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(adj) experienced at secondhand
Example Sentence
  • read about mountain climbing and felt vicarious excitement
(adj) occurring in an abnormal part of the body instead of the usual site involved in that function
Example Sentence
  • vicarious menstruation
(adj) suffered or done by one person as a substitute for another
Example Sentence
  • vicarious atonement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vicarious

We do things for the people "we care". We appreciate things that "we care for".

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sounds like VICEROY who is just governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign.

Vicarious and precarious. It is precarious (unsafe) to use a substitute (vicarious) medicine unless the doctor prescribes it.

very curious person keep asking questions and gains experience through these questions(and answers by other)

Vicarious= Vicky and ricky. Vicky made a goal and Ricky felt a vicarious thrill.

vicar-ious: विकार + ious विकार means any (bodily) abnormality in hindi

why(vi)+ carry(cari)+us(ous).Imagine urself saying to someone else why carry us ...take our substitute with you.

vicarious is like " WHY CARE ELSE?"...the answer is to experience their feelings as ours

VICARIOUS...WE(VI)+CARE+about US and sometime, do each others work, by ACTING AS A SUBSTITUTE.

vicars get *** pleasure by going to watch films about sex

vicarious :vi = brother(in bangla), car i(s) ou(r)s, we use brother car as a substituate.

Vicar is a relegious person, Whatever he do, Whatever he say it is done "indirectly".

telugu: vikaram:uneasy feeling.. i get vicarious feeling when i read ur sufferings

we + carious >>> as my friend passed away, i took care of his parents and tried to be like their son(just acted like a substitute)...


(noun) a stock or supply of foods Definition
(noun) a source of materials to nourish the body Definition
(noun) any substance that can be used as food
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for victuals

Sounds like "rituals". Food (victuals) is a major part of any kind of ritual .

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VICTUALS are VITAL for survival.

not actual food, substitute of food


(adj) carefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger
Example Sentence
  • a policy of open-eyed awareness
  • the vigilant eye of the town watch
  • there was a watchful dignity in the room
  • a watchful parent with a toddler in tow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vigilant

VI-gi-LAN-t(vilan): vilan in movies are very WATCHFUL and ALERT of heros activities

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vigil (is to watch carefully)+ ant. One who watches carefully.

In IGI game you have to be very vigilant...i.e. keep a careful watch..hope u r a gamer!!

vigilant : hamara dost vigi [vicky] hamare office ke lan ka vigilant karata hai [care karata hai]

In harry potter mad eye moody always says "CONSTANT VIGILANCE"which means watch carefuly

In VIGILANT some part of it sounds like WHISTLE..so think like this who WHISTLES in the night a GURKA or WATCHMAN who doesn't sleep in the night the are wakeful n cautious

v+igi+lan+t—V(we) at IGI airport have to KEENLY ALERT AND WATCHFUL TO DETECT DANGER at LAN(local area network) of airport to protect it from getting hacked by hackers

Vigilant and prudent have the same sounds and meaning - to be on your guard.

An elephANT is very vigilANT when it comes to mice


(noun) a brief literary description
Synonyms : sketch
(noun) a photograph whose edges shade off gradually Definition
(noun) a small illustrative sketch (as sometimes placed at the beginning of chapters in books)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vignette

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Sounds like "vignesha". At the beginning of every pooja, we make a small "vignesh" idol with turmeric. Similarly, there is a "vignette" before every chapter.

Used a palette in sketching a vignette

MTV roadies vignettes was a program to show l'il bit inside stuff of roadies i.e to give little description


(verb) show to be right by providing justification or proof
Synonyms : justify
Example Sentence
  • vindicate a claim
(verb) maintain, uphold, or defend
Example Sentence
  • vindicate the rights of the citizens
(verb) clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof
Example Sentence
  • You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vindicate

vidicate....split it like vin(WIN) + di(the) + cate(case)....so when you win a case IN a COURT...it means you are freed FROM ACCUSATION AND CHARGES...you are freed from blame.

take it like WIN THE CASE=VINDICATE;and this means you are happy tht you won the case wn you are clear from blame

basically this word is taken from vindicare means to lay claim ..so you lay claim that you have not done anything....so shd be freed from accusation.

Vindicate and authenticate are rhyming words meaning (prove genuineness, the truth).

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win + advocate = vindicate

split as Win + Addicted >>> when someone is win addictive, she/he gives proofs of his innocence anyhow, and finally wins in most cases and gets free from all claims..



