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    perverse - Dictionary definition and meaning for word perverse

    (adj) marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict
    Example Sentence
    • took perverse satisfaction in foiling her plans
    (adj) resistant to guidance or discipline
    Synonyms : contrary , obstinate , wayward
    Example Sentence
    • Mary Mary quite contrary
    • an obstinate child with a violent temper
    • a perverse mood
    • wayward behavior
    (adj) deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good
    Synonyms : depraved , perverted , reprobate
    Example Sentence
    • depraved criminals
    • a perverted sense of loyalty
    • the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat
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if we remove letter "p" and if we only concenterate on the rverse-this sounds simillar to reverse- which is nothing but leading to opposite path which is not acceptable in society.

Can be related to Pervez Musharaff... who was stubbornly wrongheaded; perverted, directed away from what is right; wicked and unacceptable..

perverts are perverse

the question of PERVERSH (in hindi)(the moralgrowth of a person) comes into picture when he is wrongheaded

persons ni varusa(line) lo kurchopedithey,vallukavalani malli malli wrong chesi pakkakostharu

perverse = power + reverse; Reverse power flowing that is bad for equipment like eddy current.

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