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Short Definition : art of effective communication; art of using language effectively and persuasively; style of speaking or writing; grandiloquent language; Ex. political rhetoric; ADJ. rhetorical; CF. rhetorical questi

(noun) using language effectively to please or persuade Definition
(noun) high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation
Example Sentence
  • the grandiosity of his prose
  • an excessive ornateness of language
(noun) loud and confused and empty talk
Example Sentence
  • mere rhetoric
(noun) study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rhetoric

<br> rhetoric = "right oral" skills. If you have the right oral skills, you can communicate well.

RHETORIC is right oral skills with little real sound knowledge

rhetorical questn is a questn which does not expects any ans frm t listener, bt provokes him to think on it just like putting him in words and entangling him.. its an art of communication (in hindi like shabdo ke jaal mein fasana)

rhe(re) tori c(communication)effective hai yar..


Short Definition : marked by vulgar lewd humor; wanton; profane; N. ribaldry: ribald language or joke

(noun) a ribald person; someone who uses vulgar and offensive language Definition
(adj) humorously vulgar
Synonyms : bawdy off-color
Example Sentence
  • bawdy songs
  • off-color jokes
  • ribald language
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ribald

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ribald~bald guy in roadies...raghu...who generally uses ribald,profane,wanton language to ridicule the roadies

riducule "bald" people

R(region where we have curly hairs)+Is+BALD.......your region is bald...isn't it coarsely humorous and offensive????

Ribald,sounds like rival(that to bald)then how u treat them??with ABUSIVE,PROFANE,INDECENT language i.e.MOCKING at them.

his jokes are bald of decency and hence is revolting.. rebald


Calling some one BALD is Vulgar !! how mean!


Short Definition : (of buildings) likely to break or fall apart; of rickets; CF. rickets; CF. vitamin D

(adj) inclined to shake as from weakness or defect
Synonyms : shaky wobbly wonky
Example Sentence
  • a rickety table
  • a wobbly chair with shaky legs
  • the ladder felt a little wobbly
  • the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky
(adj) affected with, suffering from, or characteristic of rickets
Synonyms : rachitic
Example Sentence
  • rickety limbs and joints
  • a rachitic patient
(adj) lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
Example Sentence
  • a feeble old woman
  • her body looked sapless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rickety

ricket is disease caused due to lack of vit D ,bones become weak.....so can collapse...similarly rickety collapsing state

rockets go up Vs rickets fall down.

Rickety:Wickety. Wickets always fall down


Short Definition : pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout; Ex. The gunman riddled the car with bullets; Ex. The whole report is riddled with errors; N. large sieve (separating earth from stone)

(noun) a difficult problem Definition
(noun) a coarse sieve (as for gravel) Definition
(verb) pierce with many holes
Example Sentence
  • The bullets riddled his body
(verb) set a difficult problem or riddle
Example Sentence
  • riddle me a riddle
(verb) separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
Synonyms : screen
(verb) spread or diffuse through
Example Sentence
  • An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration
  • music penetrated the entire building
  • His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks
(verb) speak in riddles Definition
(verb) explain a riddle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for riddle

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If we remember Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets... Harry destroys Tom RIDDLE's diary by PIERCING it.

SIMPLEEEEEEEE...riddle like needle..so piercing..!!

=re+ddle sounds like re-drill.. a drill makes holes

A riddle keeps riddling our mind until we know the answer.

riddle secondry meaning is DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND..well batman's enemy THE RIDDLER schemes were DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND for batman


Short Definition : amendment or clause added to a legislative bill

(noun) a traveler who actively rides an animal (as a horse or camel) Definition
(noun) a clause that is appended to a legislative bill Definition
(noun) a traveler who actively rides a vehicle (as a bicycle or motorcycle) Definition
(noun) a traveler riding in a vehicle (a boat or bus or car or plane or train etc) who is not operating it
Synonyms : passenger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rider

a recent RIDER to the motorcyclist riders act of India is the Helmet Rule is compulsory.

