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(verb) secure against future loss, damage, or liability; give security for
Example Sentence
  • This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness
(verb) make amends for; pay compensation for
Example Sentence
  • One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich
  • She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indemnify

look for the word-"demn" which can be connected to "demon"..so what does demon do? it destroys property.. IN(not)+demni+fy= correct what the demon inside you has done..make amends for it.

in(not)+debt+fy.....you pay compensation for the loss they incurred to save them from falling into debt.......


(noun) a state of extreme poverty or destitution
Example Sentence
  • their indigence appalled him
  • a general state of need exists among the homeless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indigence

Indica + Zen (Cars)…Cars owned by poor people. Antonym:"Opulence" which means "Rich" Mnemonic :Opel Astra(Its a car owned by very rich people)

Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen

indigence- indigenous or aboriginal people in most of the countries are passing their days in extreme poverty.

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indigence = india+janta, which is in very poor condition

indigence ... indigestion due to lack of food... poverty...

DIG IN for a six pENCE to give the poor

in(not)+digestion-- poverty striken people who doesnot have food cannot digest.


(adj) poor enough to need help from others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indigent

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indigent == indian + gents (they are mostly poor ,needy due to demands of their wives)..hahahahhha

The first 3 letters of Indigent is I.N.D which can be an acronym for I NEED DOLLARS !!!!

'Indigent' people are bound to eat 'Indige.stible' food due to lack of money.

The INDIA AGENT is a poor man.

see indigence

In+dig+gent : Imagine "In I dig and dig on the ground for food (etc tapioca] of a gent" to relate to being very poor to the extend of digging for food on the ground

The first 3 letters of Indigent is I.N.D which can be an acronym for I NEED DOLLARS !!!!

in-d-igent: One who has INsufficient Dollars to spend is POOR!


(adj) disinclined to work or exertion
Example Sentence
  • faineant kings under whose rule the country languished
  • an indolent hanger-on
  • too lazy to wash the dishes
  • shiftless idle youth
  • slothful employees
  • the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy
(adj) (of tumors, e.g.) slow to heal or develop and usually painless
Example Sentence
  • an indolent ulcer
  • leprosy is an indolent infectious disease
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indolent

indolent - in + dolent => jo dolta nahi hai(hilta nahi hai)

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In India people are lazy for giving rent {indo = india , dent = rent}

IN(negative) DOlent(DO some actions) --- so not doing any action is being lazy

ID(n)OL…IDOL ant is lazy..

u will become DOL[in hindi ..huge] if you are lazy..

indolent sounds like indoor and the person always play indoor games are lazy.

indolent -- ind (indians) + ol (all) + ent (entities) So, All indians are working and creating entities (existing things) without being lazy.

indolent ko do cheezein lend kar do to wo kabhi wapas nhi karega

"Andolan"(Hindi Word meaning protest) - Ye politician bahut hi lazy hai isliye ab muze andolan karna pad raha hai. Ineh baba ramdev ke pas chodna padega


(noun) a chronic drinker
Synonyms : drunk drunkard rummy sot wino
(verb) fill with sublime emotion
Example Sentence
  • The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies
  • He was inebriated by his phenomenal success
(verb) make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
Synonyms : intoxicate soak
(verb) become drunk or drink excessively
Synonyms : hit it up soak souse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inebriate

sounds like IN+eBEER+ate...hence drunken

INEBRIATE sounds like "in beer ate" ~ drink beer and eat food;

inebriate = in + ebr (beer) + i + ate;i.e. i ate beer drunken.


(adj) stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
Synonyms : drunk intoxicated
Example Sentence
  • a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors
  • helplessly inebriated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inebriated

inebriety sounds like celebrity , who always drinks

in+bar+ted ... what can ted do in a bar? drink

In+a+bra+ted Ted(male)in a bra wore bra when drunk..

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In rehab ated...need to send for rehab due to drinking problem



(adj) defying expression or description
Example Sentence
  • indefinable yearnings
  • indescribable beauty
  • ineffable ecstasy
  • inexpressible anguish
  • unspeakable happiness
  • unutterable contempt
  • a thing of untellable splendor
(adj) too sacred to be uttered
Example Sentence
  • the ineffable name of the Deity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ineffable

in+ef+ fable. fable means story. story can be told. in-fable means something which can not be uttered such as the name of Lord Voldemort (from Harry Potter).

IN+ F(eff) + able--You cannot utter the letter F*** everywhere.There are places where it is unutterable.:)

In Eff :In Eiffel tower,you feel great joy to visit it that you can't describe in words

She is an AFFABLE(friendly) but INEFFABLE (cant describe) beauty

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effe sounds like affe (monkey), which stands for something undescribable, taboo, or beyond expression.


(adj) impossible to avoid or evade:
Example Sentence
  • inescapable conclusion
  • an ineluctable destiny
  • an unavoidable accident
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ineluctable

ineluctable -- in +luc(k)+table.. So, a person will be lucky or unlucky in his work on a particular day as per his luck-table, he can't escape from it, it's unavoidable.

Suppose a course is compulsory in a particular semester. So you are unable to 'elect' another course.

IN(not)+ELECTABLE....that cannot be elected....you don't have choice to elect because there is no option hence you cannot escape from it....

ineluctable- in + luck + able - we are not able to avoid the fate anyhow which is in our luck

in + eluctate(=to struggle out, to escape) => inescapabale

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ineluctable-[in-neglectable] unable to neglect

ineLuctable->LucK can't be avoid;not be escaped

indian elections cannot be avoided :P

LUCK - TABLE... You're playing blackjack at a table in a CASINO and your LUCK is so good, that its IRRESISTIBLE to stop playing even though you could lose all of it on one shot.

god has a list of luck table with rows as how lucky and columns as dates. This is called destiny. And Destiny is unavoidable :)

sounds like in means not reluctance not possible to stop.

In (usually shows negation ... Not ) + elu ... Try to relate this to elude - to escape ... In+elu - unable to escape ... Unavoidable


(adj) not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
Example Sentence
  • grim determination
  • grim necessity
  • Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty
  • relentless persecution
  • the stern demands of parenthood
(adj) impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason
Example Sentence
  • he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
  • Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him
  • an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inexorable

in(not)+exhort(means to pressurize):that means a person who is inexorable cant be pressurised;he will not yield

exor is logic gate which changes. so in exorable is that cannot be changed or stopped

inexhorable sounds likein-exhaust.. so a person who never gets exhausted by torturing people.an inhuman(as he is not getting exhausted),showing inhuman traits

Exo bar advert-Cleans even the most unyielding of stains.

Sound like inflexible- inflexible ppl are inexorable

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Imagine a door that is so solid you cannot break it down even by throwing you body against it, so you cannot EXIT. The door is INEXORABLE.

exorable means jo x ka o bana de.. so inexorable means who is adamant and does not yield to making x ka o

sounds like inexporeable... i.e person cant be explored even asking his again and again..

in-x-horrible:doing x(sex) with ur gf/bf continiously/relentlessly is horrible.So inexorable means relentless

INEX sounds like INXS, the music group; ORABLE sounds like horrible. INXS used to be unstoppable until the lead singer did that horrible thing and hanged himself.

inexorable=which cannot be washed with exo(barsoap for utensils) =ziddi dag=adamant

If you doN't EXeRcise you will not be ABLE-bodied and flexible

inexorable sounds like

inexitable i.e. unyielding, determined

inexorable = in + exort(urge). You can't change it. You can't stop it.

sounds like uxorial which means connecte with wife and the behaviour of wife is inexorable :P

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