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Short Definition : strong and firm (in the body)

(adj) having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships
Synonyms : hardy stalwart stout
Example Sentence
  • hardy explorers of northern Canada
  • proud of her tall stalwart son
  • stout seamen
  • sturdy young athletes
(adj) not making concessions
Example Sentence
  • took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks
  • uncompromising honesty
(adj) substantially made or constructed
Synonyms : tough
Example Sentence
  • sturdy steel shelves
  • sturdy canvas
  • a tough all-weather fabric
  • some plastics are as tough as metal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sturdy

it sounds like steady means firm & strong


Short Definition : unpleasantly dark; gloomy; hellish; deathly; CF. Styx: the chief river in the subterranean land of the dead

(adj) hellish
Example Sentence
  • Hence loathed Melancholy.../In Stygian cave forlorn
(adj) dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades
Synonyms : acheronian acherontic
Example Sentence
  • in the depths of an Acheronian forest
  • upon those roseate lips a Stygian hue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stygian

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stygian... think it as one living in a sty(pen for pigs) .. it is expected to be be disgusting and therefore dark or dismal

stygian sounds like sky + agyan. i.e., hell.

Stygian,rhymes with Contagion(spreading of disease) which is DEATHLY,GLOOMY and no doubt HELLISH,those who fall in trap of that.

Angelina Jolie as GIA(the model.. google it). Gia had a tragic career.Her favourite spot to snort cocaine was in a pig STY and that made her burn like HELL on the Inside.

The main river that flows in HELL is STYX...hell is a very dark and gloomy place.

Sounds like "stitch you in!" Imagine being stitched into a body bag and thrown in a dark and dismal pit!

sounds like stingy. Rahul was a stingy pesron. He was always in gloom whenever he spend money

jinko STYle ka GIAN(knowledge) nahi hota,woh stygian hote hain


i knew an agyaani that thought hell was in sky, and heaven was below us

Satan giant lives in gloomy and dark place

"The darkness was cheap and Scrooge liked it." Scrooge's quarters were dark because he was so stingy.

Sky gone...so its turned dark and gloomy


Short Definition : thwart; present an obstacle; stump

(noun) a situation in golf where an opponent's ball blocks the line between your ball and the hole
Synonyms : stymy
(noun) a thwarting and distressing situation
Synonyms : stymy
(verb) hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
Example Sentence
  • His brother blocked him at every turn
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stymie

Stymie is a negative word. Stymie means "tie me". i.e., prevent from moving forward.

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sty- a sty in your eye blocks or prevents you from seeing

sounds a bit like stand in the way of.... which means preventing

consistent with the software company's STYle, Microsoft IE crashes all the time to thwart and block my internet browsing.

A <B>stye</B> is a blocked oil gland in the eyelid.

relates to TIE ME. when hot girl hug u and sali chad di nai

[sty=stay,mie=me];an obstacle stays me[block-hinder]

The stemmie left over from the downed Red Wood is in my way!

Stymie:Anything that makes me feel like a pygmy

stay in my way

WHY ME? always i have the obstacles in my path :(


Short Definition : urbanity; polish; ADJ. suave: smooth and courteous

(noun) the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suavity

Suavity: Remember suAMITY(avity) is friendship and good friendship needs manners.

SAAB JI--SAAB JI log have quality of suavity.

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suavity == first four words are suav we can relate its shave so people who has the suavity musta be shaved.

Saw you ity=suavity=Polished way of meeting people gracefully.

Soa ("100" in Hindi) Witty - To make a witty man courteous all you have to do is to put him in a room with "soa" other wittty people.


Short Definition : subordinate

(noun) a British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain Definition
(adj) inferior in rank or status
Example Sentence
  • the junior faculty
  • a lowly corporal
  • petty officialdom
  • a subordinate functionary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subaltern

SUB+ALTERNate.....an alternate, someone who is inferior (sub)in position, meaning a SUBORDINATE.

subALTERN rhymes with PALTAN[hindi:chiller party}i.e group of young children playing with adults...they are considered as subordinates with playing games...like cricket

SUB = SUBDUE, LOWER and ALTERN rhymes with A lantern that is a person who follows with a lantern to a big one i.e. A SUBORDINATE


Short Definition : less intense; quieter; Ex. subdued lighting; Ex. subdue: conquer; make less intense; quiet; Ex. subdue one's anger

