutness .. Else nobody will fall in the trap.

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SANCTIMONIOUS or RIGHTEOUS or OSTENTATIOUS - someone who makes a show of righteousness, is hypocritical.

Sacred pandit singing MUNNI BADNAAM HUI at the same time hypocratizing not to drink and smoke

sanctimonious: sancti~santi+moni~money= the one who says peaceful words as many donga/chor swamis/saints for money are not really true, they just display themselves as pious. the one who preaches some santi words for money.ka paul


Short Definition : approve; ratify; N: permission; penalty intended to enforce compliance

(noun) formal and explicit approval
Example Sentence
  • a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement
(noun) a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards Definition
(noun) official permission or approval
Example Sentence
  • authority for the program was renewed several times
(noun) the act of final authorization
Example Sentence
  • it had the sanction of the church
(verb) give sanction to
Synonyms : approve o.k. okay
Example Sentence
  • I approve of his educational policies
(verb) give authority or permission to Definition
(verb) give religious sanction to, such as through on oath
Example Sentence
  • sanctify the marriage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanction

u can read it like sanction ~~ SANG SONG so u sing song when u have been approved or accepted it's like being approved to USA..

I- SAY-ACTION, slang for I give you permission

SANCTION or PERMISSION or AUTHORISATION - to get the authority to do something.

"Saints Ton"...SAINTS have a TON of authority when it comes to giving the church permission to do things.

sounds like saction..so a saction of people APPROVING YOUR PLAN.

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a sanctioned nation must be approved by UN vote.

S(Yes)+ Action


Short Definition : place of refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place; Ex. The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.

(noun) a consecrated place where sacred objects are kept Definition
(noun) a shelter from danger or hardship
Synonyms : asylum refuge
(noun) area around the altar of a church for the clergy and choir; often enclosed by a lattice or railing
Synonyms : bema chancel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanctuary

remember wildlife sanctuary where animals take shelter, refuge n hence its a holy place

sanctuary can be spelled as san+CHERY so "chery" can be regarded as church:a place where refuges take shelter.

sanctuary s a sanctioned place.

SANCTUARY or SANCTUM is an ASYLUM which is a place of refuge or retreat.


Short Definition : bloody; with much bloodshed

(adj) accompanied by bloodshed
Example Sentence
  • this bitter and sanguinary war
(adj) marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed
Example Sentence
  • bloody-minded tyrants
  • bloodthirsty yells
  • went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanguinary

root word: "sangui" means blood.....so SANGUINARY means blood-thirsty

sangu....in ...army....wen dere is army der will b war nd hence bloodshed

sanguinary rhymes with SANG(WITH)-ARMY.....there were more BLOODSHED when ashok attacks along WITH(sang) his ARMY...

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She was angry & cut her artery.. So much blood..

sangeen naari = kill bill

SANGUINARY or GORY which are rhyming words also have the same meaning which is, blood-thirsty or full of bloodshed.

Imagine a penGUIN that is sanguinary to others who SANG, because he himself is not able to.

sanguinary=s+aang+urinary, some body parts which contain BLOOD

Sangui + (Merce)nary - BloodThirsty!

In tamil nary means fox. Imagine a nary killing animals for food

angui(angry) + nary(nari) >>> an angry lady will try and kill u and shed ur blood or can even cut her hand and shed her blood..

A nari(women) sang contineously in a sanguinary incident,,


Short Definition : optimistic; cheerful; hopeful; of the color of blood; red

(noun) a blood-red color Definition
(adj) confidently optimistic and cheerful Definition
(adj) inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life
Synonyms : florid rubicund ruddy
Example Sentence
  • a ruddy complexion
  • Santa's rubicund cheeks
  • a fresh and sanguine complexion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanguine

SANGUINE is pronounced very much like "SANGEEN" in hindi which is usually referred with crime-"sangeen hatya" which shows serious murder with blood red colour...

break it like sang + vine, so wen u drink vine and singing song you feel cheerful, happy

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Sanguine - Penguin : Kids cheer up when they see penguins .. Penguins are very cheerful and hopeful (Ref the movie "Happy Feet")

sangui root means blood.i like a girl whose cheeks are sanguine and i find her very sanguine(cheerful)

he is SANGUINE (confident) that the jewellery he has bought is GENUINE

Sang+queen(guine). When queen sing we feel cheerful

Sang+uine---- sang unitely: means when we sing in unity we are cheerful and full of energy

sanguine = sing+win .. when do u sing and what do you do wen u win .. becom cheerful !

Break it as Sang Ui UINE = Sing we will win/... \m/

sangu(sangu bhai or sanjay dutt...indian actor) is very CHEERFUL,CONFIDENT AND OPTIMISTIC.

Looks like sangria, which makes you happy.

COn"Sanguine" in local language is "Gothram", so related to blood relations. So any word with sanguine is related to blood.

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