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Short Definition : walking about from place to place (to work); moving; Ex. peripatetic school of philosophy

(noun) a person who walks from place to place Definition
(noun) a follower of Aristotle or an adherent of Aristotelianism Definition
(adj) of or relating to Aristotle or his philosophy
Example Sentence
  • Aristotelean logic
(adj) traveling especially on foot
Synonyms : wayfaring
Example Sentence
  • peripatetic country preachers
  • a poor wayfaring stranger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peripatetic

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peripatetic sounds like par pe tic tic....means wandering on legs.

peri+pat+etic--peri means around, + pat or path means road to walk on, therefore peripatetic means to walk around.

Pronounced as Peri- Pathetic : To Walk (peri) On path in a pathetic way => Keep walking and walking

(peri -> with foot) (patetic -> potato) when u kick a potato with foot it wanders here and there

PED is Latin for foot. It takes a PAIR OF PED to walk the PATH = PAIR OF PED PATH

There used to be one program on NDTV "Walk the Talk". It was Peripatetic interview program

think of your periappa ...he travels from place to place


Short Definition : of a periphery; marginal; outer; of minor importance; not central; Ex. peripheral nerve/interest

(noun) (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer
Example Sentence
  • disk drives and printers are important peripherals
(adj) on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area
Example Sentence
  • Russia's peripheral provinces
  • peripheral suburbs
(adj) related to the key issue but not of central importance
Example Sentence
  • a peripheral interest
  • energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy
  • peripheral issues
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peripheral

Villages on the Periphery of any country are of less importance...i.e peripheral

Computer Peripherals do not come with the motherboard. eg: keyboard, mouse

remind from "periphery" which means at the edge of sth


Short Definition : outside edge especially of a round surface; perimeter; Ex. periphery of the town

(noun) the outside boundary or surface of something
Synonyms : fringe outer boundary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for periphery

PIER-FERRY, takes you along the edge of the shore


Short Definition : false testimony while under oath; V. perjure oneself: testify falsely under oath

(noun) criminal offense of making false statements under oath
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perjury

per(phir)+jury -> jury ke saamne saach batt sy phir jana

Perjury sounds like forgery which is a criminal offense.

jury ke saamne (galat) per (galat) (galat) per (galat) (galat) per (galat)

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purge the correct jur(isdiction) by giving false testimony under oath

abjure-> renounce adjure-> plead conjure-> conspire; magic related; perjure:lie in court

Perjury rhyms with: BADJURY==> BADJURY dare dorogh mige

Perjury sounds like forgery followed by jury -> bad + jury -> false testimony in front of jury or while under oath

POOR-JURY, feel bad for the jury because they were lied to

consider it as PER(person) + JURY . This person is giving wrong statements to jury under oath.

If u have watched GoalMal Returns >> Munni girl frnd of vasoli bhai commits perjury by giving false testymony I was the same girls who enjoyed tht nights with this boy's


Short Definition : that can be permeated; penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through; V. permeate: spread or flow throughout; charge

(adj) allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through
Example Sentence
  • permeable membranes
  • rock that is permeable by water
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for permeable

Just remember permit permission


Short Definition : allowing much freedom; lenient; Ex. permissive society

(adj) not preventive Definition
(adj) granting or inclined or able to grant permission; not strict in discipline
Example Sentence
  • direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive
  • permissive parents
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for permissive

permissive person tends to give permission to everyone...means lenient


Short Definition : very harmful; deadly; very destructive; Ex. pernicious effect/anemia

(adj) exceedingly harmful
Synonyms : baneful deadly pestilent
(adj) working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
Synonyms : insidious subtle
Example Sentence
  • glaucoma is an insidious disease
  • a subtle poison
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pernicious

word can be divided like per+nicious..nicious when pronounced sounds like noxious...so noxious.. ..so something harmful.....

it has root nec/nox..in it....means to harm..so per(PERTAINING TO)+nIC/NEC..MEANS HARM..SOMETHING PERTAINING TO HARM U.

Pernicious sounds like vicious in the end which means very harmful

sounds like perish- something that is very destructive will make you perish

Kitna samjhaya is ladke ko PER ye NI(nahi) CIOUS(serious) hota hai...Its harmful for him

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pernicious:it sounds like punish us..means it punish us..so it is very harmful..

Something pern-icious is vi-cious and can do-you-harm...


<B>Pernicious anemia</B> is a form of anemia that was, for a long time, always extremely harmful and most of the time fatal.

[my GRE book defined this as "extremely harmful; potentially causing death" So my mnemonic is: PERhaps we should not picNIC next to PERN's noxIOUS thread. -- ref. to Anne McCathy's Dragon Series.

Ne +Sus :Negative Sauce,so negative sauce has a harmful effect on our health

PER NIC(nikki)thO US(our) friend hai.how can he b so harmful

pern rhymes with fern which is harmful and can cause death!


Short Definition : conclusion of an oration; perorating; V. perorate: conclude a speech; speak at great length

(noun) a flowery and highly rhetorical oration Definition
(noun) (rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration
Example Sentence
  • he summarized his main points in his peroration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peroration

Per+oration--Part after ORATION = PERORATION, that is the concluding section of an oration.

PER(periphery)+ORATION. It means periphery of an oration i.e edge/conclusion of the oration

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Oration per (par/upar/vishe) bolvu. You can speak on a certain oration only after you have heard it, so it has to be at an end of an oration.


Short Definition : commit an offense; do (something wrong)

(verb) perform an act, usually with a negative connotation
Synonyms : commit pull
Example Sentence
  • perpetrate a crime
  • pull a bank robbery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perpetrate

per+pet+r+ate--person eating pet animal is doing wrong

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divide it as per+pet+rate. Pets are to be loved and they should not be tortured by breeding them in puppy mills and selling them as "per pet rate is 5000" this is a crime.

per + pate + rate -> govt increased the per pate (stomach) rate increased, means rates of everything has been increased, it's a crime in the eyes of us which perpetrate.


Short Definition : everlasting

(adj) continuing forever or indefinitely
Example Sentence
  • the ageless themes of love and revenge
  • eternal truths
  • life everlasting
  • hell's perpetual fires
  • the unending bliss of heaven
(adj) uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
Example Sentence
  • the ceaseless thunder of surf
  • in constant pain
  • night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city
  • the never-ending search for happiness
  • the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy
  • man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation
  • unremitting demands of hunger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perpetual

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rhyme with rituals...rituals are everlasting

Perpetual > per + PETU + al > concentrate on "PETU". We call a person petu when he can eat 'everlastingly' !

its per+pet i.e. per every pet(animal etc.) so tht this can be linked to word as pet will last in every stage of our life i.e. per every stage.

remember TIMEX PERPETUAL calender watch.....we need not set the date after every month or after the leap years.....hope it works

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