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Short Definition : supply; allotted amount of work; assigned portion of work; limitation; Ex. two-year stint in the army; Ex. without stint

(noun) an unbroken period of time during which you do something
Synonyms : stretch
Example Sentence
  • there were stretches of boredom
  • he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary
(noun) smallest American sandpiper Definition
(noun) an individual's prescribed share of work
Example Sentence
  • her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her
(verb) subsist on a meager allowance
Synonyms : scrimp skimp
Example Sentence
  • scratch and scrimp
(verb) supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
Synonyms : scant skimp
Example Sentence
  • sting with the allowance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stint

'stin't is moderately 'stin'gy

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STUNT means to LIMIT growth. STINT means to LIMIT supply.

stint ..sounds like stunt....and all stunt are learned when u spent SOME FIXED TIME TO LEARN THE INTRICACIES OF YOUR TASK .

stint~stunt:In bollywood all those who perform the stunt instead of the protagonists have a LIMITED role,A FIXED AMOUNT OF TIME and ROLE ! This also means thrifty - so these stunt doers get a very less salary so they have to be ..

in order to paint my Shoe the perfect TINT i must limit the amount of time my finger presses down on the spray paint can.

S+tin+T: Survive on TIN meagre Things

stint=-= s + tint , someone expense tint amount of money is stingy.

st+int in 'c' launguage we declare integers individually seperated by','

ST (State Transport vehicle)came IN for Testing (obviously for a certain period of time)


Short Definition : pay for services

(noun) a sum of money allotted on a regular basis; usually for some specific purpose
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stipend

Stipend: rhymes with stri-fund.

imagine sum1 paying money to a prostitute to STRIP on a regular basis..

sti-sPEND, to spend


Short Definition : paint or draw with dots or short strokes

(verb) engrave by means of dots and flicks Definition
(verb) make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink Definition
(verb) apply (paint) in small dots or strokes Definition
(verb) produce a mottled effect
Synonyms : speckle
Example Sentence
  • The sunlight stippled the trees
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stipple

staple means to punch holes. stipple means to put dots.

[do not intend to hurt, but this is how i remeberd, see if it helps you too] rhymes with nipple...which itself can be considered dot over boob.And painting a boob....hence paint or draw with dots

stipple - to paint with the tip of the brush , to make strips/stripes or strokes

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staple = stipple; same means to make a dot point.


Short Definition : state as a necessary condition (of an agreement); make express conditions; specify; Ex. He stipulated payment in advance

(verb) specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement
Example Sentence
  • The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life
  • The contract stipulates the dates of the payments
(verb) give a guarantee or promise of
Example Sentence
  • They stipulated to release all the prisoners
(verb) make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stipulate

staple+it-- Staple the documents, so that it GUARANTEES that they stay together permanently!

stipules are plant parts present at the base of leaf. additional leaves present along with leaves. similarly STIPULATE is an condition (AGREEMENT) present in the MAIN AGREEMENT. stipulate = agreement in an agreement

stipulate=steep+late imagine that you are going for a meeting where you are going to do some verbal agreement with the party but because of steep slope of the route you couldn't reach in time(reached late) at the desired place..

we sometimes need to complete work in stipulated time. It means " specified" time.

Stipulate-(STIP-U-LATE) suppose a man named STIP had made verbal agreement to meet you but he comes late then you say him(STIP-U-LATE)

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i will only stip [strip] you late if we have both expressed our conditions clearly. [yay for consent!]



Short Definition : standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical; routine; common; Ex. stock sizes of paper; Ex. stock excuse/character; N: goods for sale in a shop; OP. unique

(noun) the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity)
Example Sentence
  • he owns a controlling share of the company's stock
(noun) the merchandise that a shop has on hand
Synonyms : inventory
Example Sentence
  • they carried a vast inventory of hardware
  • they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory
(noun) the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun
Synonyms : gunstock
Example Sentence
  • the rifle had been fitted with a special stock
(noun) a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporation
Synonyms : stock certificate
Example Sentence
  • the value of his stocks doubled during the past year
(noun) a supply of something available for future use
Synonyms : fund store
Example Sentence
  • he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars
(noun) the descendants of one individual
Example Sentence
  • his entire lineage has been warriors
(noun) a special variety of domesticated animals within a species
Synonyms : breed strain
Example Sentence
  • he experimented on a particular breed of white rats
  • he created a new strain of sheep
(noun) liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces
Synonyms : broth
Example Sentence
  • she made gravy with a base of beef stock
(noun) the reputation and popularity a person has
Example Sentence
  • his stock was so high he could have been elected mayor
(noun) persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant
Synonyms : caudex
(noun) a plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide the root part of grafted plants Definition
(noun) any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers
Synonyms : gillyflower
(noun) any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia
Synonyms : malcolm stock
(noun) lumber used in the construction of something
Example Sentence
  • they will cut round stock to 1-inch diameter
(noun) the handle end of some implements or tools
Example Sentence
  • he grabbed the cue by the stock
(noun) an ornamental white cravat
Synonyms : neckcloth
(noun) any animals kept for use or profit
Synonyms : farm animal livestock
(verb) have on hand
Synonyms : carry stockpile
Example Sentence
  • Do you carry kerosene heaters?
(verb) equip with a stock
Example Sentence
  • stock a rifle
(verb) supply with fish
Example Sentence
  • stock a lake
(verb) supply with livestock
Example Sentence
  • stock a farm
(verb) amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use
Synonyms : buy in stock up
Example Sentence
  • let's stock coffee as long as prices are low
(verb) provide or furnish with a stock of something
Example Sentence
  • stock the larder with meat
(verb) put forth and grow sprouts or shoots
Synonyms : sprout
Example Sentence
  • the plant sprouted early this year
(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Example Sentence
  • bromidic sermons
  • his remarks were trite and commonplace
  • hackneyed phrases
  • a stock answer
  • repeating threadbare jokes
  • parroting some timeworn axiom
  • the trite metaphor `hard as nails'
(adj) routine
Example Sentence
  • a stock answer
(adj) regularly and widely used or sold
Synonyms : standard
Example Sentence
  • a standard size
  • a stock item
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stock

