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(noun) (American football) practice play between a football team's squads Definition
(noun) a noisy riotous fight
Synonyms : battle royal melee
(verb) practice playing (a sport)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scrimmage

Scrimmage..it has SCREAM in it..mmage is marriage....if u listen screams from marriage... implies noisy fight

scrimmage is closely pronounced as scribble which is even DISORDER FASHION.

A SCRIMMAGE or a SKIRMISH is a confused struggle.

To SCREAm and fight inside a cAGE.


(noun) a unit of apothecary weight equal to 20 grains Definition
(noun) uneasiness about the fitness of an action
Synonyms : misgiving qualm
(noun) an ethical or moral principle that inhibits action Definition
(verb) hesitate on moral grounds
Example Sentence
  • The man scrupled to perjure himself
(verb) raise scruples
Example Sentence
  • He lied and did not even scruple about it
(verb) have doubts about
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scruple

SCRU(screwed) CoUPLEs(lovers) are willing to escape but have a feeling of hesitation to do it.

Imagine someone asked to PULL a SCREW and u Hesitate because ur not a carpenter

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SCRUPLE -> SCREW + peoPLE...PEOPLE with scruples will not SCREW you.

/Before screwing people we hesitate because morally it is not right

we'll hesitate to PULL a SCREW because it might cause accident to others later

scruple has couple in it.a new couple(spouse) generally hesitate to do things u know of what i am try to say........

They did it without Self-Trouble & Scruple


(adj) having scruples; arising from a sense of right and wrong; principled
Example Sentence
  • less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance
(adj) characterized by extreme care and great effort
Example Sentence
  • conscientious application to the work at hand
  • painstaking research
  • scrupulous attention to details
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scrupulous

it makes u think of sculpture and while building sculpture the worker has to be very careful

to screw a virgin girl....require extreme care plus great effort

SCRUPULOUS or FASTIDIOUS which are rhyming words refer to someone who is very careful, very conscientious.

Scrupulous is derived from scruple. Scruple sounds like trouble and scrupulous sounds like "trouble less". A person who is EXTREMELY THOROUGH is trouble less.

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SCREW+PULL+US -- Mountaineers use screws/pegs (where the rope is tied) to pull the crew up in case anybody slips .. It requires a great deal of effort and thoroughness (question of life and death)

we always hear in movies "Scrupulously killed" >>> which means the murderer has has very carefully killed someone without leaving behind any clue..


(noun) disorderly fighting Definition
(noun) a hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling
Synonyms : dutch hoe scuffle hoe
(noun) an unceremonious and disorganized struggle
Synonyms : scramble
(verb) walk by dragging one's feet
Synonyms : shamble shuffle
Example Sentence
  • he shuffled out of the room
  • We heard his feet shuffling down the hall
(verb) fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters
Synonyms : tussle
Example Sentence
  • the drunken men started to scuffle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scuffle

Rhymes shuffle...u know the rest

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whenever there is a fight you catch your opponent by the "CUFF" and push him down...S-CUFF-LE

struggle confiously

SCUFFLE or TUSSLE which are rhyming words refer to a confused struggle.


(adj) expressing offensive reproach
Synonyms : abusive opprobrious
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scurrilous

You want to scurry away when someone makes scurrilous charges against you.

if any one puts sCURRY(any dish)lous(LESS) u make INDECENT remarks about them

KUDI+LESS- ppl who are kudiless(not having girl in their home) due to shamelessness abuse others.

an Indian Hard core OBSCENE flick is titles CURRY-LUST :) Please Rate!

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sCURRIlous- to abuse and pass obscene comments against Indians is called CURRY-bashing in the UK and australia.

scurrilous means obscene or abusive [s]hadi me usne bahot curi khai isleye logo ne usne scurrilous remark diye

SCURRILOUS is making SCANDULOUS claims, to be humorously insulting.

Scurrilous sounds like hurry(quick) less. People give abusive remarks who is slow in doing work.

SCURRILOUS -> SCOURge(attack) + scandALOUS(disgrace) = to disgrace and attack.

