• word of the day


    permeate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word permeate

    (verb) spread or diffuse through
    Example Sentence
    • An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration
    • music penetrated the entire building
    • His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks
    (verb) pass through
    Synonyms : filter , percolate , sink in
    Example Sentence
    • Water permeates sand easily
    (verb) penetrate mutually or be interlocked
    Synonyms : interpenetrate
    Example Sentence
    • The territories of two married people interpenetrate a lot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for permeate

Permeable means something that can be penetrated (remember permeability in magnetism)... Permeable >> Permeat

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permit+in aloowing inside=to penetrate..

Permeate:permit+in allowing inside=to penetrate.......(or) Per(completely,through)+Mate(mating),so completely mating means penetrating ur Penis in to urs girlfriend/wife pussy.......(|)(like this):P

permeate -> per + me + ate -> perfume + I + hate --> spread or diffuse through

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