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Short Definition : striking one object against another sharply; Ex. percussion instrument; N: striking together of two bodies; sound caused by percussion

(noun) the act of playing a percussion instrument Definition
(noun) the act of exploding a percussion cap Definition
(noun) the section of a band or orchestra that plays percussion instruments Definition
(noun) tapping a part of the body for diagnostic purposes
Synonyms : pleximetry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for percussion

Percussion,remove perc from the word, and add f in the front, it becomes fusion , in a fusion reaction, one atom strikes another and the reaction continues ...

percussion=per++cushion..as your brother stole your perk ..you striked him sharply with cushion which is full of explosive material

percussion rhymes with concussion.. which happens when the head strikes hardly with something..

percussion has very bad repercussions(results)

(Sound Like) Collision means Striking of two object


Short Definition : damnation; complete ruin; hell

(noun) (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment
Example Sentence
  • Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
  • a demon from the depths of the pit
  • Hell is paved with good intentions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perdition

It sounds like partition.. So Relate perdition to Partition of India in 1947 due to which several families were completely ruined.

'PERpectual adDIcTION' ;i.e; never ending addiction leads to ruin ultimately.

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There was a movie named Road to Perdition, if someone has seen it he can very well relate to this word

PER-Completely + DI-DIe => Perdition - Completely Die

If someone has listened to the song ghost of perdition by the band Opeth, he/she can easily relate to it.

perdition can be relate with pardon, no pardon for the people who commit sins in the earth.


Short Definition : journey; V. peregrinate

(noun) traveling or wandering around
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peregrination

remove 1st 3 letter egrination sounds like migration, which means the same

its like a piligrimage, which means going on a tour.

per=person and grination=go out of nation. i.e. a person travelling abroad

prepared to go to different nations

per(a person)+egri(every)+nation=a person travelling to every nation

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going to a destination........peregrination.

pair+grind+nation---pura nation ghumke pair grind ho gaye hain......

if u r a sadhu, u will go on per (PER) thru the green (grin) nation (nation)


Short Definition : demanding and leaving no choice; imperative; Ex. peremptory decree/knock

(adj) offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power
Example Sentence
  • an autocratic person
  • autocratic behavior
  • a bossy way of ordering others around
  • a rather aggressive and dominating character
  • managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way
  • a swaggering peremptory manner
(adj) not allowing contradiction or refusal
Example Sentence
  • spoke in peremptory tones
  • peremptory commands
(adj) putting an end to all debate or action
Example Sentence
  • a peremptory decree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peremptory

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Remember it with pre-empty, i.e something which is already empty, needs to be filled, it demands...

wat param=god says has to be obeyed without questioning.( read the word with sentance frm some other source online only then ull get the meaning of the word which implies other mnemonics given here are worng check out cambridge ad

Opposite to PRIMARY...So it's FINAL !!

Peremptory -- Permanently empty or Imagine some one demending 'Param' super computer from Indian territory leaving us no choice

Preemptive strikes by the U.S. are peremptory. (They can't be challenged by any other country.)

Sounds like Preempt. Preempt means to prioritize oneself. Forestall oneself.

Per+Empty..ne Per enti ra?..(wats ur name)..its kinda intimidating...

empty vessels sonds the most.... so in order to make him silent you need to fire peremptory commands...

peremptory can be related to pre empt which means forcefully ending before completion.here it means expecting it to be obeyed immediately.Both have similar tone.

Opposite to PRIMARY.... So, it means FINAL !!!

sounds like am(em) authority(ptory) i.e I am the authority and you will have to do what I say

Remember the word preemption

~ preempt ory

perem sounds like parent.so parent always think that their children should obey them immediately without question.


Short Definition : something long-lasting; perennial plant; ADJ: lasting through the year or many years; lasting for a long time; enduring

(noun) (botany) a plant lasting for three seasons or more Definition
(adj) lasting three seasons or more
Example Sentence
  • the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant
(adj) lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal
Example Sentence
  • perennial happiness
(adj) recurring again and again
Synonyms : recurrent repeated
Example Sentence
  • perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perennial

if you remember we have learnt about perennial rivers in social studies which means LONG LASTING rivers

sounds like PURANI(old)...purani things are perennial

Per is the prefix of " through", Ennial is the root word of year -->perennial means ' through out the year.'

