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(adj) not adroit
Example Sentence
  • a maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve
  • a maladroit translation
  • maladroit propaganda
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maladroit

mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(it means skillful ).......and someone who is bad at skills in his known area ,considered a maladroit person

maladroit== mal (bad) + adroit(skillful) therefore maladroit means person having no skill, he musta be clumsy.

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this mnemonic is in hindi....as this word sound like..mala+ad(aaj)+roi+t........mala aaj roi thi because her boss scolded her for not working skillfully and carefully

mala +droit( its a french word for right hand ...)and right hand people are considered as skillful and clever........so mala is droit girl.

ADROIT means skilful but if a person is not skilled he is a MALADROIT.

mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(means skilled) = Not skilled.


(noun) physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
Synonyms : unease uneasiness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malaise

mal(means bad, not good (of condition)+aise(sounds like ease)....and someone who is not at ease is one who is feeling ill

Think of malaria

mal hai tu... always making me uneasy. Mal hai tu!!!

I ate a jar of MAYONNAISE. Now I feel sick.

Malai - se; you go to a function and eat a lot of malai dar things and then u feel uneasiness and vague feeling of ill health!

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Malaise in mind when wearing maile(dirty) se clothes.

Malaise- AALAS aalas lagta hai means dull dul whn some one is feel ill. so malaise = uneasiness or vague feeling of ill health.


(noun) the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar
Synonyms : malaprop
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malapropism

mal (negative) + prop (proper usage) .. improper usage of words

Mrs Malaprop was a very famous character of an english play "The Rivals" where she misuses words, creating a comical effect.


(noun) the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult)
Synonyms : imprecation
Example Sentence
  • he suffered the imprecations of the mob
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malediction

MALEDICTION=MAL+DICTION. MAL means 'evil or ill' and DICTUM is 'saying'. So to say something evil is to CURSE.

male+(edict..sounds simillar to addict)....and imagine a situation where there is only one male in family who earns and if he becomes addicted to all bad habits like gambling,robbery,and alcoholism......he is curse on the family and society

Slang :: To see sheMALE(Chakka's) DICK(penis) is a CURSE for many of us.

living in a male dominated country is like a curse

male+dictionary has curses is in it. similarly, 1) malefactor=male has criminal factor in him 2) malevolent=male is voilent(evil) sry!It was just to remember

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mal(bad)+ediction(addiction)...hence any bad addiction is a CURSE by god..or some1

MAL means evil & DICTION means to speak, thus evil speak = MALEDICTION

Opposite of BENEDICTION (i.e blessing) .....so this MALEDICTION is curse.



(noun) wrongful conduct by a public official
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malfeasance

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Sounds like MAL FEES ANCE What do we mean by it if we say MAL FEES?? Certainly its a bribe. So Malfeasance means officials indulged in taking bribes, a misconduct.

feasance=performance of an act (or feasibility=possible) mal = bad so, overall meaning is "wrong doing" or "possibly wrong"

malfeasance = male+ feast. i.e in the FEAST OF MAN ONLY,they will surely do SOMETHING WRONG.


(noun) someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity
Synonyms : shammer skulker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malingerer

Ma linger= child lingering around her mom to avoid going to school.

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Malinga feigned illness to avoid bowling to Tendulkar

mali+inger(sounds like injure)(p.s MY MALI IS INDER :)))))),.......my mali got injured yesterday while working... so today he is feigning illness and refused to come

'linger' is to hang around, 'malinger' is to skulk and hang around, and 'malingerer' is one who skulks and hangs around.

Players like M.Vijay would rather fake illness than face players like MALINGA

this-tent. This is my tent. It swelled because of the hot steam from the cook inside

linger is to hang around, lingerer is someone that hangs around, malingerer is someone that doesn't like to hang around at work

mal ( disease ) + loiter (wander aimlessly) ... that is you are running away from your duty


(noun) shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs
Synonyms : cuff handcuff handlock
(verb) confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs
Synonyms : cuff handcuff
Example Sentence
  • The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for manacle

manacle sounds like ankle or shackle , so my ankle got trapped therefore restrained from doing something.

sounds like my uncle.. he was a prisoner, who was manacled (handcuffed)

man + nacle = a man was selling nacle(fake) goods. so police has given him the CUFF.

