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Short Definition : make perpetual; make something last for a long time; preserve from extinction; N. perpetuity

(verb) cause to continue or prevail
Example Sentence
  • perpetuate a myth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perpetuate

PAR PE CHUA (touched feet) - if you touch feet of old ppl they say "may you perpetuate"

once ur addicted to something(e.g smoking,gambling etc) it becomes a perpetuate(CAUSE TO CONTINUE INDEFINITELY) habit.

Same "PETU" funda the one used for perpetual! :D

per pet u ate 1 slap frm ur mom so that she allows the pets to be with you. ie prevail with you. :-)

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sounds like 'Habituate'

to make something PERmanent i PET U as you ATE

remember TIMEX PERPETUAL calender watch.....we need not set the date after every month or after the leap years.....hope it helps .....


Short Definition : continue steadily in spite of difficulties

(verb) be persistent, refuse to stop
Example Sentence
  • he persisted to call me every night
  • The child persisted and kept asking questions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for persevere

persevere=persistent+severe,he is very severely persistent.

per+severe.. sachin tendulkar was severely injured but he still CONTINUED to play the match.


Short Definition : continue in existence; last; continue in a course of action in spite of opposition; Ex. persist in/with something; ADJ. persistent

(verb) continue to exist
Synonyms : die hard endure prevail run
Example Sentence
  • These stories die hard
  • The legend of Elvis endures
(verb) be persistent, refuse to stop
Example Sentence
  • he persisted to call me every night
  • The child persisted and kept asking questions
(verb) stay behind
Synonyms : remain stay
Example Sentence
  • The smell stayed in the room
  • The hostility remained long after they made up


Short Definition : attractive (in personality or appearance)

(adj) (of persons) pleasant in appearance and personality
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for personable

it can be person+able.i.e.person who is able to do something should be attractive.

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per often means to complete or completely.. and sona in punjabi means attractive and beautiful.. hence completely attractive..

PERSONABLE - PERSON + ABLE ...a PERSON who is ABLE to attract is sure to have a good RESONALITY and APPEARANCE.

personable--> persona i.e personality which is attractive.in short, personable is with attractive personality

People have the tendency to make things personal that are personable.


Short Definition : represent (an inanimate object) as a person; be the embodiment or perfect example of; Ex. She is evil/patience personified; N. personification

(verb) invest with or as with a body; give body to
Synonyms : body
(verb) represent, as of a character on stage
Synonyms : be embody
Example Sentence
  • Derek Jacobi was Hamlet
(verb) attribute human qualities to something
Synonyms : personate
Example Sentence
  • The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for personify

person+infy(infosys):infosys recruit only quality people

person+ify--- means to reperest ans a PERSON--


Short Definition : (of someone) having insight; penetrating; astute

(adj) acutely insightful and wise
Synonyms : sagacious sapient
Example Sentence
  • much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument
  • observant and thoughtful, he was given to asking sagacious questions
  • a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators
(adj) mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
Example Sentence
  • too clear-eyed not to see what problems would follow
  • chaos could be prevented only by clear-sighted leadership
  • much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perspicacious


sounds like perspective or perceptive which are related.

per-speak-aces every time she spoke (so insightful that it was like she was serving) aces

per = completely.. and the 2nd part rhymes with inspect.. hence having an insight..

perspicacious: Perspi=precisely ; Cacious=cautious means quick in noticing.

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PURSE-PICK-ASHES:the purse is filled with the ashes of wisdom: from the PURSE one PICKS ASHES of wisdom.

Having a spaCIOUS PERspective that includes fine attention to detail...

When you're curious try clear eyes (ben stein commercial)-WOW

PERSpiCACious: percipitattion+cactus. percipitation is related to water. CACTUS is "WISE" to live widout WATER in deserts

the Athenian Statesman PERICLES was one PERSPICACIOUS dude.

perspi =perspective cacious= cautious perspicacious = cautious in forming a perspective

Your head is a BOOKCASE full of books, and you are PERSPIRING because it is a lot of work carrying that around on your neck. Your head is a PERSPIRING CASE

PERSistent PICA(sso) CIOUS :-| life picasso, that's it.

sounds like REVOLVE . so while revolving.. u move from one place to another.. or "transferring"

Per +Pic +sious=Perfect Peek Of Situation;meaning perfect understanding of situation,so keen mental perception n understanding

pers (PURSE) + picacious (relate to PEEK) : Just looking at a PURSE, without PEEKing inside, she can tell how much money it has . How insightful/penetrating sight !!


Short Definition : clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity

(noun) clarity as a consequence of being perspicuous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perspicuity

per+SPIC+uity.. we know that SPICk and SPAN means to be extremely clean and tidy.. so perspicuity means clearness of expression without ambiguity..

perspicuity-PERfect SPEaking about CU(I)TY relate it


perspicuity ~ SPIC (speck) + uit (wit ; one meaning of wit is knowing,learning ability) ...so...spekless wit ... clear knowledge , freedom from ambiguity !

persPICuity, PIC stands for picture, and picture is worth a thousand words, clear expression.

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cuity = clarity

a cuty must have a clear unambiguous voice to be able to work in a call center

whenever i see that CUITY i start PERSpiring...she is too hot...yes i have decided i am gonna marry her only...NO MORE AMBIGUITY IN MIND regarded this issue........you all r invited to my marriage.....lol...;)

Per+speculate= negative of speculation....speculation means believe with doubt...hence perspicuity means without any doubt

after i see a cuity i vl appoint a PERson to SPI(spy) her.after i gets a clear report on cuity with out ambiguty i vl marry her


Short Definition : (of something) plainly expressed; easy to understand; Ex. perspicuous comments

(adj) (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
Example Sentence
  • writes in a limpid style
  • lucid directions
  • a luculent oration
  • pellucid prose
  • a crystal clear explanation
  • a perspicuous argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perspicuous

not suspicious.. absolutely clear

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perspire + kyu?? no need to perspire for this speech... keep it simple and plain

Perspicacious person has the ability to understand. Perpicuous things can be understood easliy

Many say John speak indistinctly ,but(PER) he SPEAK to US CLEARLY...i.e PERSPICUOUS.

spi persons vl que us for work.i vl explain them clearly and who ever understands it exactly I vl assign the work 4 him

Conspicuous means plainly visible, so perspicuous is clearly visible


Short Definition : (esp. of a girl or young woman) impertinent; forward; trim; jaunty; Ex. pert young miss/hat

(adj) characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
Example Sentence
  • a certain irreverent gaiety and ease of manner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pert

remove the r from pert ....... and it becomes pet...... pets always make you feel exuberant

Pert = Perky


Short Definition : holding tenaciously to an action; stubborn; persistent

(adj) stubbornly unyielding
Example Sentence
  • dogged persistence
  • dour determination
  • the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics
  • a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it
  • men tenacious of opinion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pertinacious

pertinacious = pre(before) + teenage : The age before teenage is where a person shows a childish behaviour and is very stubborn in a negative sense.

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related to "persistent" and "tenacious"


Per+Tin+Acious-"PER" means "As per sth", TIN(teenager) & teenager r determined to achieve without caring others.So determined to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties/opposition

per-tina -cious (par tina nahin manthi ie., stubborn )

PER (every) TINA (people who prefer fish-fishing to eve-fishing may read it as TUNA :D) CI's (sees) OUS - :-P and i won't entertain no argument against it :-P

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