• word of the day


    vitiate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word vitiate

    (verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
    Example Sentence
    • debauch the young people with wine and women
    • Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
    • Do school counselors subvert young children?
    • corrupt the morals
    (verb) make imperfect
    Synonyms : deflower , impair , mar , spoil
    Example Sentence
    • nothing marred her beauty
    (verb) take away the legal force of or render ineffective
    Synonyms : invalidate , void
    Example Sentence
    • invalidate a contract
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vitiate

vitiate is vish + ate, vish in the hindi language means poison..if you make anyone eat poison it's an IMMORAL ACT and the person will be in an IMPERFECT condition.

Sounds like ""mitigate" which means nearly the same.

The "fish he ate" was spoiled and made him sick.

Vitiate is similar to contaminate and they both mean - to spoil, to pollute.

viti+ate = ate away the wits of a person to render him "imperfect"

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vitiate...viti(girl name) ate the cake...and spoiled my party ..so simple

Vitiate: "Wheat" + "Ate" - Noble people do eat wheat because it is eaten by common people hence will make them impure.

vitiate is vish + ate, If someone eat food adulterated by vish(poison) effectiveness of food will be reduced

Vitiate : We ate public money, means to corrupt

vitiate= victimate= corrupted

: vish+ate--- if you ATE VISH, you are SPOILING yourself and IMPAIRING THE QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY of yourself

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