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    decrepit - Dictionary definition and meaning for word decrepit

    (adj) worn and broken down by hard use
    Example Sentence
    • a creaky shack
    • a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape
    • a flea-bitten sofa
    • a run-down neighborhood
    • a woebegone old shack
    (adj) lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
    Synonyms : debile , feeble , infirm , rickety , sapless , weak , weakly
    Example Sentence
    • a feeble old woman
    • her body looked sapless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for decrepit

Decrease in Brad pit's muscular strength made him very weak

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DECRE(decrease..)..and decrease in a capacity of something will lead to BAD AND WEAK condition of a something.

decrepit -- > decre(decrease) + pit (peet means maarna(beat) in hindi). If you beat someone, he/she gets weak.

DE+CRE(creature)+PIT.....the creature that fell into a pit is in it's LAST STAGE OF DECAY after dying.....

Decrepit->decrease strength or weakness to get out of pit

decrease + pit. prolonged usage leads a thing to DECREASE in value or strength so after the things gets wretched we ll throw it in PIT. (garbage pit)

decrepit. A pit(well) which has been decre(deserted) is in old and weak condition. The 2nd meaning as 1st mnemonic

Decre-Decrease in pit-f(p)itness

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