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Short Definition : of a sect; narrow-minded; parochial; N: member of a sect; narrow-minded person

(noun) a member of a sect
Synonyms : sectarist sectary
Example Sentence
  • most sectarians are intolerant of the views of any other sect
(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects
Example Sentence
  • sectarian differences
(adj) belonging to or characteristic of a sect
Example Sentence
  • a sectarian mind
  • the negations of sectarian ideology
  • sectarian squabbles in psychology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sectarian

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SECTARIAN or PAGAN which have a similar sound, refer to the people holding religious beliefs other than those generally accepted by everyone else.


Short Definition : worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion; temporal

(noun) someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person
Synonyms : layman layperson
(adj) of or relating to the doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations Definition
(adj) characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world
Synonyms : temporal worldly
Example Sentence
  • worldly goods and advancement
  • temporal possessions of the church
(adj) not concerned with or devoted to religion
Synonyms : profane
Example Sentence
  • sacred and profane music
  • secular drama
  • secular architecture
  • children being brought up in an entirely profane environment
(adj) of or relating to clergy not bound by monastic vows
Example Sentence
  • the secular clergy
(adj) characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy
Synonyms : laic lay
Example Sentence
  • set his collar in laic rather than clerical position
  • the lay ministry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for secular

He was not a priest, he was SEX-ular

we say india is a SECULAR country--- means india has combination of many religions, not a fixed religion, there are hindu, muslims ,Christian, jain

India is a SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, it does not have to do anything with the church , Its worldly

sex regular:if he is sex regular,then he is not related to or connected to religion

secular ~ scholar ; A religious scholar is concerned with spiritual possessions rather than SECULAR possessions. (Cue : We can think of religious scholar as its opp. to secularism that is followed in India)

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SECULAR or a MATTER concerned with earthly life or material gains, worldly matters.

Secular parties have WORLDLY agendas and TEMPORAL manifestos.

India is a SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, it does not have to do anything with the church , Its worldly

(the world is) circular...


Short Definition : composed (with no excitement); grave; V: administer a sedative to; CF. sedative

(verb) cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to
Example Sentence
  • The patient must be sedated before the operation
(adj) characterized by dignity and propriety
Synonyms : staid
(adj) dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
Synonyms : grave sober solemn
Example Sentence
  • a grave God-fearing man
  • a quiet sedate nature
  • as sober as a judge
  • a solemn promise
  • the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedate

one should be sedated before his 1st date....

sedate=see+date,as we see dates we find more time so dont get tensed..be calm

a SEDAn goes without any sound.it is quiet and calm

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sedate = seed + ate; The child is crying in hungry as he eaten the seeds of foods now his stomach is full & stopped crying.


Short Definition : requiring sitting; done while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled; Ex. sedentary job/population

(adj) requiring sitting or little activity
Example Sentence
  • forced by illness to lead a sedentary life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedentary

dentary- dentist u require a lot of sitting to make ur teeth healthy

"sed"iment means dust that sits.

sedentary sounds similar to dysentery..whch requires sitting..

SEDENTARY is to be almost STATIONARY because all work is done while you are seated at one place, with very little or no movement at all.

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sedent - sediment

the fat man sat on the car and iy got a DENT

Sounds like "Sit" + "Entry" which is the job of a watchman. Hence his job is requiring sitting.

sedan is a type of car. Spell it as SEDEN-TRY means try a car = ofcourse u'll NEED to SIT in the car to try it. so SEDENTARY = REQUIRE SITTING. :) simple :)


Short Definition : conduct or language inciting rebellion; rebellion; resistance to authority; insubordination; ADJ. seditious

(noun) an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedition

seidition = said+i+shun he said i will shun u.. reisitance 2 authority

SEDITION or OPPOSITION which are rhyming words refer to words or actions inciting rebellion.

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Sedition <-> Petition .. Petition is filed in the court to resist the govt's order to relocate the temple ..

cheddi-son - ur little son is resisting to put on his underwear

sed(APART)+ITIO(GOING)+N....GOING APART or sepration FROM A LAWFUL AUTHORITY, SHOWS YOUR HOSTILITY TOWARS IT. WHEN WE become hostile toward someone, or when our relation are not good we try to GO APART FROM THOSE PEOPLE...

sedition- rhymes like CHEDI SON -- uske son ne ladki chedi and it is sedition.

