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    prevail - Dictionary definition and meaning for word prevail

    (verb) be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
    Synonyms : dominate , predominate , reign , rule
    Example Sentence
    • Money reigns supreme here
    • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    (verb) be valid, applicable, or true
    Synonyms : hold , obtain
    Example Sentence
    • This theory still holds
    (verb) continue to exist
    Synonyms : die hard , endure , persist , run
    Example Sentence
    • These stories die hard
    • The legend of Elvis endures
    (verb) prove superior
    Synonyms : triumph
    Example Sentence
    • The champion prevailed, though it was a hard fight
    (verb) use persuasion successfully
    Example Sentence
    • He prevailed upon her to visit his parents
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prevail

PROVE+WELL......you prove that you are superior

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PRE(BEFORE) vaIL(WHALES) are going to b extinct in near by future..so we must SPREAD them WIDELY and by doing that we can "GAIN VICTORY"

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