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Short Definition : board on which painter mixes pigments(coloring matters)

(noun) the range of colour characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art
Synonyms : pallet
(noun) board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used
Synonyms : pallet
(noun) one of the rounded armor plates at the armpits of a suit of armor
Synonyms : pallette
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palette

sounds like plate...the plate on which painters mix paints...

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to paint something painter ko sabse pehle lette banani padti hai...so palette

palATE -> roof of the mouth palETTE ->board on which painter mixes pigments palLET -> small,poor bed


Short Definition : parchment or piece of writing material used for second time after original writing has been erased

(noun) a manuscript (usually written on papyrus or parchment) on which more than one text has been written with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palimpsest

sounds like pamphlet , and a palimpsest is a sort of pamphlet .

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limp + sets -> sets of paper that has gone limp due to erasing and rewriting.

you wrote a phone number on your palm and after an hour you wrote address on same palm with previous no. slightly visible...

palm(or phamplet)gone limp by rewriting and rubbing...

my midget PAL was a victim of incest, wait, cross out n and c and change that to iMPSest

Pa(piece)+limp(about to erased or vanished )+set=piece is used for set which is about to erase or vanish


Short Definition : become boring; grow tiresome

(noun) a sudden numbing dread
Synonyms : chill
(noun) burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped Definition
(noun) hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window) Definition
(verb) become less interesting or attractive
Synonyms : dull
(verb) cause to lose courage
Example Sentence
  • dashed by the refusal
(verb) cover with a pall Definition
(verb) cause surfeit through excess though initially pleasing
Synonyms : cloy
Example Sentence
  • Too much spicy food cloyed his appetite
(verb) cause to become flat
Example Sentence
  • pall the beer
(verb) lose sparkle or bouquet
Synonyms : become flat die
Example Sentence
  • wine and beer can pall
(verb) lose strength or effectiveness; become or appear boring, insipid, or tiresome (to)
Example Sentence
  • the course palled on her
(verb) lose interest or become bored with something or somebody
Synonyms : fatigue jade tire weary
Example Sentence
  • I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pall

A Song from Lage Raho Munna Bhai "Pall Pall Pall Pall Har pal Har Pal Kaise katega pal" If you are bored then you say "Kaise Katega Pall Har Pall"

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Appall::- one is appalled by boring things.

pal+l...so your pals are becoming boring day per day.

Alsoe Pale :: as something becomes plae after much use, a jocke beacomes Boring after u have heard it many times. tahts the meaning:: to become less interesting

pall = poll = the thing like indian election poll = boring and tiresome

when modern people listen to Pop Jon PALL's religious speech ,they get bored.

in appall we can see pall that means we get shocked by the news and daunt ourselves

pall -means time and actually time becomes noticeable and lengthy when you are bored


Short Definition : small poor bed; Ex. straw pallet

(noun) the range of colour characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art
Synonyms : palette
(noun) a portable platform for storing or moving goods that are stacked on it Definition
(noun) a hand tool with a flat blade used by potters for mixing and shaping clay Definition
(noun) a mattress filled with straw or a pad made of quilts; used as a bed Definition
(noun) board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used
Synonyms : palette
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pallet

pal(PALANG)+let(LIE DOWN or latena)...read let as"late" in hindi....so you lie on a bed...But the bed is pallid.

Similar to palette. Palette has different colors. A poor bed is made of old clothes and hence is of different colors.

Pall means grow tired. Thus after feeling tired one sleeps on a bed. Thus pallet is a small bed.

How similar pallet with palonko(in bangla means cot). Pallet is not that much aristocratic like palonko rather poor as SMALL BED

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My hamster eats pellets (sounds like pallet) and sleeps on straw ( a poor bed).

remember the movie "PA".the word is pallet.sounds like pa let.in hindi means pa let ja take rest but where,on a bed.but the bed is too poor.


Short Definition : ease pain (without curing); make less severe or offensive (a crime or illness)

(verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
Synonyms : extenuate mitigate
Example Sentence
  • The circumstances extenuate the crime
(verb) provide physical relief, as from pain
Example Sentence
  • This pill will relieve your headaches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palliate

it can be like pale(faint coz of disease)+ate so eating the pain.i.e. reducing it.


palli+ate.I was hungry,had pain in the stomach,so ate some palli(groundnut).It eased the pain but didn't cure it.

a friend = a PAL will ALLEVIATE your pain.

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PALL+I+ATE..ease pain.. PALL means become borin.. u got bored of the pain..fed up of it..so u ATE it..to ease the pain..

pal(friend) + ate(lessen) >>> a friend always LESSEN OUR PAIN when it grows a lot

now here a latin root could help fix few words. Pallere means concealed. cloaked hence something which has become pale . u can find this root in words: palliate: to ease or cloak pain without curing. pall: become pale >less intresting after much


Pall when sick I ate something and i felt better ... same will happen with you.


Short Definition : pale; wan; Ex. pallid complexion

(adj) abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress
Synonyms : pale wan
Example Sentence
  • the pallid face of the invalid
  • her wan face suddenly flushed
(adj) (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble
Synonyms : pale sick wan
Example Sentence
  • the pale light of a half moon
  • a pale sun
  • the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street
  • a pallid sky
  • the pale (or wan) stars
  • the wan light of dawn
(adj) lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness
Synonyms : pale
Example Sentence
  • a pale rendition of the aria
  • pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender
  • a pallid performance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pallid

pallid = pale + lid.(jus take the 1st four letters hence 'pale')

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Pal( marathi word forreptile found in house)+Id....how is Pal? its yellow....

in pallid u can smell the word id.we all know that in id of our clg or office we look so dull and pallid.