When demonstrating against the government, a person is likely to SIT-DOWN as in sit-dish-on.

sedition rymes with edition public keh rahi hai agar writer ne is sex book ka edition nikala to hum virodh karenge

sedition. sed-(said) ition : ignition. he said or spoke in a way that ignited their feelings and forced people to act against the authority..

sediments=rocks => hard(resistant) to authority

sedition = for the addition of the seed the quarrel is going on.

'edition' means to add while '(s)edition' means to oppose or persuade people to oppose.

sedition = Seed + edition. edit of seed which is produce in some one field without showing in govt. register is always anti govt.


Short Definition : lead away from proper conduct; entice; ADJ. seductive

(verb) induce to have sex
Synonyms : make score
Example Sentence
  • Harry finally seduced Sally
  • Did you score last night?
  • Harry made Sally
(verb) lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct
Example Sentence
  • She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seduce

SEDUCE is to REDUCE a person into accepting sexual overtures.

seduce: split d word like SE(x)-d-Uc(S)E. so, using a person 4r sex.


Short Definition : diligent; assiduous; paying attention; N. sedulity

(adj) marked by care and persistent effort
Synonyms : assiduous
Example Sentence
  • her assiduous attempts to learn French
  • assiduous research
  • sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedulous

to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course Hardworking ;)

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The sedulous young woman received promotion not for her seducing looks but for her sedulous work.

se(SAY) + dulous(dulux).. dulux paints adv. SAY dulux dulux dulux... painting a home is a sedulous task

se+dul+lous...to SEEK knowledge you have to PAY ATTENTION i.e. have to be LESS DULL

se+dullous..sounds like..seek ..dolas(dollars)we should do lot of hardwork..

SEDULOUS, CAREFULNESS and ASSIDUOUS which are rhyming words, mean, to work with care and effort.

sedulous = For sufficient quantity seed of rice you have to hard work on the field.


Short Definition : run-down; decrepit; disreputable; having many seeds; Ex. seedy downtown hotel

(adj) full of seeds
Example Sentence
  • as seedy as a fig
(adj) shabby and untidy
Synonyms : scruffy
Example Sentence
  • a surge of ragged scruffy children
  • he was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin
(adj) somewhat ill or prone to illness
Example Sentence
  • my poor ailing grandmother
  • feeling a bit indisposed today
  • you look a little peaked
  • feeling poorly
  • a sickly child
  • is unwell and can't come to work
(adj) morally degraded
Synonyms : seamy sleazy sordid squalid
Example Sentence
  • a seedy district
  • the seamy side of life
  • sleazy characters hanging around casinos
  • sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls
  • the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils
  • the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seedy

seedy~bidi : one who smokes bidi (gen. workers) are shabby and untidy and they are morally degraded (generally rowdy by nature + smoking is not good :no offence plz). You can also think of "beedi jalaiyi le",morally degraded song

the original seed the plant grows out of is right at the bottom in the ground.. thats what seedy means.. to lower or run down some one..

SEEDY business of salacious CD

seedy is opposite of seedhi(hindi) person

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SEEDY and SHADY which are similar in sound refer to a disreputable, dishonest person.

Seedy can be thought of as seeds i.e balls(testacles) of a person which is vulgar..

The ppl whois always seedy wants to make relationship is always poor quality ppl.


Short Definition : (of behavior) proper; appropriate

(adj) according with custom or propriety
Example Sentence
  • her becoming modesty
  • comely behavior
  • it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money
  • a decent burial
  • seemly behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seemly

seemly ~ see + homely (hindi: gharelu in positive sense) : see sita is so homely and hence proper or appopriate to be my daughter in law !

SEEMLY is the opposite of SEAMY

seemly= see+my+l == mummy "(see) (my) (l)adki" coz its appropriate & proper for me...

hmmm...seems proper...

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SEEMLY or BEAUTY - something that is attractive and appropriate.

See Mili -- Mili is a seemly girl .. Proper and appropriate behavior ..


Short Definition : pass slowly through small openings; ooze; trickle; N. seepage

(verb) pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
Synonyms : ooze
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seep

SEEP is similar to PEEP. When you peep, you see through a small opening. When liquid seeps, it comes out of a small opening

seep -> PEES invert the order of letters... when someone pees the urine seeps out

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SEEP - something that SQUEEZES or SEEPS out of a small opening, oozes or trickles out.

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