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    rickety - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rickety

    (adj) inclined to shake as from weakness or defect
    Synonyms : shaky , wobbly , wonky
    Example Sentence
    • a rickety table
    • a wobbly chair with shaky legs
    • the ladder felt a little wobbly
    • the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky
    (adj) affected with, suffering from, or characteristic of rickets
    Synonyms : rachitic
    Example Sentence
    • rickety limbs and joints
    • a rachitic patient
    (adj) lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
    Synonyms : debile , decrepit , feeble , infirm , sapless , weak , weakly
    Example Sentence
    • a feeble old woman
    • her body looked sapless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rickety

ricket is disease caused due to lack of vit D ,bones become weak.....so can collapse...similarly rickety collapsing state

rockets go up Vs rickets fall down.

Rickety:Wickety. Wickets always fall down

Word used in video below:
text: oh this is the rickety rackety Bridge
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