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(noun) longing for something past
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nostalgia

nostalgia. sounds like no hostel gia.. so he feels home sick..remembers home

Relate Nostalgic with No+tragic. He is recalling his old days and thinking how his life would have been if there was no tragic plane crash that killed everyone in his family.

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nostalgia-> nose tall as grand ma, homesick, longing for the past


(noun) hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists Definition
(noun) patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nostrum

put RUM in the NOSTrils.....to cure cold.... ? - questionable medicine

key NOSE-DRUM when i took nedicine my nose took the shpa eof drum than i asked myslf was this the right medicine th i took ===="questionable"

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Remember by nostradamus: A mysterious fortune teller (who can cure all the ailments)

NOSTRum : NO STRONG( not a strong medicine)

Nose became like a drum because of this nostrum and the idea to take this medicine for the problem did not succeed.


(noun) the state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality
Synonyms : ill fame
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for notoriety

root word is notorious means mischievous. so "notor" in the word specify defamity..illfame

note(money) became cause of a riot in a city is bad publicity for that city

notoriety -> not to write about sarathi famous story because he is famous for kissing aunty


(noun) a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
Example Sentence
  • without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor
  • don't argue about shades of meaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nuance

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nuance = new + ounce.. and ounce is a very small unit for weight.. hence a very small difference..

Once checking the company with no special nuance after a disaster, the manager proceeds a business conti-nuance plan

nuance=new+anci c(book).....no much difference between old and new editions...

sounds like nuisance. Nuisance is something spoken unrelated to the subject. nuance is much more subtle, it is spoken relevant to the subject but with little difference.

Nuance = Nu + an + ce;A New an ceo is little diffent from


(adj) of no real value
Example Sentence
  • a nugatory law
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nugatory

No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, is worthless.

almost sounds like New+Gay+Tree.which is futile because gays wont have a nice family tree.(NO OFFENSE whatsoever).. (Should be original)

nugat..sounds like NEGLET..and something which can be neglected is ALWAYS WORTHLESS AND FUTILE.

no gate entry = dont let that guy enter the gate as he is no good

Nugatory can be related to negatory or 'negation'..which means nullify or worthless

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it sounds like gutter which is of no use

sounds like nugget - a chunk of something ussually gold, just imagine a worthless piece of gold!

nugatory (hindi)= nuga( nunga ) + tory (tree) = so nunga tree withous any fruits has no value at all

1970's Citizens Band radio slang for "negative" was NEGATORY-Good-Buddy. CB's were replaced by cell phones and now their use is NUGATORY (futile, of no use).

nu=new;gate=gatory...even though a new gate is fixed in the appartment..ppl still use the old one...so the new gate is serving no purpose and is useless...

nugatory-> nuts gated, worthless night


(adj) of or relating to a wedding
Synonyms : bridal spousal
Example Sentence
  • bridal procession
  • nuptial day
  • spousal rites
  • wedding cake
  • marriage vows
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nuptial

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New Tail. For girls, marriage is freedom (a new tail, so to say). For poor guys, its like their tails being cut off.

nuptial = N + U + Pti (husband)+ al ( kal=tomorrow)= if u will do marriage tommorrow N U become husband.

it sounds like guptil cricketer of newzland who married recently

nupital----nainital.hillstation for honeymoon..so could be related to marriage also

nuptial ->nice up bfr all related to marriage ceremony

sounds like navtal tala when a person gets married its like locking him

: new + petal : after marriage your wife will be the new petal of your life


(adj) stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing Definition
(adj) showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings
Synonyms : flint flinty granitic stony
Example Sentence
  • his flinty gaze
  • the child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obdurate

OB+DURA(RELATE IT TO WORD DURABILITY)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn.

OB+DU+RATE realate it as AB(OB) RATE DoUble ho gaya,and the seller was very STUBBORN about that

durate -duration There will be a period(duration) in everyone's life when we will be very obdurate(i.e, stubborn )..

Think "obstinate" which is stubborn

Obdurate - Try reading as "Odd - along - duration" :Means stubborn

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ob = negative durate = through out duration of life


OBstinate DURATion = stubborn over time, persistently stubborn

finance people stubborn to collect the due rate

A person who is OBDURATE is both OBtuse and DURAble.

Obdurate means stubborn or 'harden'. See 'duro' in durability. Also the spell Hermione used to harden the tapestry is 'duro'!

O.B is a tampon brand. So split ob + durability= Ob will absorb all the blood.so long durable



(noun) bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting
Synonyms : bow bowing
(noun) the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person
Synonyms : obedience
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obeisance

divide this word...into .....obei which sounds like obey and+sance which sounds like saints.....and when we obey saints we show them respect.

obeisance rhymes with obey(obedient) sons...so obedient sons alwaya RESPECT their elders

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OBEISANCE sounds similar to OBESE+HENCE,so im obese and hence i have no way but to BOW in front of others

On the lines of preetisoni: remember OBEY-STANCE (position) - the position of Obeying is BOWING!

nuns show obedience to the priest

OBEISANCE sounds like obedience i.e means respect.


(noun) a stone pillar having a rectangular cross section tapering towards a pyramidal top Definition
(noun) a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote
Synonyms : dagger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obelisk

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the character Obelix from Asterix and Obelix carried a huge stone obelisk

oblisk sound like oblique (slanted).... here faces are kept oblique so tht at top tapering ll happen...something like pyramid...

tall structure near white house is an obelisk..

oblique+sky,oblique sides facing the sky ,hope it helps

obelisk - o bell is narrow or tapering end at top.

Do google image search for this word. you will never forget it.


(verb) make obscure or unclear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obfuscate

ob (ab---now) FUSCATE = fuss + create To deliberately create a fuss about an issue to make it hard to understand and hard to understand.

obFUScate-- same as conFUSe

ob(vieously)+fus(fuss).+CATE(CREATE)...protest against the english movie created fuss in theater, as it was unclear to people that the movie will begin or not.

If you can't solve a confusing problem you say "AHH.. FUCK IT" and move on

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Fuse bulb put you in dark now.

a confuse create

OBstruct the VIEWS (fus) from CATE so she becomes confused and distracted.

Etymologically, Latin obfuscare, from ob- + fuscare (“darken”).

O is it a fus(fungus) cake, cause confusion

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