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Short Definition : suitable; to the point; relevant

(adj) having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand
Example Sentence
  • a list of articles pertinent to the discussion
  • remarks that were to the point
(adj) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
Synonyms : apposite apt
Example Sentence
  • the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images
  • an apt reply
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pertinent

relate to pertaining....which means relevant to

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can brake into pert(read like part)+in it. to take part in. it(something) must be suitable.

party in a tent is suitable

pertinant sounds like relevant

relate it to tenant.a particular tenant wid whom u ca share a good rapport is d one most suited to give your house on rent.

PER(perk)+TINE(tiny)+NT(not)....TINY PERKS are not SUITABLE.

The parts(pert) in(in) ent(ear,nose,teeth) is always important


Short Definition : disturb greatly

(verb) disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
Example Sentence
  • She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill
(verb) disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom
Example Sentence
  • The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion
(verb) cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull
Example Sentence
  • The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet
(verb) throw into great confusion or disorder
Example Sentence
  • Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perturb

perturb sounds like "disturb"

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TUB== in a washing tub you mix washing powder and agiate the water.

per+turb = pertaining turbulance

per-turbe ~ per-disturbe. disturb means disturb normally and perturbe means disturb greatly



Short Definition : read through with care; N. perusal

(verb) examine or consider with attention and in detail
Example Sentence
  • Please peruse this report at your leisure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peruse

when you are PER(..pertaining) to USE some device.. u first READ the MANUAL with CARE before testing the device..

Per = Parh in Hindi(=Read) Use= Use in Hindi (That). So Read That with Care..

The hotel manager says 'read it carefully' it is written there charge per plate 'per user' [peruse]. so you cant share the food, you have to take your own plate.

Examine the instructions carefully PRior to USE.

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: per+use – peripheral+use—before using a PERipheral, we have to EXAMINE CAREFULLY the user manual

peruse can be split as.. pre(per)+use. pre means before . so before use always read with care


Short Definition : spread throughout; V. pervade: (of smells, ideas, feelings) spread throughout; charge; permeate

(adj) spreading or spread throughout
Example Sentence
  • armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations
  • the pervasive odor of garlic
  • an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pervasive

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look the word carefully..PERVASI+VE....and doesn't it sound like PRAVASI BHARTIYA DIVAS.....an initiative by the Indian government to attract NON RESIDENT INDIANS who are SPREAD WIDELY ACROSS THE WORLD........

perva(means festival in hindi) festivals are spread thorughout

sounds like persuasive, if u are persuasive youre ideas will be pervasive

(per)+(vas)ive.here per:throughout and vas:to go so to go or spread every where..

Sounds like ""Param Shiv" so god is spread throughout...

pervasive sounds like expansive

pervasive sounds like per+massive n massive includes large area - spread throughout

pervasive is similar in meaning to IN-vasive

"That pearl you chucked at the poor vase has left a crack in it; now the water is apt to spread through all the cracks and leak everywhere!"

but basically this word is taken from pervādere means to pass through, which when splited means per-- through + vādere --to go, walk...so go or walk throughly..means go and walk in whole world..spread..throughly.....

a PERVert is the one who watches secretly , PERVS are present everywhere these days


Short Definition : purposely continuing to do something wrong; stubbornly wrongheaded; perverted; directed away from what is right; wicked and unacceptable; Ex. perverse satisfaction; Ex. Hannibal Lecter in a perverse m

(adj) marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict
Example Sentence
  • took perverse satisfaction in foiling her plans
(adj) resistant to guidance or discipline
Example Sentence
  • Mary Mary quite contrary
  • an obstinate child with a violent temper
  • a perverse mood
  • wayward behavior
(adj) deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good
Example Sentence
  • depraved criminals
  • a perverted sense of loyalty
  • the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perverse

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if we remove letter "p" and if we only concenterate on the rverse-this sounds simillar to reverse- which is nothing but leading to opposite path which is not acceptable in society.

