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(noun) an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedition

seidition = said+i+shun he said i will shun u.. reisitance 2 authority

SEDITION or OPPOSITION which are rhyming words refer to words or actions inciting rebellion.

Sedition <-> Petition .. Petition is filed in the court to resist the govt's order to relocate the temple ..

cheddi-son - ur little son is resisting to put on his underwear

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sed(APART)+ITIO(GOING)+N....GOING APART or sepration FROM A LAWFUL AUTHORITY, SHOWS YOUR HOSTILITY TOWARS IT. WHEN WE become hostile toward someone, or when our relation are not good we try to GO APART FROM THOSE PEOPLE...

sedition- rhymes like CHEDI SON -- uske son ne ladki chedi and it is sedition.

When demonstrating against the government, a person is likely to SIT-DOWN as in sit-dish-on.

sedition rymes with edition public keh rahi hai agar writer ne is sex book ka edition nikala to hum virodh karenge

sedition. sed-(said) ition : ignition. he said or spoke in a way that ignited their feelings and forced people to act against the authority..

sediments=rocks => hard(resistant) to authority

sedition = for the addition of the seed the quarrel is going on.

'edition' means to add while '(s)edition' means to oppose or persuade people to oppose.

sedition = Seed + edition. edit of seed which is produce in some one field without showing in govt. register is always anti govt.


(adj) marked by care and persistent effort
Synonyms : assiduous
Example Sentence
  • her assiduous attempts to learn French
  • assiduous research
  • sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedulous

to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course Hardworking ;)

The sedulous young woman received promotion not for her seducing looks but for her sedulous work.

se(SAY) + dulous(dulux).. dulux paints adv. SAY dulux dulux dulux... painting a home is a sedulous task

se+dul+lous...to SEEK knowledge you have to PAY ATTENTION i.e. have to be LESS DULL

se+dullous..sounds like..seek ..dolas(dollars)we should do lot of hardwork..

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SEDULOUS, CAREFULNESS and ASSIDUOUS which are rhyming words, mean, to work with care and effort.

sedulous = For sufficient quantity seed of rice you have to hard work on the field.


(adj) according with custom or propriety
Example Sentence
  • her becoming modesty
  • comely behavior
  • it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money
  • a decent burial
  • seemly behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seemly

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seemly ~ see + homely (hindi: gharelu in positive sense) : see sita is so homely and hence proper or appopriate to be my daughter in law !

SEEMLY is the opposite of SEAMY

seemly= see+my+l == mummy "(see) (my) (l)adki" coz its appropriate & proper for me...

hmmm...seems proper...

SEEMLY or BEAUTY - something that is attractive and appropriate.

See Mili -- Mili is a seemly girl .. Proper and appropriate behavior ..


(verb) be noisy with activity
Synonyms : buzz hum
Example Sentence
  • This office is buzzing with activity
(verb) be in an agitated emotional state
Synonyms : boil
Example Sentence
  • The customer was seething with anger
(verb) foam as if boiling
Example Sentence
  • a seething liquid
(verb) boil vigorously
Synonyms : roll
Example Sentence
  • The liquid was seething
  • The water rolled
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seethe

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SOOTHE if you remember, means, calm/quiet...Seethe is its opposite, meaning, violent.

seethe(SITA)..when ravan took sita to lanka lord ram BOILED and was DISTURBED

break it in to SEE THE --- ur mom say to u to see the water which is boiling

Seethe Sounds like "SEAT" So after a tiring day you catch BUS and there is only one seat empty which is in Ladies reserved section. U sit there and a Young girl comes and tell you to get off !!! You will BOIL !!!

tEETH one showing teeth is very angry

Earlier she was seedhi(hindi) but when she saw the consequences, now she is SEETHE

seethe is like seejh in hindi which means 'to boil'.for eg:pani seejh rtaha hain......

seethe is like seejh in hindi which means 'to boil'.for eg:pani seejh rtaha hain......


(noun) an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading
Synonyms : color colour gloss
Example Sentence
  • he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity
  • he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction
  • the situation soon took on a different color
(noun) an erroneous mental representation
Synonyms : illusion
(noun) picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing
Synonyms : likeness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for semblance

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resemblance should immediately come to your mind and relate the meaning of resemblance to semblance.

sounds like ambulance that gives an outward appearance of emergency, illness and death.

SEMBLANCE is an outward APPEARANCE or form.


(adj) abounding in or given to pompous or aphoristic moralizing
Example Sentence
  • too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation
(adj) concise and full of meaning
Synonyms : pithy
Example Sentence
  • welcomed her pithy comments
  • the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sententious

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Sentence+less - Someone who can concisely explain his views in just a few sentences (less sentences used).

