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    stifle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word stifle

    (noun) joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee
    Synonyms : knee
    (verb) conceal or hide
    Synonyms : muffle , repress , smother , strangle
    Example Sentence
    • smother a yawn
    • muffle one's anger
    • strangle a yawn
    (verb) smother or suppress
    Synonyms : dampen
    Example Sentence
    • Stifle your curiosity
    (verb) impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of
    Synonyms : asphyxiate , choke , suffocate
    Example Sentence
    • The foul air was slowly suffocating the children
    (verb) be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen
    Synonyms : asphyxiate , suffocate
    Example Sentence
    • The child suffocated under the pillow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stifle

stifle is similar to Stifler(American pie series). imagine abt the guy... he used to supress and ditch around his fellow ppl.

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rhymes with rifle(a gun). So if you fire a rifle , you need to EXTINGUISH it too.

suppose you are giving an exam and suddenly you've an urge for eating chocolate trifle, but you can't..so you'll have to suppress it..Suppress+TrIFLE = stifle

good mnemonic by mnm : When you take a rifle with you, you better stifle (conceal, hide) it, else you will be arrested added by

Stifler of American pie couldnt 'suppress' his sex urge.. he ws a very horny guy :)

after choking someone to death the person would become stiff.

+Imajeeth One who ruffles must also stifle.


suppress noise of your rifle = stifle

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