Short Definition : conceal in the palm of the hand; palm off: pass off; Ex. palm off some bad oranges onto the lady/the painting as a real Renoir

(noun) the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
Synonyms : thenar
(noun) a linear unit based on the length or width of the human hand Definition
(noun) any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves
Synonyms : palm tree
(noun) an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event Definition
(verb) touch, lift, or hold with the hands
Synonyms : handle
Example Sentence
  • Don't handle the merchandise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palm

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palm off means...to sell with the intention to deceive....so anything we hold in the palm and cover it, it is meant to deceive people.....


Short Definition : tangible; (of something bad) easily perceptible; obvious; Ex. palpable blunder

(adj) capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt
Synonyms : tangible
Example Sentence
  • a barely palpable dust
  • felt sudden anger in a palpable wave
  • the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton
  • a palpable lie
(adj) can be felt by palpation
Example Sentence
  • a palpable tumor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palpable

palpable..divide it like..PALP(SOUNDS LIKE PULP)+ABLE.....after touching the PULP of fruit ITS OBVIOUS THAT every one would be ABLE TO PERCEIVE whether THE FRUIT is fresh or not.

PAL means a close friend....now PALPABLE...means we r able to touch or feel our pal even when he is not present

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palm:: so palpable means sth u can touch by palm.

word is taken from Latin palpare means to stroke in the feeling of love ...so..if someone touch you, it will be PERCEPTIBLE OR TANGIBLE to you whether he is touching you in feeling of love or hatred.

when your girlfriend "PAL" sits on your lap you feel something..

pal pey bal...or pal pey balwaan. if some balwaan was sitting on ure pal, his pain would be tangible to you


Short Definition : throb; beat rapidly; flutter; tremble; Ex. Her heart began to palpitate.

(verb) cause to throb or beat rapidly
Example Sentence
  • Her violent feelings palpitated the young woman's heart
(verb) shake with fast, tremulous movements
Synonyms : quake quiver
Example Sentence
  • His nostrils palpitated
(verb) beat rapidly
Synonyms : flutter
Example Sentence
  • His heart palpitated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for palpitate

palpitate-split it as pal+pit...my pal(frnd) fell on a pit, as a result of which my heart started to BEAT RAPIDLY

palpitate = pulse + agitate.. generally heart beat faster in fear

split it into palpi ->PAAPI and tate ->australian bowler shaun TATE. as tate delivers a ball at a very high pace so the batsman aginst him starts palpitating as of fear.

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palpitation..you may have often heard doctors..cardiologists using this word in case of heart attacks patients..

when my turn came to address the gathering from PULPIT, my heart BEAT IRREGULARLY because of FEAR, or ANXIETY.

PAL(friend/dost) + PIT(mar khana in hindi) gaya so watching him ur heart THROBBED. therefore PALPITATE= THROB or FLUTTER.

kinda sounds like Pulse Per Iteration->Pulse per second->Beating of the heart in each iteration(each heart beat)

How do u create PULP(palp).. by beating wood hardly...

PALPIATE- pulp- he -ate of fruit , good for heart, heart started to THROB after he took pulp, because that gives instant energy

palpitate and sound similar to heartbeated means heart beat.when you get excited ur heart get bea erraticlly.


Short Definition : insignificant; petty; trifling; contemptible; Ex. paltry sum; CF. trash

(adj) not worth considering
Synonyms : negligible trifling
Example Sentence
  • he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost
  • piffling efforts
  • a trifling matter
(adj) contemptibly small in amount
Synonyms : measly miserable
Example Sentence
  • a measly tip
  • the company donated a miserable $100 for flood relief
  • a paltry wage
  • almost depleted his miserable store of dried beans
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paltry

pal means moment in hindi,its very small...so can b neglected when we r wasting hrs on facebook:)

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Relate this word to poultry. If poultry is not kept or stored properly, it will become worthless.

(pal+try)Imagine you are advising your friend "hey pal(close friend), don't try it..it's not worth considering this option"

Pal + Try. Pal means friend. Since you have very less no of pals/friends you keep on trying to make new ones

sounds like POULTRY,that have MISERABLE life

its like this PAL(friend)+try(try).....so it goes like this friend try again u made insignificant effort

PALTRY rhymes with PAUCITY which means dearth scarcity, paltry means insignificant or small in value

PANTRY car of railways provide PALTRY amount of meal as compared to platform caterers for the tantamount of money.

suppose a salesman is trying to persuade to buy sth:"Its really cheap PAL,TRY it!",thus, PALTRY=petty and insignificant amount

paltry sounds like POULTRY which is INSIGNIFICANT for VEGETARIANS

hey PAL(friend)TRYeng to impress her is NOT WORTHY as she is already engaged

chickens are paltry poultry.

POULTRY is worthless as we kill chickens to eat....hence PALTRY sounds like POULTRY....

pal+try = hey pal dont try somethin which is insignificant and trifling

pal (pole) and try(tree)...a pole is very small in comparison to the tree..so paultry- very small value

Hey pal try it man...you tel ur pal to try something because its not all that costly, its petty or of insignificant amt

sounds lyk pantry.. today our pantry has very less snacks

My pals trying to give back borrowed money but he can't cause he's poor.

paltry same sound as party(political party),so nowadays political party are becoming insignificant to the peoples.

read it as "partly" which means "partial" so adha-adhoora kam has no significance in your path success.....

Paltry-remember poultry, poultry is important coz it gives chicken(i like chicken),so paltry is unimportant. poultry - important paltry- unimportant

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