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How to get rid of error=riders(amendmants to a bill)

If a bill has a lot of loop-holes, it must be either removed or it needs another "rider" to go forward.

a person that rides (bicycle, horse, car etc) lol


Short Definition : (of something bad) widespread; abundant; current

(adj) most frequent or common
Example Sentence
  • prevailing winds
(adj) excessively abundant
Synonyms : overabundant plethoric
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rife

rife is like wife...which is common one hence ABUNDANT and PLENTIFUL.

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rife==> rifle which has abundant bullets

rife can be taken as rifle which needs abundant courage to handle it.

rife~ interchange the position of 'e' n 'i'. refi = mohammad rafi(gr8 musician) has a WIDESPREAD popularity here, with ABUNDANT fan following and the CURRENT generation loves him too!

Life: Life is abundant in the universe.

when two friends are in a RIFT, they don't talk. when they are in a RIFE... there is "abundance" of talk

Repeated Wife.U don't need repeated wife hence abundant

sounds like rice..which is in abundance in every part of the world.

having rife(exessively abundant) wives is illegal

rife is close to strife. We see wide-spread strifes currently.

In Lalu land, rifle use was rife, causing great strife to people.

rife: w(r)ife have abundant things to tell their husbands

rife = abundant wife = wrong rife(not abudant) :D


Short Definition : narrow opening in a large mass; break in a friendly relation; Ex. through a rift in the clouds; OP. reconcilation

(noun) a gap between cloud masses
Example Sentence
  • the sun shone through a rift in the clouds
(noun) a narrow fissure in rock Definition
(noun) a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)
Example Sentence
  • they hoped to avoid a break in relations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rift

rhyme is drift(a sound force which drives something along)..a drifted water caused many breaks in the wall.

sounds like cleft; which means split

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riffle create openings

rift sounds like 'lift'. if there is a 'GAP' between two objects, you get better grip to 'lift' the object.

lift doors will rift apart for opening...

There is a RIFT in the LIFT!

The song frm d mvie namaste london (RAFTA RAFTA) is during their sepration... i.e. social n personal sepration.

rift rhymes cleft means split or divided so thts it


Short Definition : arrangement of masts and sails; V: equip (a ship) with rigging; ADJ. rigging: ropes that hold up a ship's sails

(noun) gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise Definition
(noun) a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together Definition
(noun) formation of masts, spars, sails, etc., on a vessel
Synonyms : rigging
(noun) a set of clothing (with accessories)
Synonyms : getup outfit turnout
Example Sentence
  • his getup was exceedingly elegant
(noun) gear used in fishing Definition
(noun) a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses
Synonyms : carriage equipage
(noun) the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme
Synonyms : cheat swindle
Example Sentence
  • that book is a fraud
(verb) arrange the outcome of by means of deceit
Synonyms : set up
Example Sentence
  • rig an election
(verb) manipulate in a fraudulent manner
Synonyms : manipulate
Example Sentence
  • rig prices
(verb) connect or secure to
Example Sentence
  • They rigged the bomb to the ignition
(verb) equip with sails or masts
Synonyms : set set up
Example Sentence
  • rig a ship
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rig

like rigid = fixed so rig = fix

rig~wig ; so that sails doesn't fly away rigs are used, and so that the wig doesn't fly away we shud have something like rig to fix the wig in the head!

rig verb-fix or manipulate like a wig has to be fixed u can remember rig


Short Definition : morally upright; just

(adj) characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice
Example Sentence
  • the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much
(adj) morally justified
Example Sentence
  • righteous indignation


Short Definition : legally correct; Ex. rightful owner

(adj) legally valid
Example Sentence
  • a rightful inheritance
(adj) having a legally established claim
Synonyms : lawful true
Example Sentence
  • the legitimate heir
  • the true and lawful king
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