Can be related to Pervez Musharaff... who was stubbornly wrongheaded; perverted, directed away from what is right; wicked and unacceptable..

perverts are perverse

the question of PERVERSH (in hindi)(the moralgrowth of a person) comes into picture when he is wrongheaded

persons ni varusa(line) lo kurchopedithey,vallukavalani malli malli wrong chesi pakkakostharu

perverse = power + reverse; Reverse power flowing that is bad for equipment like eddy current.


Short Definition : corruption; turning from right to wrong

(noun) a curve that reverses the direction of something
Example Sentence
  • the tendrils of the plant exhibited perversion
  • perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords
(noun) an aberrant sexual practice
Synonyms : sexual perversion
(noun) the action of perverting something (turning it to a wrong use)
Example Sentence
  • it was a perversion of justice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perversion

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perfect version of getting money is corruption

sounds like PARIVARTAN from right to wrong (turning to wrong use)

perversion can be rhymed with diversion..i.e diversion from right to wrong

perversion rimes with conversion: from good to bad.

perversion rimes with conversion: from good to bad.

perversion= per means every, version is version. Every version same kind of difficulty or corruption comes with the product or software.


Short Definition : corrupt; turn from right to wrong; misuse; Ex. perverted sexual desire/scientific knowledge; N: person whose sexual behavior is not natural

(noun) a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior Definition
(verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
Example Sentence
  • debauch the young people with wine and women
  • Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
  • Do school counselors subvert young children?
  • corrupt the morals
(verb) practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive
Example Sentence
  • Don't twist my words
(verb) change the inherent purpose or function of something
Synonyms : abuse misuse
Example Sentence
  • Don't abuse the system
  • The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pervert

"(per)vert" sounds like "(di)vert". so diverting from norms.

vert means to turn.....so per+vert=turning from wright to wrong

Parivartan karna (for misuse, or corruption)


Short Definition : belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess; tendency to take the gloomiest possible view of a situation; ADJ. pessimistic

(noun) the feeling that things will turn out badly Definition
(noun) a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pessimism

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opposite of OPTIMISM

pessimist,everyone knows who a pessimist is..a pessimist always has the feeling that bad things will happen and that it will not be successful; the tendency to have this feeling


Short Definition : tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar

(noun) machine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing ores
Synonyms : stamp
(noun) a heavy tool of stone or iron (usually with a flat base and a handle) that is used to grind and mix material (as grain or drugs or pigments) against a slab of stone
Synonyms : muller pounder
(noun) a club-shaped hand tool for grinding and mixing substances in a mortar Definition
(verb) grind, mash or pulverize in a mortar
Example Sentence
  • pestle the garlic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pestle

Pestle to grind and then form paste.

this tool takes something as input and grinds it down and says PASTE + LEY (PASTLE)....

piso aur jyada piso.pestle aur pestle

pest is an insect the moment u see one u get a feeling to crush it coz it does some harm u grind it to pieces with a club shaped mortar

A mortar and a pestle are used for grinding something.

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snds like pistol.... pistol-used to crush smeone; pestle-used to crush smething in bowl

sounds like paste all…to paste all we hav to use grind things which is done using pestel..


Short Definition : turn to stone; cause to become stonelike; stun or paralyze

(verb) cause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned
Example Sentence
  • The horror petrified his feelings
  • Fear petrified her thinking
(verb) change into stone
Synonyms : lapidify
Example Sentence
  • the wood petrified with time
(verb) make rigid and set into a conventional pattern
Synonyms : ossify rigidify
Example Sentence
  • rigidify the training schedule
  • ossified teaching methods
  • slogans petrify our thinking
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for petrify

sounds like PATHARify (hindi pathar-stone)hence, the word.

killing a pet with a riffle (by being STONE hearted)

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petrify sounds like stupefy remember harrypotter

patri(stone)..the disease of stone in hindi is called PATRI which is nothing but a stone

petIFY -> ossIFY

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