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manacle as noun mean Hathkadi(police walli) ... so hathkadi pahne ke baad i am restrain frm doing anything


man(=hand) + obstACLE = manacle, so..we are restrained if our hands are not free...

Manicure- ladies have it to keep their hands beautiful. Manacle is to tie the hands together.


(verb) free from slavery or servitude
Synonyms : emancipate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for manumit

MAN-U-MIGHT-GO and be free! (In Jessica Lal's case, Manu was the culprit)

manumit ~ man + u + mit (might); man you might go; hence free from slavery

manumit=manu+mit Manu (a boy) reach MIT and now he is free from all bondage

man + omitted

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basicaly it is taken from Latin manumittere,manumit when divide it forms... manus (means..hand (any work is generally done by hand)+ mittere means..to let go, send ..so send somebody without working for u..leting somebody to go without working anythi

manumit=man u mit ie man and u are now mit [(mitra),friends]

Imagine you are cindrella ... and "The man you meet" (The man ~ prince, ur future boy friend) is going to free you from da clutches of your evil aunt

manumit...sounds like (in hindi..MANMIT..WIFE GENERALLY)..and imagine a HUSBAND WHO TREATED HIS WIFE like a slave...SO TODAY HE IS letting her to go, and do what she wants to do...

man+u+mit......man u quit i.e. free from bondage

MANU +MIT = the fottball player playing for MANU got a chance to get admitted at MIT.SO for that MIT ADMINISTRATOR FREED THE PLAYER FROM ALL BONDS OF MANU.

manumit = man + u + might; man you might go.

Man + emit


(noun) someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for martinet

spelling is very similar to martial - so a martinet is martial belligerent

martinet == mar(hit)+ tin (3)+ et (hat), so mar tin hat if you talk again.

martinet could rhyme with matron.. whose job is also to keep discipline..

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Ever since Martin joined the army, he's bcome a strict disciplinarian, a Martinet.

martin was a naughty boy one got stuck in net and became disciplined. Now all villagers call that net of discipline as martinet

sounds like marionette, as in puppets - martinets expect their followers to be disciplined and follow as easy as puppets

You catch a tiny green man with your MARTIAN-NET he then points his mind-control ray-gun at you and commands, in explicit detail, that you to take him to your leader . . which of course you do but your boss is a micro-manager too.

suppose your sport teacher who is very strict said u "if you will not be strict and net me tumhe marunga(means punish)."

in a MART all the things are placed in strict discipline.....so that things can be easily picked up

Martinat is smeone who always insists to go/follow according to the rules.. other wise MARTHI(beat in hindi) NAITHO (orelse)..

martinet:(martin luther king) martin luther king was such a strict person, who demands the people of his kingdom to follow the rules strictly in a discipline manner.

martinee drink is used for slimming up the figure... so one who is very disciplined about her figure, dringks lots of martinee drink, though it may be harmful to health...

mom wraning her child that "marti agar thu net use karetho"


(noun) someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for masochist

mars+own+chest.... one who mars(beats or disfigures) his own chest is a masochist :)

the word was coined after a person named John MASOCH who used to derive pleasure by inflicting pain to himself.....so people like MASOCH were called masochists....and hence masochist means person who enjoys his own pain

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Hit my own chest.

masochist sounds like massagist.....during massage u feel little pain...but also enjoy the pleasure in it....so masochist is a person who enjoys his own pain...

2nd part sounds like cyst. so one enjoys the pain of his own cyst

masochist(mass on chest) my girlfriend has mass on chest ,if i squeeze it she enjoys even it hurts...might be helpful

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