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Short Definition : stop or check (the flow of); Ex. stem the bleeding from the slashed artery; N: main axis of a plant; stalk

(noun) (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed
Example Sentence
  • thematic vowels are part of the stem
(noun) a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
Synonyms : stalk
(noun) cylinder forming a long narrow part of something
Synonyms : shank
(noun) the tube of a tobacco pipe Definition
(noun) front part of a vessel or aircraft
Synonyms : bow fore prow
Example Sentence
  • he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line
(noun) a turn made in skiing; the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it
Synonyms : stem turn
(verb) grow out of, have roots in, originate in
Example Sentence
  • The increase in the national debt stems from the last war
(verb) cause to point inward
Example Sentence
  • stem your skis
(verb) stop the flow of a liquid
Synonyms : halt stanch staunch
Example Sentence
  • staunch the blood flow
  • stem the tide
(verb) remove the stem from
Example Sentence
  • for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stem

meaning of stem is opposite of what a stem of a plant does ; It lets the nutrients travel accross and lets the water from root upward ! But stem means to stop the flow !

steam is good for cold, it can stop nose flowing.. & steam is also arise from water, and water is the only fluid which travels through main axis of a plant. ;)

They stemmed the stem and sprayed some pesticide.


Short Definition : strong foul odor; reek; stink

(noun) a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stench

pronounce it as "stenk".. similar to stink


Short Definition : (of the voice) extremely loud; CF. Stentor: a loud herald in the Iliad

(adj) used of the voice
Synonyms : booming
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stentorian

sTEN + TORIAN {TONIAN} take it as tone ! so having ten tones which is like very loud

remember the STEN gun.. its a very loud machine gun.. so the STEN-TORE my ears

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steno is one who writes when one speaks. stento is one who has extremely loud voice.

Sounds like Mentor and Mentor has loud voice always

The Senate gets very loud when there are STate SENaTORs IN

Sounds like Sentry on the door. He is always blowing the LOUD whistle at the night and causing insomnia.

stentorian sounds like stunt which r loud

tarzan ne aa kar apne stentorian gale se tent tor diya

Stereo tone(you may assume ring tone) is loud.


Short Definition : one regarded as embodying a set image or type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture often reflecting prejudice; Ex. stereotype of the happy slave; V: make a stereotype of; r

(noun) a conventional or formulaic conception or image
Example Sentence
  • regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding
(verb) treat or classify according to a mental stereotype
Synonyms : pigeonhole stamp
Example Sentence
  • I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stereotype

stereos are old..unchanging..though they are good, becuase of their fixed quality, they're PRE-JUDICED to be inferior...

Stereos are usually large so it remains fixed in its place.


Short Definition : incapable of producing young; free from microorganism; V. sterilize

(adj) incapable of reproducing
Synonyms : infertile unfertile
Example Sentence
  • an infertile couple
(adj) free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms
Synonyms : aseptic
Example Sentence
  • a sterile operating area
  • aseptic surgical instruments
  • aseptic surgical techniques
(adj) deficient in originality or creativity; lacking powers of invention
Example Sentence
  • a sterile ideology lacking in originality
  • unimaginative development of a musical theme
  • uninspired writing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sterile

Sterile is someone who is not virile (capable of producing)

She is not fertile.


Short Definition : perfectionist; person who insists things be exactly right

(noun) someone who insists on something
Example Sentence
  • a stickler for promptness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stickler

read it as STICK-LER, i.e one who sticks to a set of rules, a PERFECTIONIST.

STICKler is one who always has a stick in his hands. Such people are STRICT DISPLINARIANS.

sounds same as Hitler who was strict in maintaining discipline

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a person who sticks to something until he gets it right

A person who gives tick to an consignment is always a perfectionist.


Amir Khan (Perfectionist) had lots of tattoos (stickers) on him in the movie - Ghazni


Short Definition : suppress; extinguish; inhibit; smother or suffocate

(noun) joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee
Synonyms : knee
(verb) conceal or hide
Example Sentence
  • smother a yawn
  • muffle one's anger
  • strangle a yawn
(verb) smother or suppress
Synonyms : dampen
Example Sentence
  • Stifle your curiosity
(verb) impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of
Example Sentence
  • The foul air was slowly suffocating the children
(verb) be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen
Synonyms : asphyxiate suffocate
Example Sentence
  • The child suffocated under the pillow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stifle

stifle is similar to Stifler(American pie series). imagine abt the guy... he used to supress and ditch around his fellow ppl.

rhymes with rifle(a gun). So if you fire a rifle , you need to EXTINGUISH it too.

suppose you are giving an exam and suddenly you've an urge for eating chocolate trifle, but you can't..so you'll have to suppress it..Suppress+TrIFLE = stifle

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good mnemonic by mnm : When you take a rifle with you, you better stifle (conceal, hide) it, else you will be arrested added by

Stifler of American pie couldnt 'suppress' his sex urge.. he ws a very horny guy :)

after choking someone to death the person would become stiff.

+Imajeeth One who ruffles must also stifle.


suppress noise of your rifle = stifle


Short Definition : token of disgrace; brand; V. stigmatize: mark with a stigma; characterize as disgraceful

(noun) the apical end of the style where deposited pollen enters the pistil Definition
(noun) a symbol of disgrace or infamy
Synonyms : brand mark stain
Example Sentence
  • And the Lord set a mark upon Cain
(noun) an external tracheal aperture in a terrestrial arthropod Definition
(noun) a skin lesion that is a diagnostic sign of some disease
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stigma

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Stigma (STICK + MAA) Imagine someone hitting his MAA with a STICK. How disgraceful it will be !!!

Opposite of six sigma which is considered very graceful and good

stigma = sounds like enigma is always disgraceful.

grand ma is always a token of disgrace for mother.

Stigma= ma of stig (from the top gear show). His mother is always ashamed of his son being on TV!


Short Definition : bombastic; stiffly pompous; Ex. stilted rhetoric; CF. stiff: formal

(adj) artificially formal
Example Sentence
  • that artificial humility that her husband hated
  • contrived coyness
  • a stilted letter of acknowledgment
  • when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stilted

The woman wore STILletos to the formal party to artificially increase her height.

Stilt refer to either of those long, slender poles (artificial legs) used to raise or elevate oneself above ground. so stilted concversations are artificial and pretentiosly formal ones.

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stilted - style + tilted - its not a real style but a tilted or contrived one

Stilts are rods on which jokers walk to appear taller.Imagine how such a person would be.He would be stiff as he cant afford falling.

stilted sounds like steal Ted, so when someone steals your Ted (Teddy bear), you give a stilted shout.

when you are stilted you are still and tilted

Stilted~Chill+ted;suppose that TED(a common name) is a normal guy but he wants to appear cool(derive from chill), modern,like dude etc...so his manner would be bombastic (affected) and pompous...full dikhava,ostentatiousness !

if u r titled, you ae obviously uneasy

imagine a drunk man when he is bombastic he musta be tilted.

Chill-->TED-->Cool-->derived from chill-->affected--> pompous--> and Finally Pretentious? Ostentatious? GOsh!!

In stiletto 'stil' refers to artificial elevation so stilt means artificial elevation in voice.

tilted >>> a tilted pose is not actually a natural pose, its actually an ARTIFICIAL pose taken for some photograph or something..


Short Definition : stench; V: emit a strong foul odor

(noun) a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant Definition
(verb) be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance
Example Sentence
  • This term paper stinks!
(verb) smell badly and offensively
Synonyms : reek
Example Sentence
  • The building reeks of smoke
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