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Short Definition : (of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real life

(adj) (used especially of art) depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen
Example Sentence
  • representational art
  • representational images
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for representational

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REPRESENTATIONAL - focus on the first part i.e REPRESENT - to be an example of. Therefore representational is a representation of something.


Short Definition : hold back (the natural expression of); restrain; crush; oppress; Ex. repressed child; Ex. repress a laugh/rebellion

(verb) put down by force or intimidation
Example Sentence
  • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
  • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
  • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
(verb) conceal or hide
Example Sentence
  • smother a yawn
  • muffle one's anger
  • strangle a yawn
(verb) put out of one's consciousness
Synonyms : suppress
(verb) block the action of
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repress

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re+press..1st thing that cums to mind wen u hear d word press is pressing the boobs of a gal..wen yo u press them 4 d 2nd time(re) she blocks you..hence repress is to block the feelings or control the feelings..

re+PRESS...crush or impell forcibly not to do a thing

repress X express


Short Definition : postponement or cancelation of a punishment; temporary stay; V: postpone or cancel the punishment of

(noun) a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
Synonyms : respite
(noun) an interruption in the intensity or amount of something Definition
(noun) a warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the execution of the death sentence) Definition
(noun) the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment
Synonyms : respite
(verb) postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution
Synonyms : respite
(verb) relieve temporarily
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprieve

sounds like relieve and means the same

reprieve rhymes with deprive, when you are deprived of energy you will take a break

re+pri(fri)+eve-on d eve of gud FRIday punishment to all d prisoners are postponed or cancelled

uh oh my mnemonic temporarily stayed here and left!!


Short Definition : reprove severely; rebuke; N.

(noun) an act or expression of criticism and censure
Example Sentence
  • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face
(verb) rebuke formally
Synonyms : censure criminate
(verb) censure severely or angrily
Example Sentence
  • The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
  • The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
  • The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprimand

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Rep+rimand(Remand) when police take remand of someone,,they Scold them harshly (Strong rebuke)

mand refers to an order. <br> mandatory => maintained by an order <br> reprimand => reprove by order <br> command => Ask by order <br>

Rape + Remand that means Official rebuke by police

If you keep commanding, bossing on your peers you will be reprimanded someday by them !

Prem->Rape->Remand that means Official remand

After consuming the meal we ate, Amelia rated Its overall quality, saying it might be ameliorated If dusted with imported Parmesan, freshly grated And by having the entrée more attractively plated. JBG 12/27/10


Short Definition : retaliation

(noun) a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprisal

reprisal ~ appraisal ; If you Boss doesn't give you good appraisal (the yearly evaluation based on which salary is incremented) then you should retailiate by actually not performing/working !

His reprehensible deed deserved a reprisal.

re+PRICE+al where we assign some price to every object RETALIATE with its value.

you go ta shop..and u like an item..but it is expensive .so u ask the shp keeper to re price(prise) the item..this time he prices it even high..so u act violently towards him..bcoz he has done sth bad to u...

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Due to your reprisal boss was forced to perform a re appraisal.

re + uprise, fight back.

take a reprisal (revenge)to get apprisal

reprisal = rep + rise + al = repeated rising

reprisal = rep + rise + al = repeated rising or rise again after defeat

REPRISAL re + rise; repeatedly rise.

re+uprise:fight back again.


Short Definition : musical repetition; repeating of a piece of music; repeat performance; recurrent action; Ex. reprise in the finale; Ex. constant reprises

(verb) repeat an earlier theme of a composition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprise


praise good performance... if the performance is repeated we'll praise again, RE-PRISE

rep(repeat) something that had grown,flourished,risen(rise)

"Re" + "Prize" -> Prize Ceremony was repeated because they forgot to photograph the giving of prize.


Short Definition : blame (not angrily but sadly); express disapproval or disappointment; N. ADJ. reproachful

(noun) a mild rebuke or criticism
Example Sentence
  • words of reproach
(noun) disgrace or shame
Example Sentence
  • he brought reproach upon his family
(verb) express criticism towards
Synonyms : upbraid
Example Sentence
  • The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reproach

divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. you ask someone to APPROACH AGAIN & AGAIN since you DISAPPROVE OF HIS WORK..(eg during submissions)

If u see a cockRROACH, u express disapproval!

RE + POACH (killing animals).. Sallu (Salman Khan) is killing Chinkara again and again. You express DISAPPROVAL and DISSAPOINTMENT. He is a total disgrace or shame to INDIA

you REPrimand someone for bringing a ROACH into the house

when you are rejected by a gal., and you approach again and again, she'll disapprove oly. gals are head weighted.

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re(AGAIN..)+proach(..APPROACH).. we APPROACH our project professor AGAIN & AGAIN..to get valuable suggestions so that nobody EXPRESS DISAPPOINTMENT or BLAME our project during project’s presentation

why do u reproach to someone because dey SCOLDED u

somebody is approaching you again and again because he has to blame you

Coach reproach the cricket team for bad performance.

reproach->Approach.If you have approach for a post in MNC,you are not going to be selected.Not only that they will scold you for doing such type of immoral work.

If u appROACH again and again.. He may get DISAPPOINTED.

sounds like re+poaching-poaching means smuggling ie.illegal.....so if u r poaching again and again =>u will be criticised

to repoach would gain reproach (especially if poaching a roach)

A sales REP was criticized when she brought her pet ROACH to the store with her.


Short Definition : morally disapproved person; person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency; CF. disapproved by God ?

(noun) a person without moral scruples
Synonyms : miscreant
(verb) reject (documents) as invalid Definition
(verb) abandon to eternal damnation
Example Sentence
  • God reprobated the unrepenting sinner
(verb) express strong disapproval of
Example Sentence
  • We condemn the racism in South Africa
  • These ideas were reprobated
(adj) deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good
Example Sentence
  • depraved criminals
  • a perverted sense of loyalty
  • the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprobate

reprobate: rep(repeatedly)+rob+ate.. a person who again and again robs other peoples food and eats it up has no moral values.

reprobate is a person who has no probity

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rape+rob+ate...change ate to eat...a person does unscrupulous things like this...hardened in sin..rep-rob-ate

one "reinstated in probation". i.e., morally corrupt person.

rep + pro + bait = he is a repeated "pro" or "professional" in baiting or luring others immorally

re-probate: Even after REpeated PROBATions, he remained a MORALLY CORRUPT PERSON!


Short Definition : severe disapproval; CF. approbation

(noun) rejection by God; the state of being condemned to eternal misery in Hell Definition
(noun) severe disapproval
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprobation

refer to the its opposite word approbation .. which means approval

re + probation when you again and again put something in probation(disapproval) so it mean severe disapproval

just focus on re(means again)+prob..(probe..means to investigate....) so if someone tries to probe into the past affairs which are of no benefit to people .......people starts criticizing such kind of probing

reprobation...split it like reprob+tion.....reprob sounds like REPROVE........think you are reprove of your friends plan.....so you are strongly critizing him....you want to disapporve what he thinks is right......


Short Definition : censure; rebuke; N. reproof

(verb) take to task
Synonyms : admonish
Example Sentence
  • He admonished the child for his bad behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprove

there are two opposites of approve:1.disapprove a2.Reprove.

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re+prove Teacher is scolding student again and again to prove the theorem correct.

i had to reprove the theorom again coz i got 0 marks and got harsh criticism from my teacher

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