Scurrilous: Scurring/Screwing Scenes are obscene, indecent

CURRY+LOSE (lous): Maggi told in an ad, that Top Ramen Curry noodles contains pig fat, to cause a public outrage, and to harm Top Ramen's reputation.

Rhymes with careless.

scurrilous = for curry he is making obscene words to us.

scurrilous sounds like furious. When you become furious you make scurrilous remarks!


(noun) a condition caused by deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Synonyms : scorbutus
(adj) of the most contemptible kind
Example Sentence
  • abject cowardice
  • a low stunt to pull
  • a low-down sneak
  • his miserable treatment of his family
  • You miserable skunk!
  • a scummy rabble
  • a scurvy trick
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scurvy

SCURVY is a deadly disease. So people suffering from this vitamin c deficiency are low in health.

Scurvy (crooked teeth)is a gums disease which is characterized by excess dental bleeding. If ur freind has excess bleeding as he doesnt brush teeth then u hate him i.e dispicable or contemptible.

From SCURVY the thing comes to my mind is "SuCk URVY", in punjabi and hindi urvy is a vegitabel. Some people hate to see sucking urvy. So u SuCk URVY u are CONTEMPTIBLE.


(noun) container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire
Synonyms : coal scuttle
(noun) an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship
Synonyms : hatchway opening
(verb) to move about or proceed hurriedly
Synonyms : scamper scurry skitter
Example Sentence
  • so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scuttle

s-cut-tle -->if there happens to be a cut in a ship,it will sink..

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scuttle=cutt le,run away from there

scuttle====scurtle===scurt===skirt===it shud always be in sinking position.....otherwise ..........exposing will be there completely

SCUTTLE or HUSTLE which are rhyming words, mean, to move around hastily.

Scuttle <-> Cuttle fish .. Imagine cuttle fish cutting into the ship's bottom and SINKING it ..

think os some shuttle(space shuttle) sinking in water due to its engine failure.....


(noun) an Austrian school of art and architecture parallel to the French art nouveau in the 1890s
Synonyms : sezession
(noun) the withdrawal of eleven southern states from the Union in 1860 which precipitated the American Civil War Definition
(noun) formal separation from an alliance or federation
Synonyms : withdrawal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for secession

Due to recession in US, many WITHDRAWN their business...

Secede is the opposite of "Proceed".

hey think of recession as in secession during which the investments were withdrawn...

SECESSION or RENUNCIATION or RESIGNATION is to withdraw from a membership.

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sounds like 'Cessation' meaning discontinution...

recess-temporary break.. secess-permanent break...

secession(withdraw) = se + cession(yeild) kinda opposite

sector separation


(verb) cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to
Example Sentence
  • The patient must be sedated before the operation
(adj) characterized by dignity and propriety
Synonyms : staid
(adj) dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
Synonyms : grave sober solemn
Example Sentence
  • a grave God-fearing man
  • a quiet sedate nature
  • as sober as a judge
  • a solemn promise
  • the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedate

one should be sedated before his 1st date....

sedate=see+date,as we see dates we find more time so dont get tensed..be calm

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a SEDAn goes without any sound.it is quiet and calm

sedate = seed + ate; The child is crying in hungry as he eaten the seeds of foods now his stomach is full & stopped crying.


(adj) requiring sitting or little activity
Example Sentence
  • forced by illness to lead a sedentary life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedentary

dentary- dentist u require a lot of sitting to make ur teeth healthy

"sed"iment means dust that sits.

sedentary sounds similar to dysentery..whch requires sitting..

SEDENTARY is to be almost STATIONARY because all work is done while you are seated at one place, with very little or no movement at all.

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sedent - sediment

the fat man sat on the car and iy got a DENT

Sounds like "Sit" + "Entry" which is the job of a watchman. Hence his job is requiring sitting.

sedan is a type of car. Spell it as SEDEN-TRY means try a car = ofcourse u'll NEED to SIT in the car to try it. so SEDENTARY = REQUIRE SITTING. :) simple :)

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