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Short Definition : below the threshold of conscious perception; Ex. subliminal advertisement

(adj) below the threshold of conscious perception
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subliminal

sub means smaller. liminal (minimal) is pertaining to limit. <br> smaller than a limit.

focus on word sub( the word sub means something which is of lower level than waht you expect.

lime has wonderfull quality that affects u deeply. thus sublime affects u deeply


Short Definition : place under water; dip; go under water; cover completely (as with water); Ex. submerged in work

(verb) sink below the surface; go under or as if under water
Synonyms : submerse
(verb) cover completely or make imperceptible
Synonyms : drown overwhelm
Example Sentence
  • I was drowned in work
  • The noise drowned out her speech
(verb) put under water
Synonyms : submerse
Example Sentence
  • submerge your head completely
(verb) fill or cover completely, usually with water
Synonyms : deluge inundate


Short Definition : willing to obey orders; yielding; timid

(adj) inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination
Example Sentence
  • submissive servants
  • a submissive reply
  • replacing troublemakers with more submissive people
(adj) abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant
Synonyms : slavish subservient
Example Sentence
  • slavish devotion to her job ruled her life
  • a slavish yes-man to the party bosses
  • she has become submissive and subservient
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for submissive

one who easily "submits" himself in front of some difficulty is submissive...


Short Definition : occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive; N. V: put in a lower rank or class

(noun) an assistant subject to the authority or control of another Definition
(noun) a word that is more specific than a given word Definition
(verb) rank or order as less important or consider of less value
Example Sentence
  • Art is sometimes subordinated to Science in these schools
(verb) make subordinate, dependent, or subservient
Synonyms : subdue
Example Sentence
  • Our wishes have to be subordinated to that of our ruler
(adj) lower in rank or importance
Synonyms : low-level
(adj) subject or submissive to authority or the control of another
Example Sentence
  • a subordinate kingdom
(adj) (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence
Synonyms : dependent
Example Sentence
  • a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence


Short Definition : persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury); N. subornation

(verb) incite to commit a crime or an evil deed
Example Sentence
  • He suborned his butler to cover up the murder of his wife
(verb) procure (false testimony or perjury) Definition
(verb) induce to commit perjury or give false testimony
Example Sentence
  • The President tried to suborn false witnesses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suborn

sub+porn = to force someone to see porn is unlawful

break it as SU+BORN.change born to burn (Sanskrit) su(meaning good) + (English) burn i.e., burn good (truth).i.e., order someone to burn the truth i.e., tell lies.

sex determination of child in womb is unlawful.. but people try to persuade doctors to do it asking SU(what in gujju) born ?? :/

SUBORN=SUB(sab in hindi)+ORN(ornaments) ... all pple not having enuf pay wear ornaments taking bribe or similar stuff... ALITER: SAB witness ko ORNaments distribute karna as bribe..

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in the movie BOURNE IDENTITY. The CIA suborns Jason Bourne to be an assassin.

suborn sounds like sworn..so it's the opposite of sworn i.e perjury which is making false statements under oath.

suborn == sub + orn , suburbs people are easily persuaded to act unlawfully to get ornaments.

latin sub- "secretly" ornare "equip" . Ganster equipped your home completely when you lied in court

consider a mother's child was stolen from her at his birth. the nurse is asked to suborn by the rascal who stole him from her :(

Terrorist Organizations PERSUADE its militants by telling them"U are BORN for our nation" go fight fot it.

Suborn is giving bribe..its usually the stubborn ppl who don't do the work and we may hav to SUBORN(bribe) dem to get our work done

suborn;show ornate things and induce subordinate into commiting crime.

Real history of word: SUBORN = SUB + ORN SUB = lower ORN = ornaments lower some one by giving arguments so to induce them to do some false.

su + born ~my friend sushant is known for lying especially under oath (perjury)


Short Definition : writ(written command issued by a court) summoning a witness to appear in court; V: summon with a subpoena

(noun) a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court Definition
(verb) serve or summon with a subpoena
Example Sentence
  • The witness and her records were subpoenaed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subpoena

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Its pretty simple... read it as COURT MEIN "SABOOT POST KARNA"!!!

ounds like SAB+ P + HEY NA ?? Here 'P' stands for PRESENT. So court issues a writ confirming SAB P(resent) Hey Na?? if not they have to pay fine. Smile

"Sub + poena" in Latin means "under penalty" The person who's under penalty is required to attend the court hearing. So he's issued a subpoena.

sab ko aana hai

remember the word "sub court" ..

subpoena = I everybody drunken, i.e ur asked a a witness.


Short Definition : following in time or order; later

(adj) following in time or order
Example Sentence
  • subsequent developments
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subsequent

Sub means lower so subsequent means lower in queue.


Short Definition : behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious; subordinate; N. subservience

(adj) compliant and obedient to authority
Example Sentence
  • editors and journalists who express opinions in print that are opposed to the interests of the rich are dismissed and replaced by subservient ones
(adj) serving or acting as a means or aid
Example Sentence
  • instrumental in solving the crime
(adj) abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant
Synonyms : slavish submissive
Example Sentence
  • slavish devotion to her job ruled her life
  • a slavish yes-man to the party bosses
  • she has become submissive and subservient
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subservient

sub+servient..servient sounds like servent.....a servent is a slave or one who is low in rank or position so subordinate..........

SAB KA SERVANT....subservient.....i.e prepared to obey others unquestioningly.......

sub+servient...so remember it as 'serving' as a 'sub'. Sub means below par or dignity, therefore the meaning goes as "behaving like a slave".


Short Definition : sink to a lower level; settle down; sink to the bottom (as a sediment); descend; grow quiet; become less; moderate; abate

(verb) wear off or die down
Synonyms : lessen
Example Sentence
  • The pain subsided
(verb) sink to a lower level or form a depression
Example Sentence
  • the valleys subside
(verb) sink down or precipitate
Synonyms : settle
Example Sentence
  • the mud subsides when the waters become calm
(verb) descend into or as if into some soft substance or place
Synonyms : sink
Example Sentence
  • He sank into bed
  • She subsided into the chair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subside

imagine there is a violent mob.the police comes to make them settle down.there first dialogue to the mob will be SUB SIDE ho..

sub pange se side le lena,ie: become less active or intense

compare with subsidy which means reduces


Short Definition : serving to assist; subordinate; secondary; of a subsidy; N.

(noun) an assistant subject to the authority or control of another Definition
(noun) a company that is completely controlled by another company
Synonyms : subsidiary company
(adj) functioning in a supporting capacity
Example Sentence
  • the main library and its auxiliary branches
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