ricket is disease caused due to lack of vit D ,bones become weak.....so can collapse...similarly rickety collapsing state
rockets go up Vs rickets fall down.
Wickets always fall down
Definition (noun) fanciful but graceful asymmetric ornamentation in art and architecture that originated in France in the 18th century
Definition (adj) having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation
Example Sentence
an exquisite gilded rococo mirror
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rococo
ro(w)+coco- you arrange and decorate coconuts in a row.
rococo reminds me of Hawaiian ladies with their coconut decoration around the waist and sometimes the neck.
CRUDE-i-mentary. somethin rudimentary is crude and elementary
sound like RUDE+MEN so rude men never developed becoz they are lacking of elementary or fundamental principals.....hope it helps...
rudimentary(rude+mentaring):there is a person who was always rude and people had dislike towards him, after i had started mentoring him,has improved,so now he is in his INITIAL DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE of learning,behaving with manners
if in ROOMS of hostel there is interNET, we will start to think(mull over)
Roaming-at:means ur mind is roaming.
ruminate = roam-in-it. "I just had a wonderful party, but I dont want my mind to roam-in-it for too long, for i have to study for GRE"
my RUMmy ATE my food, u gotta think over what you can do
split it as RUM+I+ATE...si i ate rum and kept PONDERING and BROODING about it
Ruminate and Meditate rhyme.....
RUM+i+ate- so after drinking lots rum and eating most ppl start to ruminate abt there X-gf/bf's
rum+in+ate—when we sin IN RUM(room) alone, we think deeply
rum i ate: u drank rum and ate toasted octopus (which u have to chew over and over again ^^)
ruse: re+ use, in a shop the shopkeeper reused the old goods, which is deceptive
His ruse made the opponents lose the match.
(Tag: hindi) subterfuge: 'sub taraf fuse', if you see electrial fuses everywhere its certainly a misrepresentation, and not the true nature of connections---subterfuge.
r u fuse?ruse..
both are deceptions.Sounds odd though.
Jese Ladkiyan RUSE laga kar ladko ko trick kar ke thagti hain
RUSE(sullen in marathi)....most of the women pretend to be sullen to gain value and hence it's a kind of deceiving...
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