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remember the commentators saying "Brett Lee's STOCK delivery is the Yorker", means he bowls them regularly when in need.

If you were a shopkeeper than u would obviously keep stuff that is typical and standard (stock adj.) to maximise the profit.

Stock~Frock(that girls wear) : In India Frock is a typical or standard dress that a girl between 6-15 wears..so TYPICAL and STANDARD and COMMON around the country !

STOCK MARKET ... make your stories ! There are enough stocks(shares) to supply regularly to the buyers, These days its a common way of making money !

STOCK market is VERY COMMON to people, and merchants keep STOCK of REGULARLY USED THINGS


Short Definition : wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier

(noun) fortification consisting of a fence made of a line of stout posts set firmly for defense Definition
(noun) a penal camp where political prisoners or prisoners of war are confined (usually under harsh conditions)
Synonyms : concentration camp
(verb) surround with a stockade in order to fortify
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stockade

stockade~Stock(enough supply) of Blades; Lets put these blades in the fence around our house..this is a stock(common,standard) way (in India) to protect from thieves climbing the fence to enter the house - hence the barrier !

sounds like blockade


Short Definition : dull; stuffy; boringly conservative; Ex. stodgy book

(adj) heavy and starchy and hard to digest
Example Sentence
  • stodgy food
  • a stodgy pudding served up when everyone was already full
(adj) (used pejoratively) out of fashion; old fashioned
Example Sentence
  • moss-grown ideas about family life
(adj) excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull
Synonyms : stuffy
Example Sentence
  • why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?
  • a stodgy dinner party
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stodgy

stodgy-a old fashoined doggy

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imagine stodgy as your doggy which is very "stuffy" which is very "dull"

STEADY+PORGY(girl)....a girl who is steady is stodgy........

doggy..whenever dogs see new person they bark...they are conservative *edited from here* and wat the hell was conservative useful for?

STOdGY STOP it JI(gy) its boring!

stand up jokes on orgy are just too heavy to understanad

stodgy >> state of old age/oddy (odd)

Sticky, slimey... giving a dull and old feel

stodgy=study as in the old ages (conventional, boring)


Short Definition : stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; N. CF. stoicism

(noun) a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno
Example Sentence
  • a Stoic achieves happiness by submission to destiny
(noun) someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
Synonyms : unemotional person
(adj) seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
Synonyms : stoical
Example Sentence
  • stoic courage
  • stoic patience
  • a stoical sufferer
(adj) pertaining to Stoicism or its followers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stoic

Think: "Stone-like"--> To be like a stone means you don't experience pleasure or pain. You are unaffected.

STOIC sounds similar to TOY (if that 'c' is removed)...a toy is impassive and unmoved by joy or grief

STOIC = STO (ie stony) + IC (ie icy) meaning thereby stony n icy...unaffected n emotionless

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sTOIc,,,,,,, TOI stands for Times of Inda, the newspaper,,, and their articles are indifferent to emotion and bias

stoic:s+toy: at the age of playing with toys, child shows no emotions.

a child was very happy as his new toy would be coming. but seeing that the toy is made up of stone he turned stoic



story becomes stoic after being dry i.e. unemotional.


Short Definition : stir up a fire or furnace; feed plentifully

(verb) stir up or tend; of a fire
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stoke

<br>Sounds like "stove" which is a furnace.

Remember the word stoke as strike.. We start a fire by striking the match stick..

stoke rhymes with poke, so you are poking the fire, similar to stoking the fire.

poke+stove ..so, when you poke a stove, it'll stir up a fire and will be fed plentifully with fire

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ST-OKE sounds like stir+smoke so stoke is stirring up a fire which brings about smoke


Short Definition : dull; impassive; showing little emotion when strong feelings are expected

(adj) having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited
Synonyms : impassive
Example Sentence
  • her impassive remoteness
  • he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight
  • a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course
  • her face showed nothing but stolid indifference
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stolid

stone like It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions.

STOL(sounds like stool)..and a stool is a nonliving thing without any emotion,simillarly a STOLID is like stool without any emotion,always dull and boring.

when you are stolid your face is solid

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Remember stolid as solid. As we all know that molecules in solid are not moving randomly as in liquid or gas. So they are dull. So stolid means solid and dull.

stone --> no feeling

stoic ( stubborn & emotionless ) persons are stolid.....

Stand or stone + Solid.

stolid - a lid on show or making a show of emotions

when u r sad ur face is solid.. UNEMOTIONAL...

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