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    insidious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word insidious

    (adj) beguiling but harmful
    Example Sentence
    • insidious pleasures
    (adj) intended to entrap Definition
    (adj) working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
    Synonyms : pernicious , subtle
    Example Sentence
    • glaucoma is an insidious disease
    • a subtle poison
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insidious

insidious= inside+ hideous. think of something terrible, like a disease, hiding inside of the body.

Relate it with inside as in "something inside or hidden " .

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Insidous Remember the sith lord-darth sidious.He was a vile treacherous person. Thus insidious = sly,treacherous

inside but like - ghar ka bhedhi lanka dhaye

insidious rhymes with perfidious which means the same: trecherous

In+sid=in+seed. its an old adage: jo seed andar hi andar bo ta hai. means against harmful

insidious; Inside of us the secret is lying how we have succeed.

in(eenni) side neseyndra - ante vaanni mosam cheyyadam

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