• word of the day


    bawdy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bawdy

    (noun) lewd or obscene talk or writing
    Synonyms : bawdry
    Example Sentence
    • it was smoking-room bawdry
    • they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy
    (adj) humorously vulgar
    Synonyms : off-color , ribald
    Example Sentence
    • bawdy songs
    • off-color jokes
    • ribald language
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bawdy

Bawdy = Rowdy!

A Female actor showing her body on screen in Indecent and obscene

sounds like body girls showing body in songs it means its vulgar

sound like GAWDY. which means indescent, obscure

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

ball bearing makes a connection between two metal bodies

This word rhymes with brandy After drinking brandy, he started behaving indecently.

Bawdy sounds like “devdy”, it is a movie which is very indecent.

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