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per annual

perennial sounds like "parential" which is long lasting from history

Discover the word <b>"PERU"</b> ( a country from South America). U may need long time to be there.

Hindi: you can make pari neel, means neel pari, which is a fairy is immortal or lives very long.

My parental units call me repeatedly throughout the year.

perennial -seems like the renal system which last for the life long period , so perennial rivers means long lasting rivers for years

Parennial = Purana (Old) + Wall => Long Lasting


Short Definition : treacherous; disloyal; N. perfidy: treachery

(adj) tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans
Synonyms : punic treacherous
Example Sentence
  • Punic faith
  • the perfidious Judas
  • the fiercest and most treacherous of foes
  • treacherous intrigues
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perfidious

per+FID+ious.. FID stands for fidelity.. i.e. loyalty.. hence perfidious is its opposite

perfidious --- perfume relate to perfume which reminds us of a beautiful lady who could be disloyal to you

perfidious.....imagine a guy who applies PERFume as well as DIOdrant....so he is disloyal to one of them......

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PERFidious - Perforate. PerFIDious - Feed. Jis thali me khaya, usi me ched kia (= treacherous; disloyal).

Perfidious servant ne poisonous barfi di..

Perfidious:"PERFect IDIOt",here lets us use idiot as a -ve word,Hence u had a lover who is PerfectIdiot(Perfidious Lover)so he is deceitful,untrustworthy,...willing to betray ones thrust.....

perfidious = per-'destruction' + fid'faith' => destroy the faith ~ betray

us per fida sab koi hai cuz she is disloyal

per(a guy) fir( again) ditched us..... a disloyal person


Short Definition : pierce; put a hole through

(verb) make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation
Synonyms : punch
Example Sentence
  • perforate the sheets of paper
(verb) pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance
Synonyms : penetrate
Example Sentence
  • The bullet penetrated her chest
(adj) having a hole cut through
Example Sentence
  • pierced ears
  • a perforated eardrum
  • a punctured balloon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perforate

visualize this - water flowing through a pipe at a perfect rate. or perfrate, but WTF theres an O in the middle?

Pierce+Fork+Ate.. Pierce the food with fork to eat.

imagina a boxer ..perforate=perfect force at a rate ..then we call its a punch..on a paper ..lly hole appears(pierced)

perfect with an O(like a hole) in middle, perOfect. so not perfect, it has hole.

while PERFORming gun shooting ...bullet PENETRATED in chest with high RATE


Short Definition : done routinely and with little care; superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; Ex. perfunctory kiss

(adj) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
Synonyms : casual cursory passing
Example Sentence
  • a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
  • a passing glance
  • perfunctory courtesy
(adj) as a formality only
Synonyms : pro forma
Example Sentence
  • a one-candidate pro forma election
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perfunctory

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PARAI(other's)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else's factory, you would casually care about it

per+FUNC+tory .. FUNC stands for function i.e. job.. so if you are doing a job quickly just to finish it and not caring enough about it.. doing job superficially.. it is called a perfunctory act..

Perform+hurry....perform in a hurry....perfunctory....

perfunctory has FUNCTionARY who is an official, we all know how officials approach their work.. they lack care, enthusiasm or interest in their work and do it just for formality

Many people think that the PERFect, FUN job would be to make a lot of money but not have to put much effort into the work.

per+FUN+FACTORY so working in the factory is not fun or interesting as you do same thing again and again so LACK INTEREST,U START DOING THINGS SUPERFICIALLY AND U HAVE NO ENTHUSIASM FOR THE WORK.

p+er+funct+ory--- ER(error) in FUNCT(function)—if there is error in function or something, that means IT IS DONE CARELESSLY, DONE CASUALY

Picture a PERSON working a boring job on an assembly line in a FACTORY: a PERson FUNCKTORY

She thought "I'm perfect already, so why do I need to put any effort or care into this project?"

Simply doing the function.

har (hindi every) function in perfunctory manner in this office

per function if you have a specific time limit then you will do it superficially


Short Definition : point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth; CF. apogee

(noun) periapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perigee

it has opposite meaning with APOGEE

moon yahan per essy feel karta hai b'coz it's nearest to the earth


Short Definition : outer boundary; length of the outer boundary; circumference

(noun) the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
Synonyms : border margin
(noun) a line enclosing a plane areas Definition
(noun) the size of something as given by the distance around it
Synonyms : circumference
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