(verb) put down by force or intimidation
Example Sentence
  • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
  • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
  • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
(verb) to put down by force or authority
Example Sentence
  • suppress a nascent uprising
  • stamp down on littering
  • conquer one's desires
(verb) hold within limits and control
Synonyms : crucify mortify
Example Sentence
  • subdue one's appetites
  • mortify the flesh
(verb) get on top of; deal with successfully
Example Sentence
  • He overcame his shyness
(verb) make subordinate, dependent, or subservient
Synonyms : subordinate
Example Sentence
  • Our wishes have to be subordinated to that of our ruler
(verb) correct by punishment or discipline
Synonyms : chasten tame
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subdue

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After winning the Match when he was asked about the Party.. He said..SAB DUE hai..fir dunga..

Kauravas subdue DUEtkrida (gambling in sanskrit) against Pandavas....

in hindi sub means all and in english do means to do work r anything,a women telling her servants to do worl.that is by subdue.so she is keeping them in her control

subdue=sub+due...sub=subject..due=sth like backlog....so he still has one subject due...so that prsn is unhappy bout it


Short Definition : influenced by personal feelings; occurring or taking place within the mind; unreal; Ex. subjective sensation of the ghostly presence

(adj) taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias
Example Sentence
  • a subjective judgment
(adj) of a mental act performed entirely within the mind
Synonyms : immanent
Example Sentence
  • a cognition is an immanent act of mind


Short Definition : conquer; bring under control

(verb) put down by force or intimidation
Example Sentence
  • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
  • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
  • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
(verb) make subservient; force to submit or subdue
Synonyms : subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subjugate

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it just sound in hindi like "SaB JUkhkege mere GATE ke aage"...mean conquer , bring under control..(it sounds good) ;)

It sounds like: subdue + gate. i.e., put the gate down i.e., conquer a place.

SAB+JO+GATE...imagine people who are standing near the gate of the house of a politician to protest...what will happen...they will be put down by force or intimidation

women subjugate after they conjugate :P

subjugate...sounds like subject......so imagine if you are the only authority who is SUBJECTED TO bring the situation under control......and if something happens you will be accountable for everything...so you have to CONQUER...every situation in fav

sub jugaad hai mere pass - everything is under control

Sab + Jo + Gate >> Sab jo gate pe khade hai woh mere guards hai... im the ruler.. i dominate them..


subjugate = sub (every) + jug (age) + ate(eat); Every bad or good time he has passed i.e he can control every situation.

subjudge(subjug(ate)- who dominate corruption from evil society.


Short Definition : refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with socially acceptable activities; change between a solid state and a gaseous state

(noun) the product of vaporization of a solid Definition
(verb) direct energy or urges into useful activities Definition
(verb) make more subtle or refined
Synonyms : rarefy subtilize
(verb) remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation
Synonyms : distill make pure purify
Example Sentence
  • purify the water
(verb) change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting
Synonyms : sublime
Example Sentence
  • sublime iodine
  • some salts sublime when heated
(verb) vaporize and then condense right back again
Synonyms : sublime
(adj) made pure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sublimate

lime juice refines us...

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when water goes through underground(sub)layers of limestone;water is purified .......which is accepted scientific phenomena


Short Definition : causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.; exalted; noble and uplifting; utter

(verb) vaporize and then condense right back again
Synonyms : sublimate
(verb) change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting
Synonyms : sublimate
Example Sentence
  • sublime iodine
  • some salts sublime when heated
(adj) inspiring awe
Synonyms : empyreal empyrean
Example Sentence
  • well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity
  • empyrean aplomb
  • the sublime beauty of the night
(adj) worthy of adoration or reverence
Synonyms : reverend
(adj) lifted up or set high
Example Sentence
  • their hearts were jocund and sublime
(adj) of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
Example Sentence
  • an exalted ideal
  • argue in terms of high-flown ideals
  • a noble and lofty concept
  • a grand purpose
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sublime

Lime juice makes us feel joy exalted...

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once u sublimate(purify) ur earthly pleasures u will be sublime(noble)

UNDER+LIMELIGHT = something given attention due to its excellence

Barsaat-A sublime love story(a film name) Suneel darshan film

Sublime is a process where solids converts directly to vapor without reaching the liquid state. Hence very noble, moral and spiritual

sublime=(sound like)sun+bright=like sunshine make everything bright

those who know sub limits HE IS A SUBLIME

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