Sententious: think of it as "Sentence + Conscious". Person who is sentence conscious will be terse or brief.

sentence+ious... full sentence in one word.

SENTENTIOUS-> SENTENCE+TENSION. "In a TENSION filled debate, you may only get one SENTENCE in; so, be SENTENTIOUS."

SENTENTIOUS means filled with SENTIMENT(feeling).

sentence+ious... full sentence in one word.

sen ten. sen is sanity/intelligence. ten = 10/10. trying to show off u r 10/10 on intelligence

say so much in one sentence that it is better than a whole story.

Sentencing us to tension with your excessive moralizing - at least you're pithy!

Everyone on the beach was shocked when the local authorities SENTENced US for mixed bathing.

The judge read the sentence with a sententious look


(adj) endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness
Synonyms : animate
Example Sentence
  • the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage
(adj) consciously perceiving
Example Sentence
  • sentient of the intolerable load
  • a boy so sentient of his surroundings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sentient

Sentimental people are sentinent.

Sentient -> SENTI + ENT(Ear Nose Throat) .. Capable of sensation, Aware, Sensitive ..

SENTIENT - conscious, susceptible or responsive to sensation, is sensitive.

when you are senti for someone you are aware(sentient)for her/him

-Able to see or feel things through senses. Sentient = Sen(ses) + ENT (ear,nose,taste)

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(noun) a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sentinel

Sentinel=see at entry.Guard or Sentry.

senti"nel" (SA bowler) gets senti when he bowls a beamer and watches over the batsman so as to prevent a boundry on the next ball in case the batsman gets aggressive.. so he is a sentinel !!

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A SENTINEL is like a CONSTABLE - a soldier posted to keep watch and guard something.

sena at tunnel

sentinel: sent+in+el(elowd/allowed): we employed a watch man/gaurd at my wedding so that only people who has applied SENT will be ALLOWED (EL) IN inside.

sentinal prime : from transformers was keeping guard on the energon


(noun) a chamber that is used as a grave
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sepulcher

it can be broken down into see(p)+ vulture .As vulture is human flesh eating animal will b found near tombs.

Sleep+HULCHAL- place where while sleeping u cant do any hulchul.

a vulture flies near the sepulchre for food...

SEPULCHER and PYRE which are more or less similar in sound, connect to the dead. While a SEPULCHER refers to a tomb (a burial), PYRE refers to the funeral pile which is lit up to cremate a dead body, a tradition prevalent in India

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: SEPULCHER = SHE(se)+PULL(pul)+CHAIR(cher). She pulls chair to attend ghost dinner party in a sepulcher.


(verb) requisition forcibly, as of enemy property
Example Sentence
  • the estate was sequestered
(verb) take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
Example Sentence
  • The FBI seized the drugs
  • The customs agents impounded the illegal shipment
  • The police confiscated the stolen artwork
(verb) undergo sequestration by forming a stable compound with an ion
Example Sentence
  • The cations were sequestered
(verb) keep away from others
Example Sentence
  • He sequestered himself in his study to write a book
(verb) set apart from others
Example Sentence
  • The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sequester

seek + quest - those who seek to find something as a part of a quest have to leave the society or seclude themselves from it.

If I seek rest I would prefer seclusion

Sounds like Silverter, Jab Tweaty ne Silverter ka popat kiya.. To Silverster had to retire from public life.

sequester =see+twister==>when u see twister u "isolate" from ur dwelling place

1st meaning: isolated:a person who quests the sea and lives ther alone<br><br> 2nd meaning : take possesions legally : suppose you lent me money for some land. with that money i buy an island. If m unable to payback u quest my sea

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SYLVESTER stallone has now 'retired from public life' he is 'isolated' from films now

SEQUESTER ~ se (sea) + quester (questions) : He sequestered himself in his science books to find answers to questions related to sea water.

SEclude+QUEST-He SEcluded himself/isolated from family in QUEST of money and power

SEQUESTER or RETIRE - to exclude or ostracize from a society or group.

The adventurous guy went on a SEA-QUEST to find the mythical sea monster .. Being a dangerous journey, he had to journey alone. He find the monster on an ISOLATED and SECLUDED region of the ocean..

He was left SECLUDED and ISOLATED when his property was CONFISCATED

He was set apart from others and was sent on sea quest.

sequester: sequence + star i.e the stars r sited in sequence , isolated from each other

the requester was sequestered and beaten up to death

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