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    enigma - Dictionary definition and meaning for word enigma

    (noun) something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
    Synonyms : closed book , mystery , secret
    Example Sentence
    • how it got out is a mystery
    • it remains one of nature's secrets
    (noun) a difficult problem
    Synonyms : brain-teaser , conundrum , riddle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enigma

e(nigma) Consider the word in brackets. Nigma sounds Nagma.nagma's affair is always a mystry and puzzle.

enigma—enigma songs are difficult to understand

enigma songs are enigmatic

enigma sounds like stigma which is a part of flower part of flower always hard to understand JAI SHRI RAM

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Think of a mysterious fairy godmother hidden inside a pig. IN PIG MA.

Enigma...EGG ? REMEMBER EGG..An example of an enigma is the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

enigma..souds like engine....and before JAMES WAT DISCOVERED STEAM ENGINE...THE WORD ENGINE was a puzzle and MYSTERY FOR PEOPLE.

enigma=nigger+maa nigger maa cant explain who the father is as they have many partners before marriage.

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