(noun) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field Definition
(noun) a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry Definition
(adj) having or revealing supreme mastery or skill
Example Sentence
  • a consummate artist
  • consummate skill
  • a masterful speaker
  • masterful technique
  • a masterly performance of the sonata
  • a virtuoso performance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virtuoso

One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.

virtuoso = picasso who is a SKILLED artist

this is the only barrons word that ends with OSO(OM SHANTI OM)........to produce such a great movie "OSO" Farah K han must have required lots of HIGHLY SKILLED ARTISTS=VIRTUOSO(having lots of VIRTUes)..........:D

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A VITUOSO (skilled artist) is a MAESTRO (master of any art).

it is like virtuosa,it is big software company,i think many body know this

Potential Vars in Swayamvar were asked to display their choosene ki (Sucking) Skills to decide who is the best.


virtuoso ends with osHo.. so osho has wide knowledge. so virtuoso is the person like osho.

virtusa workers are highly skilled musician

continuation of above,in that company only high skilled peapole are taken

a good or admirable quality or property: the virtue of knowingone's weaknesses. One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.


(noun) the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British) Definition
(noun) the appearance conveyed by a person's face
Synonyms : countenance
Example Sentence
  • a pleasant countenance
  • a stern visage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for visage

VISion of AGE. How can you visualise someone's age? By his/her face.

VISA-AGE - your VISA has everything,your photo(FACE), your AGE... all the details.

Visage and mirage - an image

visage..vi(WE)+sage...we consider somebody to b a sage by looking at his FACE N APPEARANCE..

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Nivea "Visage" cream (if u remember the ad)makes your "face" look beautiful.


(verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
Example Sentence
  • debauch the young people with wine and women
  • Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
  • Do school counselors subvert young children?
  • corrupt the morals
(verb) make imperfect
Synonyms : deflower impair mar spoil
Example Sentence
  • nothing marred her beauty
(verb) take away the legal force of or render ineffective
Synonyms : invalidate void
Example Sentence
  • invalidate a contract
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vitiate

vitiate is vish + ate, vish in the hindi language means poison..if you make anyone eat poison it's an IMMORAL ACT and the person will be in an IMPERFECT condition.

Sounds like ""mitigate" which means nearly the same.

The "fish he ate" was spoiled and made him sick.

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Vitiate is similar to contaminate and they both mean - to spoil, to pollute.

viti+ate = ate away the wits of a person to render him "imperfect"

vitiate...viti(girl name) ate the cake...and spoiled my party ..so simple

Vitiate: "Wheat" + "Ate" - Noble people do eat wheat because it is eaten by common people hence will make them impure.

vitiate is vish + ate, If someone eat food adulterated by vish(poison) effectiveness of food will be reduced

Vitiate : We ate public money, means to corrupt

vitiate= victimate= corrupted

: vish+ate--- if you ATE VISH, you are SPOILING yourself and IMPAIRING THE QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY of yourself


(adj) marked by harshly abusive criticism
Synonyms : scathing
Example Sentence
  • his scathing remarks about silly lady novelists
  • her vituperative railing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vituperative

vitu (bite you) + perative (operator) => when you feel so pissed off on a unkind operator, you would say harshy abusive remarks like "I'll bite you operator" :-)

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In older days H2SO4 was called oil of vitriol that is severly bitter and caustic.VITUPERATIVE appears as 'operating' vitriol on someone.Note that vtriolic and VITUPERATIVE have almost similar meaning.

Remember the 'IT' (telephone) operator we always abuse and scold, for the internet connection being so slow

a small boy named Bittu (VITU-) ke upar (-PER-) hative (-[HATIVE) speech barsaana.

vit-operative...operative equals torturous so when 1 tortures using foul language,abusive language,the person is vitu(o)perative

VIT + operative >>> when we went in VIT for admission form filling, the operatives(office staff) there were very rude and were abusing and scolding students.. so we decided on it not to take admission in VIT..

With u(vitu) + per(but) rative(rate)....I will be with you if you take your regular rates....you r saying this to a female calling her a prostitute....kind of vituperative, abusive....

vituperative - abusive scolding will make wife vittu poiru va(leave and go in tamil)

Vituperative and invective (abusive remarks).

It has "VIPER" in it...a viper is a dangerous snake...snakes are harshly abusive in a way !

v+it+u+operative=> we always SCOLD IT(department) OPERATOR(h.o.d)


(adj) evoking lifelike images within the mind
Example Sentence
  • pictorial poetry and prose
  • graphic accounts of battle
  • a lifelike portrait
  • a vivid description
(adj) having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience
Example Sentence
  • a vivid recollection
(adj) having striking color
Synonyms : bright brilliant
Example Sentence
  • bright dress
  • brilliant tapestries
  • a bird with vivid plumage
(adj) (of color) having the highest saturation
Synonyms : intense
Example Sentence
  • vivid green
  • intense blue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vivid

THIS word sound like hindi word VIVIDH, which means DISTINCT.

Vivid is the opposite of languid. Vivid is physical energy, whereas languid is physical inertness (dull).

vivid- imagine in visual about video picture make us bright and lively

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