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    billow - Dictionary definition and meaning for word billow

    (noun) a large sea wave
    Synonyms : surge
    (verb) rise up as if in waves
    Synonyms : wallow
    Example Sentence
    • smoke billowed up into the sky
    (verb) move with great difficulty
    Example Sentence
    • The soldiers billowed across the muddy riverbed
    (verb) rise and move, as in waves or billows
    Synonyms : heave , surge
    Example Sentence
    • The army surged forward
    (verb) become inflated
    Synonyms : balloon , inflate
    Example Sentence
    • The sails ballooned
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for billow

A PILLOW could be swelling with cotton

see B(il)LOW...blow is to swell

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Billow sounds like Pillow.Some pillows are inflated by air

Billow sounds like pillow which is swollen.

below (billow) you i.e.. below the earth is a great surge or swell of magma or lava

pillow SWELLS with cotton

Billow sounds like blow(er) which gives hot air (smoke)

BILLOw : Billo Rani in the song was all swelling in air

billow ---> below : a large wave will take any ship below

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